Thursday, February 28, 2013

Deut 3-4 Chaos Swirling Alongside Truth's Anchor

February 28th, Deuteronomy 3-4

       Life takes twists and turns. Great days are followed rain, a trip to the mechanic is followed by everything "coming up roses." Sometimes a string of one of those types of days will get strung together and we end up wondering if there is hope or how life could get any better. In the ebb and flow of life it's important to know that there is something to hang your hat on. If things are going bad God hasn't forsaken me, if things are going well, just wait it'll turn around!!
       This story of God's interaction with humanity certainly reflects our lives. Moments of triumph and  celebration alongside moments of heartache. We see it in people glad to be free from oppressors as well as longing to return to them. We see it in God as he longs to bring His people to this land He promised along with destroying them and starting fresh. Every once in awhile we need to push the reset button and get back to the heart of the matter.
       I love todays verses because it has one of those expressions in it. It sums up the truth that we should remember in the middle of all that lives around us. From Deuteronomy 4...

37 And because he loved your fathers and chose their offspring after them[a] and brought you out of Egypt with his own presence, by his great power, 38 driving out before you nations greater and mightier than you, to bring you in, to give you their land for an inheritance, as it is this day, 39 know therefore today, and lay it to your heart, that the Lord is God in heaven above and on the earth beneath; there is no other. 40 Therefore you shall keep his statutes and his commandments, which I command you today, that it may go well with you and with your children after you, and that you may prolong your days in the land that the Lord your God is giving you for all time.”                                              Deuteronomy 4:37-40

      So if your in one of these high/low patterns, push the reset button and remember the base facts in these verses. God chose you, gives you strength not your own, is giving us an inheritance, and that there is no other like him. He asks us to obey so our children will be blessed and that we can dwell long in his blessing. That's the rock in the reality of life. Praise be to God!!

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Deut 1-2 Speak clearly, Listen clearly, Is it really this hard?

February 27th, Deuteronomy 1-2

       Sometimes I am amazed at the miracle of communication...
I form an idea in my head...I find words to express my idea to another individual...they hear the words they hear...filter it through their own understanding...come to some conclusion about a meaning...repeat the process back.
       Any point along the way is an opportunity for failure. Incoherent idea, bad choice of words, hearing when you'd rather listen to sportscenter, having your filter set to "self". I spent years coaching HS football and Girls Basketball. I always felt like the boys filtered everything we asked them to do through the "how can I look really cool while I'm doing this filter," and girls filtered everything through the "I have to do this new skill absolutely perfect the first time I do it or I'll be too embarrassed to ever try again filter."
        It's probably the speaking and listening through these filters that cause as much problem as anything. A guy doesn't just do what I ask or even listen to what I ask. Always trying to figure out the cool factor, but then your coaches yelling at you for not listening...that's not cool. Communication is difficult on so many levels.
       Deuteronomy is a bit of a replay of stories we've heard. This morning we replay the promised land scenario. God says...take this land, I am with you, it will go well...filter(fear)...Let's stall this out a bit and send spies because God's word isn't enough...God said "go I am with you"...we said, nah we don't trust God...God said, okay go hang out in the desert...we said, okay we'll go to the promised land...God said don't go, I'm not going with you...we said, we didn't listen to you before, why should we listen now...God said, it won't go well for you without me...we said, we'll do it anyway... and the Amorites who lived in the hill country came out against you and chased you as a swarm of bees do.
       Awe communication. What filters do you have in your life that keep God's word from coming to you and changing the above scenario. That's the topic for church this Sunday, come join us if you can. Or hear the sermon at

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Numbers 35-36 Forgiveness and Justice

February 26th, Numbers 35-36

       A couple of issues related to justice found in these chapters today. The first topic is Cities of Refuge. A City of Refuge was a place to go if you accidentally took the life of another. When you take the life of another human being, a family member of the victim has the right to take the life of the murderer. In order to save yourself in case of an accident you must flee to one of these cities. If your found guilty, it won't help but if it's determined to be an accident, your safe as long as you are in the city limits. There's a lot of clauses in the chapter... in the end, we all want justice.
       It's always an interesting topic when we combine justice and forgiveness. When do we do either, how do we decide? I can't imagine anyone is truly a proponent of all judges and courts pronouncing forgiveness for every party that comes through. That we would simply forgive every criminal for every deed. Open the doors of every prison and simply forgive the pedophile and let them work at an elementary school. That would seem more like injustice. Forgiveness might solve issues inside of me, but it would not take care of wrong in the world.
       I've noticed that justice feels bad to the one doing wrong, and injustice feels bad to the one who has done right. It's always an appeal to a feeling rather than a standard by which things are measured. People choose random standards by which they claim justice/injustice. If they are believers injustice is followed by "you have to forgive me."
       Suffice it to say these issues get intertwined and I could go on and on with scenarios about how confused people are in the midst of their interactions about the issue of justice and forgiveness. Parents raising children are at the heart of this. It would be well worth our while to sort out these matters. Even better to ask God for wisdom in the midst of life lived at full speed. It's no wonder Solomon asked for wisdom. A baby about to be cut in half will sort out the real mom(forgiveness, release) from the imposter(I lost mine, I don't care if you lose yours).      
         Enough of my rambling... how do you sort out issues of justice and forgiveness in your context?

