July 11th, Psalms 140-145
Let the whole world know this...WE LOVE DRAMA. We say we don't love drama, but deep down inside WE LOVE DRAMA. The evidence is in the movies we watch the TV shows produced. Let's face it, no one's life is as interesting as anyone on TV. The TV show "Cops" requires film crews shooting in a city evening and night shifts for a month to get 5 half hour episodes. The drama is boiled down to 100 minutes of episode filmed in a month.
I love sports. It's the human drama of pressure and results. Tabloids and news agencies present drama because they know people will eat it up. "Did you hear about Aaron Hernandez?" "What's the Latest?" People seek out drama. I witness the posts of dramatic people all over facebook. Have you noticed anything about people who seem to always have the chaos swirling about. Drama is like a drug for many people...give me another hit or life is boring...did I tell you about...
The problem with drama is that we love everyone else's, but rarely do much about our own. My sensitivity to this subject is rooted in the place I am that requires me to press into the real drama of life. Pressing into the real trials, troubles, fears and anxiety of real people doesn't leave room for fake drama. You know, the kind that comes from a video game, movie, or someone dragging me into gossip that is none of my business or theirs for that matter.
Life is drama, life is a stage. God has equipped us to deal with it, but we look for it in the wrong place. In a world of case studies I invite you into life. It's not a case study at all but real time issues that need real time answers that are rooted in a real time God. May we learn to bring God into all of our matters of drama. If God can't be there, we shouldn't either.
The verse that started all of this? Psalm 140: 9 "As for the head of those who surround me, let the mischief of their lips overwhelm them." You and I are equipped to handle drama. God blessed us with that. Sometimes it's just mischief and the wisdom to know the difference is vital to our emotional, spiritual health
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