Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Revelation 20-22 Simply: Come

December 31st, Revelation 20-22

       An abbreviated timeline seems in order with the best saved for last. Of all the things read in Revelation there are certainly some things that come across pretty clear...

  • The serpent, the devil, Satan is bound for a thousand years.
  • Those martyred or those who did not worship the beast reigned with Christ during this      time
  • Satan released from prison, to come out and deceive the nations(this one always gets to me). How can you have God reign for 1,000 years and Satan be released and find a following?
  • The Great white throne judgement. Any name not found in the book of life was thrown into the fire.
  • New Heaven and New Earth
  • New Jerusalem. For the great city witnessed by John check out 21:18-27
       In the final chapter, a river bright as crystal and a fruit ree(not bonsai, I presume) that bears a different kind of fruit each month. "No longer will there be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the lamb will be in it, and His servants will worship Him. They will see His face and His name will be on their foreheads. Night will be no more. They will need no light or lamp or sun, for the Lord will be their light and they will reign forever and ever."
       The close of this whole journey is a great invitation... Come! Let that sink in for a bit...Come! You're invited. The Spirit and the bride say to you and I... Come, let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price...
       This whole story for an entire year has led us to this moment, a moment to gain that which God has been offering all along.
       There are a lot of readers from a lot of places. Not knowing your background or your understanding of God, this has been the invitation all along. To Come, and find life, peace, and reconciliation with the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords and to dwell with Christ forever. Because of Christ's death on the cross our sins are forgiven. Our hearts being made new through repentance and the power of God.
      If you want to know more about that e-mail me at fourteener@usa.net. For many these last three chapters are a great cause for celebration. "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!"

Monday, December 30, 2013

Revelation 17-19 Meet "Faithful and True!"

December 30th, Revelation 17-19

       Reading through this text, all I could think about is power. For years I attempted to grasp at some of it. Because of some realities God has blessed me with I got over a lot of it. People are going to do what they are going to do and most situations are out of my control. Then there are glimpses into real power. Evil has a power. John witnessed her and said he marveled greatly.
       Historically I think of people who had great power, in charge of much, making history, advancing kingdoms. These are the stories we hear about, the people we read about. The reality is that most people will live and die and if 100 people remember your name a decade after you die, that's probably pretty good.
       We live in a culture of fame and world-wide audiences. We think on a more grand scale than out great-great grandparents ever thought. "Our daily bread"was a grand story of God's provision. It still is, but no one posts about it to Facebook.
       These great things, obsession with power and importance will pass away. I find myself wondering a little bit. Being created in God's image means leadership, power and authority are part of the make-up of the world. What does heaven look like? All these things that happen here on earth...will they be no more? Jesus speaks about not having marriage in heaven. I can't imagine not living with Leah in heaven(I mean it's heaven now right!!) Maybe in a perfect world and the connection we'll feel with one another, even a great marriage will not be able to compare!?!?!?!
       Chapter 19 is the beginning of this transition to our time in heaven. It rightfully starts with a magnification of God almighty and the invitation to supper and to worship Jesus
       A white horse is about to break forth and the rider is called Faithful and True. I love the personification of these two ideas. The common phrase of our day is "Don't Judge Me." It's said with so much confidence. The rider of this horse, "Faithful and True," is said to judge in righteousness and make war. I imagine this judgement will come regardless of our request. Being judged now and understanding righteousness is better by far I'm sure.May it be so, may you find life in Jesus Christ, Faithful and True

Revelation 13-16 Which side are you on?