Monday, February 25, 2013

Num 33-34 Keep track, Rejoice, Repeat. Keep track, Rejoice, Repeat

February 25th, Numbers 33-34

       At the Lord’s command Moses recorded the stages in their journey. Numbers 33:2
       I don't know about you, but I'm the kind of person who doesn't go out of his way to be real structured. I like figuring things out in the moment for the most part. However I do recognize the value of writing some things down, so that next year when I do the same thing I don't have to reinvent the wheel. Maybe my age and memory are catching up to me. I do this more than I used to.  This is the important part of knowing how you need help. I need an administrator around me who loves to keep track of things because it generally falls outside of my interest!!
       The thing that caught my attention this morning was that it was God's command for Moses to keep track of their journey. Why keep track???
       Now I get to talk bonsai!! I have always wanted to keep a photo journal of my trees. People give instruction to others based on a series of pictures. Here's where I started 8 years ago with this tree. Here's where it is 8 years later. The difference is always astounding. (See Paragraph 1) I do not get to do this because I have failed in keeping track, even though all along I knew I should. Keeping track of where I've been.
        Our spiritual walk has the same issue. Growth is slow. From one week to the next, you and I might not see what is becoming new in us. Over time, if we had a written/pictorial record we would be able to see what God has done, is doing in our journey of faith. Like the marks of growth we make on the wall so our children will see their progress, you and I are growing, we are becoming more like Christ. Find a way to keep track and rejoice with each new stage of the journey. No rush, no pressure just loving God more and more each day. A step here, a step there, before you know it, a life that reflects Christ.

Grace and Peace on the Journey

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Numbers 31-32 The Easy Out

February 24th, Numbers 31-32

       For you baseball lover's maybe your thinking the easy  out is a reference to baseball. It certainly can be, but the story today seems to center on the easy way verses the hard way. The 12 tribes will one day inherit their land. Reuben and Gad seem to have found their herdsman home on the east side of the Jordan. When it's time to take over the promised land will they help in the fight or will they take the easy route and stay at home.
       It's clear from the story that the fighting aged men will cross the Jordan. But it's hard isn't it. Hard to fight for something you already have. Even harder to fight for something that isn't ever going to be yours, because yours is somewhere need to fight.
      It's about the greater good of the whole, it's about fighting for the benefit of another. Sacrifice for the good of someone else. These are some of the greatest themes of life. The themes of great stories and great movies. The stories of great men and women fighting for others. The stories of Schindler's List, Mother Theresa, and Jesus Christ.
       A story we're called to. To give our life as servants to others. To follow Jesus who gave his life as a ransom for all.
       To stay on the safe side of the Jordan is easy and understandable. The story of the guy who played it safe isn't a great story. A story of sacrifice is the story of Jesus Christ and the invitation to us all.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Num 28-30 Our Word, as Good as a Contract

February 23rd, Numbers 28-30

       My word, turned into a handshake, turned into a signature, turned into a contract, turned into a contract by a lawyer, turned into a contract drawn up by a lawyer backed up by a court, turned into all of that and people still ignore their word.
       An episode or two of Judge Judy will inform us that words promised are almost simply heresay. One party said they agreed, one said they didn't. Did you get someone to sign anything?
       Here's a wonderful teachable moment about God. God is never not God. There is no duplicity within himself. It really is an inspiring moment to really ponder how different God is from us in this regard. We can serve with a pure, whole heart and moments later have our behavior driven by our own selfishness. This can happen in a heartbeat. The sporting world is a great example. I promise to play this sport for  X amount of money. But if at some point in time I don't like the terms, I will not honor my promise. The contract is not binding. This vow is not binding. I found out that when I sold you this land I could have got more money for it, so I'm selling to ..... No contract, therefore my word means nothing.
        God and his word are binding, because God's word is an extension of himself. Just like there is no double-mindedness in God, it's the same in the extension of His word. To dishonor his word would be to dishonor himself. What would we think of God is he made a promise and then said, "well I didn't really mean it," "circumstances were different then," "I thought about it but now I'm...",
        In the passage today it is an invitation to a simpler time. We still have to deal with contracts in our day, but I don't honor my contract because of ink on a sheet of paper. I honor the contract because I made a vow. I made a promise. Things inside of me won't be duplicitous. I won't say one thing and do another. Like my Father in heaven, my word is an extension of myself, I will follow up on my word.
       If you are looking for a life of strength, this is at the heart of it. Beliefs, actions, words all one. For the ways we fall short, the good news is that you and I have a God for whom this will never be an issue.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Num 26-27 The Invitation to the Event of a Lifetime

