July 6th, Psalms 115-118
I went to a large High School. Lots of students and really easy to forget people's names. Easy solution..."dude". Hey dude, what's up dude, etc. Dude became the default name replacement. People like it better when you remember their name, it's more personal it demonstrates that you care enough to remember something personal. I wish I was better at it. If I see someone less than one time a week, my ability to recall declines drastically.
I think it's easy to see why remembering names is a good thing, which is why today's topic seems odd to me. Translators of the bible have decided to replace God's name Yahweh, with LORD. In today's passage wherever you see lord as LORD it's because what really belongs there is Gods name...Yahweh!! A replacement of a name with a title. Like calling you Mr, Mrs,Ms or Miss...or dude. Not very personal.
God has a name, the bible even says it is a name above every name. We already have a difficult time having God be personal. If we were at a seminar God would have a name tag, and it wouldn't say dude or be a title(even if they apply). It would say Yahweh and he is the creator and lover of your soul!!
Lets boldly enter in to a greater depth of the rich meaning of relationship and let God have a name, just like you do...dude!! I mean everybody!!!
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