December 30th, Revelation 13-16

       Seven bowls + seven angels + 666 + two beasts + 144,000 + three angels + seven plagues =??
If nothing else it equals a pretty intense story. The more I read the story, the more I am pretty convinced being a character in the story would be a little over the top. I like for all of my excitement to be in a movie, not real life.
       As I find myself in the story, I totally understand why people want to figure out the book of Revelation. First their is a need to protect myself. I want to figure out how to get out of it. Throw the word rapture in there somewhere so I know, I'm Gone!! Second it is rather interesting to immerse yourself in the descriptions of beasts with multiple heads. Can you imagine John writing all of this out. It's a vision right, it's not real?? It's sounds like it was pretty vivid, like waking up from a dream and yet panicked.
       What I do enjoy is the feeling of peace I get when God, Jesus, the angels arrive on the scene.
As a matter of clarity in the middle of chaos... 14:7"Fear God and give Him glory, because the hour of His judgement has come, and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and the springs of water."
       I'm not gonna claim I know a lot, and I know about myself that I come away from a text like this with more enthusiasm about impressions than details. Some of you operate the other way, your also created in the image of God!!
       But here's my impression... God's coming back and it is in everyone's best interest to be on His side. If you are not on His side there will not be a small amount of trouble. I'm glad we serve a God who is more excited to motivate people through love. Motivations of fear are second rate. But every once in awhile it's probably a good reminder to consider which side you find yourself on. This great world we love too much is coming to an end at some point and being a follower of the one who made it all is the right place to be...for us...and others.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Revelation 9-12 Big World, Big God!!

December 28th, Revelation 9-12

       In the relative peace and ease of the society we live in, it is a very different thing for us to think in terms of war-like adversity. Not that we don't have soldiers living in that reality, but it's very different than a people group around the globe that has known nothing but fighting for several generations.
       We open up this text and trumpets are being blown and a third of mankind is being destroyed. A woman is giving birth and a dragon is is throwing away a third of the stars and chasing this mother and child(shades of the Christmas story and a flight to Egypt).
       For me, it's all a reminder about the bigger picture. We live in our day to day highs and lows, we allow things to revolve around us. A text like Revelation is a call to realize the battle taking place in the far reaches of the universe. Evil and Holiness in a war that includes everything and all of the sudden, my life appears to be as small as it is.  In the midst of coming to grips with this reality it forms the question, what does God want from me… then it goes back to what I've blogged about. The passages I love that sum things up…do justly, love mercy, walk humbly.
       The big stuff is too overwhelming. How do I help a lady being chased by a dragon? Since I'm not Mario de Nintendo, the real answer is, I look to God who is my help, my fortress, my strong tower. Revelation is a book with "over the top" excitement. It gives the feeling like I've changed roles from participant to spectator because what's happening goes way beyond my control(like it always is).
       The good news from today's reading is 11:15b "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ and He shall reign forever and ever." The day God is in control and we willingly submit as a whole…a good day!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Galatians 4-6 Life and good fruit!

December 27th Galatians 4-6

       One of our main values in the Evangelical Covenant Church is to keep in step with the Spirit. The second half of Gal 5 outlines this idea for us plainly. It's the task of walking by the Spirit and not gratifying the desires of the flesh. these two are opposed to each other and end up in different places. Verse 19 gives a look into the life lived in the flesh and a great transition begins in 22.
       These two lists side by side help capture the difference I see in the lives I interact with. Here's God's heart for people if they would live into His way… this is what God wants for you, the fruit of letting go and allowing the life of God to fill change you…"the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness,gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law." You can have as much of that fruit as you want!!
       Verse 25 adds a little extra with an invitation… "Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit."It's really a call to pay attention the the Spirit's promptings in my life. To be sensitive to sin. To stop when asked to stop, to go when asked to go. To practice listening to God's voice at all times so it's more clear and we're used to His voice in the hard times. Jesus speaks a bout the sheep being able to recognize the shepherd's voice. Are you familiar with your friends voice on the phone so that they don't have to say who they are.
       There is life in keeping step with the Spirit, close…and in step. Life and good fruit!!

Revelation 4-8 Heads Up!

December 27th, Revelation 4-8 
Guest Blogger – Cheri  Hudspith – sister to Terry

These five chapters are chapters I have taken classes on. I’ve learned what various theologians believe about what these verses might mean. And I am grateful I have studied those things and may find myself doing so again. 

But today, I notice three things: worship, only Jesus will do and an invitation to trust.
I love all the worship that is expressed in these five chapters. I have found that on some days the very best choice has been to sit down and imagine this scene and participate in worship through speaking or singing the words, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.” My heart and mind have been changed by these words on many occasions. Worship is essential for having a kingdom perspective.

The next thing I notice is that it is obviously a momentous occasion that John is being given access to. What was it like for John to witness these things?  I caught for the first time that John weeps when he believes there is no one that can open the scroll. The events can’t move forward without one who is worthy to open the scroll. How many times have I been in a situation where I was convinced no one could solve the problem? No worries John, Jesus is worthy and available to open the scroll. The time has come. 