February 22nd, Numbers 26-27

       An invitation, we've all received one. It's a mixed bag sometimes. Some invitations come as a real joy that you are going to be included in something. Included in something special. An event that you would never turn down, that you would move everything so you could say yes.
       Some invitations take no effort to turn down at all. The advertisement to the local car dealer with a key attached. I assume I'm one of the 1,000 who will win the $5 bill and not the car. There are some invitations that strike fear. I got invited to Bob Nunnery's office one time in High School. People who visit his office weren't around for 3-5 days after their visit. Needless to say I was very anxious walking with him to his office. I'll know who read this blog based on who asks me about this!!
       Some invitations require an excuse so we can get out of it. People want to sell us something, or they sent it because of awkward relationships. Saying no feels right and odd in the same breath. In the end, please don't make me go.
       So God invites Moses up to the mountain of Abarim. A mountain with a view. That sounds pretty good to me. There's nothing more grand to me than a hill with a view. A chance to see the big picture, feel the breeze in your face, to look out and see the possibilities. For Moses it was a mixed view. It was the view of the promised land God had for his people. For Moses a chance to see everything he wouldn't get to be part of.
       I think about it this morning and feel bad for Moses. It would be interesting to know how he felt. Maybe he felt relief, my time is done, we'll never know. What I do see in this passage is a reality of leadership. Sometimes a leader steps in and brings people as far as he can and it's time for another leader to step in and take people the rest of the way. Even as I say "rest of the way", I was going to delete it and write "on the next stage of the journey." Joshua doesn't go the rest of the way just the next stage.
       Two things this morning. For leaders, let's make sure we do well with the stage we are called to be responsible for and when it's time to be done realize God does a great job of appointing the next in line. Secondly, we're all invited. God's sent out this hand-made invitation to the greatest event ever. It's an invitation of adoption, redemption, purification, sanctification, and reconciliation. To be one with God, to be his son/daughter.

You are cordially invited to repent of your sin, be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, and live life with the power of Christ in you. Would you say yes?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Num 23-25 Semi-Obscure, Interesting Bible Story

February 21st, Numbers 23-25

       Welcome to the world of the wacky intermixed with God's interaction. Here's the main characters...

Balak: Playing the role of nervous King wanting to undermine the threat of the Israelites.
Balaam: Professional curser
Donkey: Donkey...that talks once in awhile

       So Balak is nervouse about this nation of people moving his way. Wants to hire Balaam to bring a curse on them. God tells Balaam "You can only say what I tell you to say." Balaam seems to be okay with this even though he is turning down a fortune. Balak expects money will solve it and goes ahead with his evil plan. Balak gives Balaam three chances to curse God's people. Each time Balaam offers a blessing instead!
       Interesting statement from the morning is the reaction of Balak after the third blessing. Numbers 24:10-14
       10 Then Balak’s anger burned against Balaam. He struck his hands together and said to him, “I summoned you to curse my enemies, but you have blessed them these three times.11 Now leave at once and go home! I said I would reward you handsomely, but the Lord has kept you from being rewarded.”
12 Balaam answered Balak, “Did I not tell the messengers you sent me, 13 ‘Even if Balak gave me his palace filled with silver and gold, I could not do anything of my own accord, good or bad, to go beyond the command of the Lord—and I must say only what the Lordsays’? 14 Now I am going back to my people, but come, let me warn you of what this people will do to your people in days to come.”

       Here's my great promise from today. God is in control of things beyond our ability to know. As much as an evil person with evil intent wanted to hire someone to bring a curse, God changed that curse into a blessing. It reminds of the verse about "no weapon formed against shall prosper."
       This story has more to come. These two will be back on the scene. It's safe to say this... God's not gonna let an outsider pronounce a curse over his people, but...

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Num 21-22 Symbols: Offer Meaning or Confusion

February 20th, Numbers 21-22

       I enjoy the fact that some symbols stand the test of time. A snake wrapped around a stick as a symbol of healing is still used 4000 years later. If you get bit by a snake can you look at the symbol on an ambulance and get healed? It's worth a shot. I live in a place too cold for venomous snakes. I'll let others give it a shot.
       Symbols intrigue me. It seems that they lose their meaning over time and yet we seem to feel their importance. This bronze snake on a stick was orignally sought after as it would save your life, now it's just a picture on a vehicle and yet for some reason it stays around.
       Our churches are filled with symbols. Someone asked me this Christmas what the "INRI" stood for that was on the cross on the stained-glass window in church. I kinda knew, but I had to confess I couldn't give a 100% sure answer. I began to look at other stained glass windows in our church. I decided there are other symbols I am unaware of as well. Things that are meant to tell a story, and yet I and many others are deaf to the meaning.
        I begin to think about the rituals of Christian behavior. Why do we do the things we do? Do we even know why? Is it a cultural command or a biblical command? Much of what we do is a cultural command. One hour services, required dress codes(dressing down is a dress code, if that's what everyone has to do to feel welcome), music choices, service formats. I see shirts and ties on African tribal members in the bush in the heart of Africa. What symbols have we brought, how do we separate our culture from the instruction of God.
        The cross is probably the most common symbol for the church. What does it mean? How is that meaning different from the people of Jesus day?  It's pretty cool that the snake gets attached to a stick, lifted up and people get to live, and Jesus gets attached to a larger stick, lifted up and people get to live. Some meanings are easier to remember, Praise God for life and healing and the hope he brings. Remembering the symbol is limited compared to the story behind the symbol.
        Tomorrow we'll talk about all of the Balaam story and not leave you hanging like chapters did today!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Num 18-20 Endings and Beginnings

February 19th, Numbers 18-20

       It's nice that there could be several great topics today. The idea of Levites having God as their portion and inheritance rather than land like all the other tribes. Would I be satisfied in their shoes?
       There is certainly the story of the  leadership failure of Moses. More is expected of us when we are leaders. That would be a good lesson to take to heart as well.
       But today I am basking in the end and the beginning of things. Everything has it's time...

