Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Matthew 15-17 A question for which an answer, determines much.

October 8th, Matthew 15-17

       What do people say? It's a good question. It implies that you pay attention, listen in, be in tune with the hearts of others. It's a little work to offer something insightful. If your going to lead anyone, you need to learn how to do it. Parenting is one of those places. A leadership 101 class if you will. What's on the hearts and minds of people around you. In a me-first world you would catch people by surprise living in some awareness of what they say.
       Jesus asks this question... what do people say about me? The disciples did a brainstorming session and came up with several answers. That's good, means they are listening to the people. But Jesus ask an even better more refining question...
       "Who do you say that I am?"It's one thing to know what others think, but... what do you think. Brainstorming the thoughts of others is a lot easier than forming your own thought around a subject. Years ago a class I took never came to any resolution about the great topics of our faith. It was frustrating at first but mid-week I began to see how the lack of resolution...Believe this and this only... was causing me to come up with my own convictions. Our convictions are far more powerful than the brainstormed list of what everyone else believes.
       The list in our current day could be an interesting one. Who do people say Jesus is? But the answer to the question that matter most is... Who do you say Jesus is? A question for which an answer determines much.

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