These words in Revelation provide an opportunity to trust God. What do they mean? What will this look like on earth? I have come to trust that these words given to us will all make sense when they need to make sense. I pray that if I am here on earth when Jesus opens the scrolls and the events foretold begin to unfold that I/we will be able to recognize them as the fulfillment of this vision. I want to be grateful for God’s big “heads up” on this rather than fearful about it.

What did you notice?  If you have the time, I’d love to hear your answer to that question in the comment section.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

I Corinthians 9-11 I surrender for the gain of others.

December 26th, I Corinthians 9-11

       See devotion I just wrote on Romans 14-16, then flip here and notice the title for chapter 9 in my Bible…wait for it…"Paul Surrenders His Rights."
       Paul decides to preach the gospel free of charge here in Corinth. Gifts up what he claims as a right for the weak immature members of the congregation. The irony…9:19 "for though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them." to the Jews a Jew, to the weak as though weak, all things to all people because the gospel and winning people to Christ is more valuable than my rights.
       It is a struggle for us here in America. We are taught at an early age about our right. The right to free speech, the right to arm bears, the right to a fair trial, on and on. Don't mess with my rights. Seldom do we ever hear about the idea that I could lay down my rights for the benefit of another… I wonder why?
       For Paul, it's about the gospel. Figuring out how to know people well enough to shape this message so they can interact with it and by God's grace and will say yes. It's not a cookie cutter presentation, it has a heart for people, such that I would live another way so they could hear it. I would understand my teenager so they could get it, I would understand my neighbor, so I can speak to their heart and not  my canned sermon I learned at Evangelism class.
       I surrender for the glory of God and the gain of others

Romans 14-16 Growing old, giving up, letting go... holding on to Jesus

December 26th,  Romans 14-16

        Sometimes we get things backwards.

Here's the command of God… those who are strong are supposed to surrender things in order to be a blessing to those who are weak.

Here's the observation from church life… those who are strong demand that the weak do it their way, with no regard whatsoever for the stumbling blocks being placed all over.

       If the weak are going to stumble it is the responsibility of the strong to give up something for the weakness of another member. If you are not willing to see things this way you are not walking in love. If it means I give up meat, wine, feelings about circumcision,order of service, carpet color, entrance design, etc… I will do so for the benefit of others. Gladly for the benefit of others. I have determined the valuable things like loving Jesus and come to grips with the non-essentials(almost everything else).

Growing old, giving up, letting go, holding on…to Jesus

Romans 1-3 If God has an opinion on something...

December 26th, Romans 1-3

       I've avoided this topic for far too long. It's not because I am not clear about my understanding, or try to live a world where I avoid conflict. I've been a little convicted after listening and watching a presentation concerning the life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, where his understanding about hot topics of the day require action and not passivity. German churches went with passivity and things got twisted.
       Duck calls have brought us to a point of discussion, but as usual we don't get to the heart of discussion, we just flirt with issues that are not the real issues.
       We begin to have a discussion about freedom of speech, it's really not about that. Phil's not in jail for what he said. We move to how Phil spoke about it, like a guy from the woods down south HAS to speak about these matters in a way that validates us, it's not about that. To me this whole thing is about faulty views concerning tolerance.
       A free society allows things to be up for discussion. Nazi Germany didn't allow for that, dissenting voices were murdered by the state(that's different than losing money for a TV show by the way). All of the discussion here centers on love, acceptance, tolerance. Tolerance seems to be redefined as every opinion about every subject is valid. There are a lot of opinions out there. If there is a God, and if His opinion matters, it would be a priority to come in line with how he views things. How he views things has been made pretty clear…Romans 1:21-27

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.
24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.
26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed shameful acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.

       Christians have to get over the idea of getting everyone to see things the way they do. Understand that first century Christians had no delusion that they were the majority in any moral discussion. The offense that people feel comes from the idea of tolerance that comes our way. It claims to extol the virtue of every opinion, true and valid. Christians then get excluded as having a position on a subject that stands opposed to the current stream of thought. Our struggle here isn't really a freedom of speech issue, it's a definition of tolerance issue.