There is a time for everything, a season for every activity under the heavens;
a time to be born and a time to die, 
a time to plant and a time to uproot
a time to kill and a time to heal, 
a time to tear down and a time to build
a time to weep and a time to laugh, 
a time to mourn and a time to dance
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them 
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing
a time to search and a time to give up, 
a time to keep and a time to throw away
a time to tear and a time to mend, 
a time to be silent and a time to speak
a time to love and a time to hate, 
a time for war and a time for peace.

Ecclesiastes 3

       Aaron had his time and then he died, people mourned their loss and it was passed on to his children. It's now time for someone else. People ask me God's will questions a lot. Sometimes it seems like they are searching a "one answer for all things" type of answer. Is it a time to gather stones, or a time to scatter stones?
       When I look at that list and think about times in my life when it was time to do one or the other, the great thing is that God is with us in the midst of it all. Whether it's time for an old thing or a new thing, it's a time when Christ walks with us. Whether it's time for Aaron or his son Eleazar, God's presence with us is what we worship.
       To me there is a simple peace in this story that overwhelms me this morning. Death has a moment of clarity about life. Maybe that's part of Christ's invitation to fall to the ground and die, so that many seeds will be produced. A time to die and a time to be born

Monday, February 18, 2013

Num 16-17 Korah Should Have Thought This Through

February 18th, Numbers 16-17

       Note to self, people lack clarity. When accusations begin to fly it's interesting to take note of the things people say. I'm not sure if it's because people don't see things clearly, if our view is jaded by what we want to see, if we allow rumor to fester into fact, if we have to jam reality into our limited view, but be careful the sides you choose. 250 men sided with Korah.
       The people who sided with Korah were distinguished, they were chiefs. They sat in tents and listened to the intense ramblings of a grumbler. This isn't fair, we deserve better, why are we out here, things were better when, if only we had_______, etc, etc, etc...
       The heart of this controversy is an example of rewriting the story to form a scapegoat. Verse 14 "moreover, you have not brought us into a land flowing with milk and honey, nor given us inheritance of fields and vineyards." On it's face the statement is true and accurate. Moses has not brought them to the promised land. Often times the positions people hold are built on a true statement. It's what's behind the statement that matters.
       Behind the true statement is another true statement. You choose to listen to the faithless fearful report of the 10 spies and ignored the faithful report of two spies. That in fact is why we didn't enter the promised land. If you need further proof, note the ten plagued dead spies and ask which side the reported on.
        Lesson one, try to see the bigger picture in life and ask the Lord for clarity. Lesson two, when two choices are ahead of you, choose faith instead of fear. Lesson three, siding with grumblers is a really bad idea. It not only undermines what God is doing, it puts you in a position for God to stop you. Being opposed to God seems like a bad idea.
       Korah is a great model of what not to do. Learning from other's mistakes is a great source for wisdom.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Num 14-15 I Want to Want What God's Already Offered

February 17th, Numbers 14-15

       This is one of those moments when our choices set forth a series of ramifications. Like a "Back to the Future" movie, everything could have been different.
       Everything that God wants to give us is on the other side of the hill. For hundreds of years God has been waiting to give his inheritance to his people. You lead a horse to water , but you can't make him drink.
       God has a lot he wants to bless us with. I'm fairly certain we're not much different than the Israelites. Trusting God seems to be a big of a step of faith. Many don't get to live in the fullness of what God has for us. This story is really a sad story to me. As much as it is about disobedience, it's also about people missing the greatest thing. I see that in people's lives all the time.
       I pray that we could learn to enter God's promise the first time it's offered.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Num 11-13 The Better Way is Obvious

February 16th, Numbers 11-13

       Because of my interest in St Francis of Assisi, reading of Benedictine Heritage, and Bonehoeffer's work entitled "Life Together" I have taken hold of one very common thread. It's the same thread spoken of here in these verses this morning. It's an issue that will wreck a community of people and be a cancer worthy of the greatest fight we could muster. Benedict was famous for his statement regarding how to deal with the issue when it arises in their community..."Let the Abbot send two stout monks to explain the matter to him."
       What's the issue? The issue drives a wedge between people. The issue undermines a healthy out look, the issue is rooted in pettiness, or one person, or a small group not getting their way. It's can be related to leaders not listening, but more often related to the selfishness. It's always rooted in fear or envy. Fear of loss related to money, power, things. Envy in regards to all the meat we used to eat back in Egypt.
       Sometimes the people we lead don't have clear moments. "I wish our diet included more than manna,life was so good back in Egypt why did we ever leave." Clarity remembers, our sons were murdered when they were born back in Egypt. I don't know about you but I'll trade a fish for manna and my children getting to live.
       Grumbling is the enemy of every community out there. Home, church, workplace, friend groups, teams, organizations take your pick. Which of those places will function better when people grumble? Honest, direct communication one on one is how this works. In the movie "Saving Private Ryan" one great quote about groups and expressions of doubt is "Complaints go up the chain of command, they don't go down the chain of command." There is a place to go with the things on our mind, it's just that they need to go to the God Honoring place.
       This story is the precursor to the spies checking out the promised land. It's no wonder they didn't have faith to step into what God was offering. The church is the same, God says the fields are ripe for harvest...are we grumbling or moving out for the harvest?
       We are part of forming a "Relational Covenant" at our church. A promise for how we will walk hand in hand when we don't see eye to eye. I am excited to see what God's up to as we grow to become a place of harvest and loving one another is modeled for another generation seeking Christ.Seek out healthy ways to deal with conflict and be ready to take what God has already offered to us.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Num 8-10 Not so Serious, But Still Moving Forward

