Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Judges 6-7 Hope in the Hood

March 20th, Judges 6-7

       This story reminds me of the kids in the neighborhood of our church. Like the story we try to proclaim "the Lord is with you." Gideon's response, "If the Lord is with us, why has all of this happened to us? And where are all of his wonderful deeds that our father's proclaim to us." The Egyptian hand has been replaced by the hand of the Midianites so who cares??!!
       Futhermore, I am the least in my father's house in the clan that is the weakest in Israel, what am I going to do? For an added glimpse into the life of your typical Israelite child, Gideon was asked by God to tear down his father's altar to Baal and the Asherah pole next to it. How does Gideon and other children have a chance when their parents have an altar on their own property? How do some of the kids we minister to in our neighborhood have a chance when their parents last choice is worship of the King of all Kings and the Lord of all Lords. We need people to help us proclaim truth to people in our neighborhood.
       The good news is this...God's promise to Gideon and the answer to his weakness is simply God's promise of "I will be with you." Our strength comes from God's presence with us. In the midst of God's presence with Gideon, he tore down the altar and built one to God. Parents, family, neighbors notice these things and wanted to kill Gideon for it. Gideon's dad stood up for him and said if Baal is real he can fight for himself, let's see what he will do...wait for it...Oh yeah, he's not real...moving on!
       You remember the fleece. Before you get in over your head it's nice to know God is with you!! You remember the whittling down of Gideon's men. 22,000 are too afraid so they go home. 10,000 become 300 because of how they take a drink. Here's your fighting force, 300 verses what is described as a valley of locusts. The least, the powerless, the hopeless, can see great things with the power of God going before us.
       Please pray for the community we serve. It's filled with the god of addiction. Children we reach out to grow up in homes filled with altars to gods that steal life. Pray for the power of God to step in and change things that we can't and that our trust of Him would bear fruit and we would give Him all the glory.

1 comment:

  1. Praying with you. Thanking God for His presence. Cheri


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