       For mean tolerance is a pretty low value anyway. Imagine…"I tolerate you." God asks us to love, which is different than accept every idea. Honor one another. I can treat you with great respect and disagree with you. To me, this is the core of our problem right now. I don't have to dehumanize people that look at something different than me. In the end, if we believe in God, know that He is our judge, we can just leave it at that. For those who care nothing about God or His expectations, our opinions(what they perceive as simply our opinions) won't matter to them. Jesus had a saying for that, he who has ears, let them hear.

Revelation 1-3 Reflections...

December 26th, Revelation 1-3

       And so it begins. The last book in a year full of God's word. Revelation is a book that stirs up a lot of thought. It makes people try to figure out, things that are not for us to know in any sense of fullness. As we walk through this book for the next couple of days, I really want to address what we do know and rest in a God who has already written the story.
       John's in prison and the invitation is to write down what he sees. Needless to say John witnesses a pretty awe inspiring vision. Usually when we write things we try to understand what we're trying to write. I imagine John just speaking into a tape recorder, not trying to figure it all out, but be dutiful to communicate what you see. strange, but better than other jail activities I assume.
       In these first three chapters there is a vision of Jesus with a description and a bit about seven of numerous things. The next two chapters start off with a message for each of the seven churches this letter is written to.
       Churches are much like our individual lives. Things true about us that are positive, things true about us that need some attention so we can move to a better place of honoring our God. Some tend to read through this narrative and only pick out the positive. Some read through this narrative and only pick out the negative. You and I need to learn to pick out both. To spend some time with the Lord and discover what's going well in our walk of faith and what needs to change. The end of the year and beginning of the next, seems to be a great time for reflection.
       Maybe reading through the things that Jesus had to say about the highs and lows of these churches would prompt something in your heart about a new thing God wants to stir in you for the coming year.
       I thank God for the work He has already accomplished in you and for the things yet to be done. By God's grace may we press into knowing the presence of Christ in our life in a more full way, and enjoy Him more thoroughly each and every year!!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

2 John-Jude: Holy Tension, Great Doxology, and a Merry Christmas

December 25th, 2 John-Jude

       First of all Merry Christmas. I pray that your celebration of Jesus' coming to be our High Priest and make a one time perfect sacrifice for us causes great joy, satisfaction and celebration in your heart this day!!
       Today's scripture is a bit of a lesson about love, but also the tension of sickness in the body. I've always said things are more simple than they appear. The trouble is, things are also more difficult than they appear. All three of these short books this morning, speak of love, but they are also all written to  address some problem. People who are confusing matters of grace, the deity of Christ, and selfishness.
       We are called to do two things that sometimes seem at odds with each other. 1. Love people.  2. Correct things that are wrong. The writer  speaks about both the wondrous love of God and living in that with one another. " I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." But..."anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God."
       Two realities, same location, has to be dealt with. Don't wilt over important matters. Don't forget to love as Christ loves us! Both!
       Finally, one of my favorite doxologies. Jude 1:24-25

"To Him who is able to keep you from falling and present you before His glorious presence without fault and with great joy- to the only God our Savior, be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore, Amen."

Now that's an ending!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Acts 11-13 Who needs sweet dreams when you can have a sweet reality

December 24th,  Acts 11-13

       Dream or reality. For some of your most vivid dreams, it's hard to tell the two apart. Peter got to experience this while in prison...

Peter sleeping between two soldiers

Angels make lights shine...check
Tell Peter to wake up quickly...check
Chains fall off...check
Angels tells Peter to get dressed
Put  sandals on
Grab your coat...is this angel my mother!!

Peter thinks he's dreaming as he passes the first set of guards, it's always nice to get out of jail in your dreams...I mean...I guess!

Keep walking to the gate that leads to the city and it will open... check

What do you do with your freedom? Find others who think they are in a dream as well...no way Peter is out of jail! They said.

Sweet dreams everyone and thanks to God, sweet reality!!

Acts 9-10: Let's talk about faith, faith, faithAHH.

December 24th, Acts 9-10

        So my mind immediately raced to courage, then faith, then George Michael, then faith, faith, faith AHH, baby..."  Ananias is a hero in this story. The man who executes Christians for a living has need of a miracle and a little witness. Would you go help with a miracle to make public enemy of the church receive back his sight. You gotta have faith...
       What would your wife say to you when you left? How long would you hug your children? How many times would you nervously need to go to the bathroom? The truth that we live in, the faith that God has called us to, illicits a response by us physically, emotionally, relationally. Every fiber of our being should really be invested in this thing of trusting God, to love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, strength. Thanks Ananias for your faith, and praise God for the power to take one from executing for Jesus to testify to the life-changing power of God! Faith...AHHH

I John: Perfected, better than love, love!!