February 15th, Numbers 8-10

       It's Friday, I'm sick and have more of a desire to be off the cuff than offer some heavy devotional thought. So here goes...
       The Priests are clean and that seems like a good thing. Ever since the Passover in Egypt the firstborn are consecrated to God. I was the first-born male, so I'll go with that. After the discussion of consecrated first-borns, God is gonna go with the Levites. He's God, he does what he wants, who am I to question that? (that's not sarcasm, it might be the thought for the morning).
       I was always told, retirement was not a biblical idea. Priests got to go at 50. Pastor Dennis Bradley (yo Dennis) would inform you that's about 150 in "preacher years"!!!
       If you miss Passover because you touched a dead body you can make it up next month, but make sure you do. It's really important to remember God's greatness.
       "That person has a cloud hanging over them" maybe you've heard that saying. In the OT is was true and good. Next cloudy day, just imagine that God has you right where he wants you! Instead of "I've got sunshine on a cloudy day," it could be I've got God's presence on a cloudy day."
       I love trumpets. I love "The Trumpet of Jesus" for those of you old enough to remember the Imperials. Make sure when you blow one you make a difference between  a call and an alarm. Also blow it the right number of times. (lesson for us: speak clearly so you won't be misunderstood. Also listen clearly so you know what's going on).
       Finally, see when God is moving and move too. Being with God isn't a chore but a delight. Be delighted today!!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Num 7 Beyond the Minimum

February 14th, Numbers 7

       Happy Valentines Day and welcome to expressions that go above and beyond. When you discover the true love of God it is a measureless blessing that when appreciated can overwhelm. On a day like Valentines day people attempt to offer expressions of love that go beyond the norm. Everyday must be Valentines day for God.
       The thing I witness in today's chapter is above and beyond. We've been reading page after page of offerings God requires. Offerings that are an obligation. I don't know about you, but I've felt the weight of those requirements and rejoice that we live in a different age. But in this chapter we see the heads of the 12 tribes come up with another offering. It doesn't seem to be required, no one asked for it, God didn't seem to ask for it, and yet it's another gift.
       I think to myself, where did they get more gold and silver? How does a nation of nomads have enough animals to keep up? Where is the ground worth farming that yields all these bushels of wheat and barley? I've seen pictures of this land they are in. Where do 1.5 million people with at least that many animals find the resources to not only sustain life, but to give so much of it away.
       I've had a tendency to be down on the Israelites, but in some ways they do amaze me. When the circumstances around us are bleak, we tend to hoard, not give. For them and us it is about faith in the provision of God. To not just offer what he asks, but to go beyond.
       Love offers more than an obligatory box of chocolates on Valentines Day, God's love and provision is always more than the bare minimum, and in the middle of the desert the twelve tribes came up with a bunch of wagons, animals, gold and silver to give their God. Above and Beyond. Praise God and thanks to those who have modeled that for me.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Num 5-6 Lent: A Great Opportunity for Life Change

February 13th, Numbers 5-6

       It works out very well that this passage containing information about a Nazarite Vow comes on the same day as the beginning of Lent. Lent is a traditional time to take some sort of vow as a voluntary part of life. A Nazarite vow is the same. It is a voluntary dedication of oneself to yield to God completely.
       There is no divine command, just an invitation. Men and women alike could take the vow. A Nazarite vow had a beginning and an ending point. The vow included abstaining from fermented drink, haircuts, and dead bodies. The ending of the selected time was marked with a sacrifice.
       Although the Nazarite vow is an Old Testament concept there is a New Testament equivalent...
       Romans 12:1-2 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship.Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
       Taking a vow is a great practice of moving into something new. Having our lives transformed through the consistent action that a vow requires. What could you vow to do differently for the next 40 days? What new thing could God awaken in your life? What life change could you celebrate Easter morning thanks to God's work in your life? Consider a vow to the Lord as an act of worship!

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Num 3-4 How to Become a Spiritually Narcissistic Do-Gooder

February 12th, Numbers 3-4

       So you were born into the family of Levites. There is one career option for you, you get to be a priest. It is a high and noble calling, to represent people before God almighty. Kids from the tribe of Dan don't get to do this!!
       But human nature sets in and some Levite would rather be a farmer, wood worker, fireman or photographer. So here comes the big "R" word, or the big "D" word. The words we use with our children and sound so grown up, and yet we have to live into it as well. Are you ready.....Duty, Responsibility. 
       Sometimes I grow a little concerned with the modern churches affection for "all things easy." We use discussions about spiritual gifts to make things sound like serving God would always be the most fun, all of the time, because a loving God would never ask me to do anything that I wasn't 100% eager to do at any moment.
       It's not that I don't believe in Spiritual Gifts, but like the Priesthood...there are days! If you know what I mean. Days when duty trumps desire, days when responsibility overshadows ease. If we create a spiritual journey rooted in what I like, it's a different path than one that calls me to trust Christ. That God would be able to equip me for what he's called me to rather than only do through me what I like. One creates a Godly faithful servant, the other, a spiritually narcissistic do gooder.
       Who is gifted to lead millions out of Egypt? Who is gifted to be a Priest? Who is gifted to forsake family and spend a life on the mission field? Who is gifted to be a martyr? Who is gifted  to die to self and be remade as God intends...from the tribe of Levi or Dan...God's choice. 
      In the midst of the duty and responsibility becomes an ever increasing awareness of the indwelling Christ. More valuable than the feel good moments of service, and more staying power for moments of doubt, and a peace that can be lived in as a result of clarity in doing what God asks of us. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Num 1-2 No Number Bigger Than One

February 11th, Number 1-2

       Well the start of numbers does not disappoint in regards to it's name sake. God asks Moses to number the men over 20 who are able to serve in the army. The total number was 603,550. Add to that an equal number of women and all children under 20, plus all of the Levites. That's a significant population. Moses was a shepherd and now in charge of over a million people. Ever felt in over your head?
       Numerous places in the Bible God asks leaders to number people. Sometimes people get in trouble because the way they numbered, or they numbered when they weren't supposed to. Numbers get tossed around, we number things for a lot of reason. Why does someone want to number their military? 
        Armies number themselves to see if they have an advantage. More is better(we'll get to Gideon later). Less requires a well thought our strategy(like Moses raising his arms, as long as they are raised they win). I'm guessing that is not a time honored strategy taught at any of our military institutions. 
       Numbers become for us a little "g" god. Our reliance is in numerical advantage. Trust is rooted in something other than God. it's why I love Psalm 20:7 "Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God."
       Sometimes God asks us to number some things, but it's never a replacement for trusting in Him. God is ONE and any other number could never be bigger. Years ago the US Army chose the slogan "An Army of One." In God's case, nothing could be more powerful.

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Lev 26-27 God's blessings are large but not required

January 10th, Leviticus 26-27

       Sometimes we make life to complex, most of the time it's really very simple. Chapter 26 makes it all very, very clear...
        God wants to bless with rain in season, land that bears fruit from one harvest to the next. That we would live secure, unafraid, harmful animals removed and our enemies flee. Children everywhere, with a need to throw away old stuff, because your storehouse will need more space for the new harvest. Walking hand in hand with God, no longer slaves or a yoke around our necks, able to stand upright, physically and in our hearts. All we have to do is what God asks of us.
       If we don't then we get to live in panic and anxiety, with a heart that aches. Seeds are sown in vain and enemies eat what comes up. Pestilence, enemies, nature, faintness of heart, weakness and strife can be yours if you'd like to say no to God.
       This fall when the school shooting in Newtown happened, people angry at God asked where he was. The answer is rather simple. He was where we have asked him to be, outside of our life. God respects people a great deal. When people don't want God in their life, he won't push his way in. Our lives reflect an invitation or rejection of God with us. God shows us what happens as a result. I invite you to the blessing side of the equation. 

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Lev 24-25 Justice, Mercy, God's Blessing

February 9th, Leviticus 24-25

       What is Justice? There seems to be two(or maybe three) sides to this coin. First we find these verses in Leviticus 24. It is the eye for an eye code. Injury for injury, break for break, life for life. To some, this sounds a bit harsh. But let me interject that before we get too immersed in how bad this might sound, it is a break from the the more normal view of justice that people have.
       The normal view of justice that mankind has when there is no restraint is eye for head, life for entire families life and all your belongings and the offender's existence stricken from the record forever. Victims never want something equal from someone, victims want offenders to pay at levels that are over the top. You killed my cow, I kill your herd. God's instruction here is to show some constraint to the injustice of justice that human nature seeks.
       I say all of that, because it seems there is a new understanding that all of these thoughts are wrong. Life for life is defined by me as life taken wrongfully is paid for by life taken justly. But some are rearranging the terms using the word violence. Seeing both acts as violence and that all violence is evil. Change the word from justice to violence and words are being used to incite a bunch of feelings into the system of justice. Our symbol for justice here in America is the lady blindfolded with a scale. Feelings are what make people want more than justice, and it seems to also make want people less than justice feeling bad for people who have done wrong.
       Some say that the New Testament is a new way. That forgiveness is the order of the day. That all sounds nice until my family is murdered and the judge simply asks me to forgive the person and lets them go free. People then cry out for justice.

Overjustice, Justice, Underjustice   Certainly subject for debate.