December 24th, I John

       I John was written to a postmodern audience, before anyone knew what postmodern means. Proof to me that much of life is more cyclical than linear. Ecclesiastes reminds us that everything that is "new" has been done before. I John wants to establish truth through testimony, rather than rational thought. We act like we're uncomfortable with that and really just get over it. "That which we have heard, that we have seen with our eyes, which  we have looked upon, and have touched with our hands, concerning the word of life- the life was made manifest and we have seen it, and testify to it and proclaim to you the eternal life, which was with the Father and made manifest to us." 
       This isn't an attempt at systematic theology, this is we are giving testimony to that which we have experienced. In an age that starts off an argument with..."Well it's been my experience that..." Why not go there with people. People will argue with you about Jesus being God and any of a thousand other items, but people in our day simply refuse to argue with someone's experience. Here's what God has done for me!!! Here's what God can and will do for you when you choose to surrender your life to Him.
      The strong theme of this book is the Love of God and our call to love one another...and no you can't love each other but not like each other. Unless you feel comfortable saying God loves me, but he doesn't really like me. If you do feel comfortable saying that please come talk to me!!
      4:12 "No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us." What I love about this verse is the fuller perspective of God's love and us. Too often we think in terms of God loving me, like this is the end of the process. But God's love is made perfect when it continues out from us into the lives of others. It even says it's perfected in us. In to us, out from us is how this love of God works. I've seen a lot of perfected love from a lot of people...praise be to God!!

Monday, December 23, 2013

2 Peter Mapquest makes it simple

December 23rd, 2 Peter

       If you like the instructions you get from Mapquest, this is the devotion for you. It's always nice to know where your starting, where your going and how to get there. Ready….
       2 Peter 1:3-9

Starting point: Corrupt world driven by evil desires(4)
Ending point: Godly life(3), Divine Nature(4)

Fuel: His divine power has given us everything we need(3)!! Make every effort to go from one step to another...

1. Faith (trusting in Christ)
2 To faith add Goodness: Life is gonna change how we live. Then make every effort to add
3. Knowledge: Getting to know God is understanding the destination
4. Self-control: Now that you know something, we should move into doing that…
5. Continue straight into Perseverance. Not only controlling ourselves once, but over and over again.
6 When perseverance becomes a norm you will head into Godliness
7.Godliness leads to Brotherly Kindness. As a youth pastor, people always wanted me to force students into step number 7. Notice step 7 is preceded by much effort made in 6 prior steps.
8. Finally you get to the last step…Love, Godly life, divine nature.

       God provides the path and power, we just need to drink some coffee or Mountain Dew so we don't fall asleep at the wheel. Your great effort has been or will be a great investment for others. Enjoy the ride and a life of Christ forming in and taking over your own!!

        "Make every effort to add to your faith, goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ."      2 Peter 1:5-8

Sunday, December 22, 2013

I Peter: Encouragement and Hope in a worthwhile endeavor!!

December 22nd, I Peter

       I've said this before, but it feels like it bears repeating...these letters were written to those who were new in a new faith. In a place that valued things of old and like today didn't value people who change things up a bit and upset apple carts. Family members who didn't understand your new thing, a society that worshipped Caesar and a hundred other gods, but not this Jesus who died and is rumored to come back to life...you even drink blood and eat flesh to remember this event...what kind of weirdo's are you?
       I Peter 1:3 "Praise  be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade. kept in heaven for you." Put that under your christmas tree!!
       1:13b "set your hope fully on the grace to be given when Jesus Christ is revealed."
       Chapter 2: Jesus is a living stone, a cornerstone, and we are living stones in a spiritual house. We are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation a people belonging to God that we could declare the praise of God who has called us out of darkness into wonderful light...remember who you are and whose you are. This new thing you are walking into will cast fear and doubt and anxiety into your heart...
       4:12 "Dear friends, don't be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering as though something strange was happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when His glory is revealed." for Isaiah 26:8 "His name and His renown is the desire of our hearts."
       In the end 5:10-11 "And the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast. To Him be the power and glory forever and ever Amen!!"

Saturday, December 21, 2013

John 13-15 Fecundity!!

December 21st, John 13-15

       John 15 ranks up there as one of my favorites. Some of it is because of the horticultural analogies, the idea of productivity and the realization of very important principles that get expressed.
       "Apart from me you can do nothing." Vines produce fruit, vines have roots, if you want something of valuable to be produced in your life…look no further. It's a principle that goes to the core of wisdom.
       Jesus Christ and our connection to HIm, is our source for strength, hope and fecundity.

fe·cun·di·ty  (f-knd-t)
1. The quality or power of producing abundantly;

       Word for the day…fecundity!!  Word for life. A word that represents the whole of God's creation. A word that represents heartache when it's not being evidenced "Cut down that fruitless tree, why should it take up space in my vineyard." 
       Chapter 15 talks about pruning. Removing parts of a vine make it more fecundant. My grape vines try to produce a lot of leaves and more vine. I need them to produce more fruit. Fruit is small and weak when the vine is allowed to run it's course. I get more grape jelly, when the principles of God's world are adhered too. I get more out of life when the principles of God's word are adhered to.
       Here's to life, here's to the author of it, here's to fecundity in Jesus name!!

John 3-4 Peace be da journey!!

December 21st, John 3-4

       This part of the narrative shows a couple of interactions with Nicodemus and the Samaritan woman. They both come in as extended teaching moments. Moments that are much longer than other expressions in the gospels.
       We don't give enough credit to the difficulty presented by God becoming man and dwelling among us. It's a bit like convincing some that the world is round and not flat. People have ideas, those ideas become norms, norms are not questioned.
       What I love about these two stories is the great care Jesus gives to these people as they are trying to process this information about who Jesus is. There are times in the gospels where Jesus is harsh with the questions people offer. I believe it's because of His knowledge about their motives in  asking those questions. While Jesus maintains His normal teaching style of asking questions rather than giving answers and saying things that go beyond their ability to understand in order to get them to think, There is a gentleness in His way.
       Their continues to be a gentleness in His way with us. While God doesn't always answer our questions he does ask us some great ones. He is always there, and He doesn't shut down honest genuine seeking. It's a great demonstration of our stance before the Lord. Humble, seeking, confused, but knowing we should know more.

Peace be da journey!!

James: Thankful for a mirror that is honest with me, physically and spiritually

December 21st, James

       James has to be one of my favorite books. As much as I like abstract thought, this book doesn't leave room at a Bible Study for someone to ruin it by talking intellectual nonsense. This is a presentation of what the Christian life ought to look like. Issues like perseverance, temptation, change, partiality, good works, what we say, where to find wisdom, avoiding the world, what tomorrow looks like, being rich, walking through difficulty and when to pray.
       For me, the heart of it comes at the end of chapter one. Be "doers"(orthopraxy: correct practice) and not hearers only(orthodoxy: correct knowing). If you went up to a mirror and you had something between your teeth, you'd fix it. If you were cutting your hair and you saw you messed up in a spot after looking in the mirror you'd fix it. If your make-up was put on wrong and you looked in a mirror, you'd fix it(Not from experience, I'm actually just guessing!!)
       "But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets, but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing."
       This Bible is God's word. It's his expression of Himself and an invitation to do things His way. It is a mirror. The mirror is always honest, it reflects what is. Coming to grips with what is and fixing it is what our bathroom mirror is all about. In the morning I am thankful for a mirror that is honest with me. It's also at the heart of this journey of faith. To see ourselves clearly, to see God clearly and thank Him not only for the revelation of a need for change, but the power to walk into it.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Luke 23-24 I knew it was Him!!