       Good News: The Year of Jubilee  The year of restoration.  An underlying theme in this is the realization that the land is not to be swallowed up by a few to lord it over many, rather that the land is on loan for a certain number of growing seasons. When you buy land your actually purchasing the number of crops you can get off the land before you give it back in the Year of Jubillee. How much better would it be if we saw our lives as leasing what is God's. Holding it with an open palm instead of a clenched fist.
       A year for trusting God's provision. In the sixth year a crop that is three times what it is in a normal year. All of this is about putting our trust in Christ that he will provide for our needs.

       In the song "My Jesus I love thee" one of the lines says "I'll praise thee as long as Thou lendest me breath." From matters of justice to the realization that life is on loan all I can really think to say is... COME LORD JESUS COME.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Lev 22-23 Remembering Well

February 8th, Leviticus 22-23

       Tradition: the living faith of the dead.
       Traditionalism: the dead faith of the living.

       Tradition is a great thing. It informs us about our past. Gives us a way to remember important things that we might otherwise forget. God invites his people to remember well. Remember God's provision, his faithfulness, his power, his holiness, our need of Him.
       Somehow writing down that we should remember these things seem a little dry or potentially uninspiring. But if you or I wrote down our traditions surrounding birthdays, Christmas, thanksgiving, or any of the othe things we celebrate it might not capture the true richness of those moments. As you read about the traditions God asks his people to remember, don't just hear a list. God asks us to remember great things. The definitions at the beginning of this article are a reminder of the difference between remembering and remembering well. What are some great things you want to remember about God?

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Lev 19-21 Do Justly, Love Mercy

February 7th, Leviticus 19-21

       This week has been non-stop discussion about the mission of the Kingdom of God. Evangelism is one of those things, but the deeper discussion  is doing justly and loving mercy. Not to be lazy but the words if chapter 19 express this better than I and it is God's word so...
       Here's the frustration of my blog this week, I wanted to just insert Leviticus 19:9-18 and let it speak for itself. If someone could help me by posting that text as a comment I would appreciate it.
       One last word about seriously plunging into justice issues comes from my class this week. "Mercy is pulling people from the river and offering help. Justice is going upstream and finding out why so many are falling into, getting pushed into the river and seeking ways to put a stop to it."
       Stepping into the gap and using our strength as an asset for the widows, orphans, strangers, and the poor. That's kingdom work!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Lev16-18 Young People Wonder Why We Enforce Parts of God's Word

February 6th, Leviticus 16-18

       Day of Atonement has a lot going on. A goat being sacrificed, the scapegoat heading off to the wilderness, and the expectation of people doing nothing on this day like a Sabbath. The goat that is put out into the wilderness is bearing the sin of all(nice foreshadowing ). The other part I find exciting is that this atonement is what cleanses us. A sacrifice is what cleanses us. I think I read about that elsewhere, like God's plan has a common theme.
Chapter 17 sounds like goats were being sacrifices to other gods. Sounds like a new rule... If you can't sacrifice it to God don't sacrifice it at all. Which isn't a new rule right. If you we're ever wondering about the blood, God says the blood equals life, don't eat the blood. I guess blood sausage is out.
      Chapter 18 a discussion about nakedness breaks out. The first thing I noticed is an affirmation of marriage and the oneness of two. Father/Mothers nakedness are not just their but each others. That doesn't get mentioned concerning anyone else. There is a list of sexually perverse things not allowed. Don't have sex with your neighbors wife , offer children to Molech(read sacrifice them to), have homosexual relations, nor with animals.
       Hard question for the day... Since we don't enforce Chapter 15, why do we choose to enforce the mandate against homosexual behavior?
       Please don't leave nasty comments about this. Come up with a legit, articulate expression. Where is Gods heart in all of this?

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Lev 14-15 Clean is no small thing

February 5th, Leviticus 14-15

       Today's chapters bring us some word about being declared clean from leprousy. Again it's about the regulations surrounding it, but an actual story might go something like this...
       There is something not right about a few spots on your hand. You hear rumors of what leprousy looks like and you begin to be cautious about every physical interaction. The condition seems to worsen over the coming weeks, you look at your wife and kids and decide it might be best for you to go see the priest who confirms your worst fear. You are Unclean.  You don't go home again, your escorted to the edge of the city. There your family will bring you your belongs. You step forward to interact with your family one last time. As you step forward, they step back and you see in their eyes what you will see in everyone's eyes for the rest of your days... fearful pity.
       Never again will you embrace your wife. Never again will you wrestle with, tickle, or throw your kids up in the air. Everything has changed. You will walk the streets proclaiming unclean, unclean. The human touch you long for will never be yours again. ( let's not treat each other like lepers during cold and flu season. Human touch has more value than staying germ free. It's  kind of like the Adventures in Missing the Point I talked about on Sunday.)
       When you read these stories about being declared clean, I encourage you to fill in the blanks with what a personal story might look like. The rejoicing that comes from being pronounced clean, the rejoicing today that you and I can be pronounced clean because of what Christ has done for us. Rejoicing that Jesus has taken care of our banishment outside the city and allowed us to be in fellowship because of forgiveness. So lets live this day free to touch people with the love of Christ.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Lev 11-13 Better days and God's Ways

February 4th, Leviticus 11-13

Fun fact for the day. Don't eat scaleless fish or a hoopoe. Also good news for us guys... If your hair is falling out your okay, your just bald!  Load off my mind.
       Sorry for the late post. Some of you know I travelled today to a conference for the denomination I serve. We are in CA. We flew over the place they detonated the first a-bomb. It was a good choice of a place since the rest also looked like a barren waste land.
       Today I am glad for hope in the midst of life that seems lifeless. I witnessed hundreds of miles of dry stream beds from the plane. Water that doesn't come often enough. All of scripture is God-breathed. I'm glad God went to some effort to help us decide what is better to eat. I'm also thankful for the gold mine of great verses that will appear with more frequency later on.
       In the mean time let righteousness flow like an ever flowing stream. And not to rub it in but 60 feels better than 10 degrees.

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Lev 8-10 Leadership, Followership

February 3rd, Leviticus 8-10

       You might have seen this picture on my facebook account and wondered what it was. It is a picture taken inside the Air Force Academy Chapel in Colorado Springs CO. This is the ceiling, a fish-eye lense, and a unique look. I mention it because the Academy has a unique outlook on leadership.
       Military institutions want leaders and that is one their pursuit. But for the first two years as a cadet, it's not about the promotion of leadership. The first two years cadet's learn the 8 principles of followership(I didn't make up the word, they did). Their thinking is you'll never be a good leader, til you learn how to be a good follower.
       I say that because in the text today we see Aaron and his sons getting ordained into the priesthood. It seems from the text that God wants them to care about the details of the job and some don't. Some times we take on responsibilities willingly, sometimes it is thrust upon us with no choice in the matter. For all of us, wherever we are at, we have a responsibility to be a good leader, or be a good follower. When it comes to God's house you can see why responsibility matters, but it matters everywhere as a testimony to God. Leadership is something we pursue. People want to be on top, give orders to others. However,following is a craft worth perfecting also. Jesus said "Come follow me," not come lead me.  Do it well and when God call on you, you will lead well.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Lev 5-7 Clean License Plates, Sticky Tabs

February 2nd, Leviticus 5-7

       So let's be honest, I kept reading hoping for one great verse that would be a great thought. The only real impression I got was a housekeeping thought. It seems to me that sprinkling blood on the front of the altar and sprinkling flour all around would make for quite a caked on mess.
       The other thought is simply the routine of all of this. Day after day, animal after animal, for a million people or more. I did think of the integrity of the priests. The command was one handful of flour to be sprinkled on the altar the rest is for the priests to use. What if the handful gets smaller and smaller because the priest wants more and more. It's a heart issue about not only doing your job, but doing it the way God asks you too.
       Speaking of the heart, all of God's commands in all of this can be just an obligation or an offering of praise or apology to the Lord. With the advantage of knowing other parts of scripture we know that "Rams and bulls and all these things I have." "The cattle on a thousand hills belong to God." This is not an issue of God's need of these things.  What God really wants in these matters, what God has always wanted and will always want is a "broken and contrite heart."
       As in our life, sometimes the details of what is going on overshadows the heart of what God wants. God wants to be connected at the heart with his people. He wants things clean because he wants to be close.
       I just gots my tabs for my truck. My license plates are cold, my plates are dirty with sand and road grit from cold, frozen MN roads. I have to get the plates clean so the "2014"sticker will adhere. God wants nothing between us and Him, us and each other. To live in an inspiring version of reconciliation. That's my prayer today.

Friday, February 1, 2013

Lev 1-4 Sunday Bloody Sunday

February 1st, Leviticus 1-4

       Daily life and the cost of sacrifice. Certainly an interesting start to Leviticus. If you like hearing about kidneys, lobes of liver, fat and entrails this is the passage for you!! Imagining the shear volume of blood everywhere is a bit overwhelming. I'm trying to get past all of that to move into some greater meaning.
       One thing that stirs me is the real time issue of subsistence,  nomad, farmers/herdsman. They are truly living on a razor's edge of being able to provide for their families. It hit me this morning as it talked about baking loaves to be brought as a grain offering. If I had limited food in my home and baked bread that would leave me a little hungry, how would I feel about it. It's the nature of sacrifice. Sacrifice that doesn't really cost me anything isn't by definition sacrifice.
       I thought about the offering for unintentional sins. I have to rewrite it so I can understand the impact. They were to bring a bull, or a goat to be sacrificed for committing an unintentional sin. What if every time I committed an unintentional sin, I was required to bring $500 to put in the offering. One of two things would happen. I would either go broke, or I'd be a lot more cautious about how I lived my life. As a people whose lives revolve around money, maybe we understand losing cash more than losing an animal. But I think it would only take one or two trips to make this sacrifice before you take note that every time I sin an innocent animal has to die. That might make an impact as well.
       For many, the first Sunday of the month is communion Sunday. Jesus was also innocent. "He who knew no sin, became sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God." A story tragic and hopeful all in the same breath. Blood shed because of my sin. May we say thanks and walk with more caution, seeking to honor our Lord.