December 20th, Luke 23-24

       What would it be like to hang out with Jesus and not know it. I love how Jesus plays dumb when he meets these guys on the road to Emmaus. What things? Jesus asks the one who was center stage for the whole vent!!
       I think it's about the power of proclamation. Speaking about the things that are in front of you. Sometimes we try to avoid those things rather than process them. For these guys it was probably like many others. Rumors, ideas, hopes that this Jesus was bringing something new. Not knowing all of what he was about but having hope, witnessing something beyond the norm…now this guy is dead. Hope dies a little bit too.
         I think about the moment when they figure out who their guest is and the same moment he is disappearing. Seriously, this was just about to get really good…ARGHHHHH. What would you have said differently? What would you have asked 5 minutes ago if you'd known? HOw many times would you kick yourself for the stupid things you said? Jesus must think I'm a dope!! Jesus is sitting their explaining all of this how, how did I not wonder how some random guy would know all of this?
       One moment I really enjoy is the moment that sounds very much like communion. Sitting at their table he took the bread, blessed it, broke it, and gave it. That sounds exactly like communion narrative. In the partaking of this their eyes were opened and they recognized him. I invite you to take communion more seriously. Sometimes it gets treated as the five-minute warning for the end of a service, maybe there is something more profound going on.
       The good news is, Christ surrounds us everyday. May we learn to be in His presence more, be aware more, seek Him more. Today is a good day, Christ alive in you!!!

Mark 12-13 Problem in the assumptions

December 20th, Mark 12-13

       It's always a danger to assume you know something. It's obviously dangerous to approach Jesus with an attempt to trick Him with your genius plan. Maybe you should rethink this. But the core of the problem is really rooted in the assumptions. The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection, they also thought heaven would be like earth. Jesus let them know in His awesome way that they were wrong about both!!

       Step aside…crack fresh egg…apply to face!

       One thing I have learned through the interactions that Jesus has about issues related to questions of the day…there is a way to get answer for people without giving them an answer.. Giving people an answer doesn't ask them to think or own their own answer, just accept or reject your answer.
       In issues related to our day, people want my opinion on numerous hot topics. I always tell them my opinion about it doesn't really matter. Instead I point people to God. If there is a God and he has an opinion about it, it's really in your best interest to be aligned with Him. This gives a few filtering opportunities…
       1, If this person doesn't care or believe in God, they won't care about your answer. Giving an answer isn't worth anyone's time.
       2. If this person does think their is a God, but culture trumps anything God would have to say about it… again, it's not worth a discussion. If someone doesn't care about the judgement of the one who will judge them at some point, the discussion isn't going anywhere.
       3. If this person, does believe in God, does care about what God thinks, then we can go somewhere with a conversation.

        Jesus didn't have time for your opinion verses my opinion. For those who asked dishonest questions(just arguing, not actually seeking the truth), I am convinced that we don't owe them an answer. I'd rather leave someone dangling until they really want an answer than to just give them something to fight about.

Hebrews 11-13 Great People, Great History, Great God

December 20th, Hebrews 11-13

       Chapter 11: The Bible character Hall of Faith. An impressive list who through faith are said to have…"conquered Kingdoms, enforced justice, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the power of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, were made strong out of weakness, became mighty in war, put foreign armies to flight…" Faith=trust, for some trust to the point of death. For others trust caused them to escape death. God decides that, not us. Again my pet peeve about praying for safety. Pray for God's will to be done, for God to be glorified. In the end it's about his name and his renown, not my comfort.
       The crescendo of the faith on this mighty list comes to it's high point in 12:1 "Since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and sin that so easily entangles, and let us run the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the Father." There is always a realization that our forefathers didn't live with a cloud of witness. We have this track record of God that sits before us. Trust should be easier for us because we have seen over and over again the provision of God for His people. Thanks to Abram for his faith when trusting God didn't have a 4000 year track record!!
       A verse that caught my attention…12:14 "Strive for peace with everyone, and for holiness without which no one will see the Lord."I appreciated the link between our holiness and the capacity for others to see the Lord because of it. We have a big outreach at church tonight. I pray that God's holiness in us would allow people to see the Lord clearly!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Matthew 11-12 Go tell John what you hear and see

December 19th. Matthew 11-12

       This story with John the Baptist always surprises me on one hand. On the other hand... I get it. When you find yourself in prison, alone, isolated, unaware of what is going on outside(I assume he didn't have internet access or CNN) you wonder if this thing you were called to is really happening.
       I prepared the way...or did I prepare the way. Life gets hard and you begin to wonder, or is it that you begin to wander. John finds himself needing a little affirmation. Jesus, are you the one who is to come, or is there someone else? Sometimes the brave are the only ones to ask the questions everyone else is thinking.
       I love Jesus response. It's very typical. Not a direct answer and yet it is. Jesus could have just said yes, I am the one, but his response is the response of a second step.
       It's an answer of witness, "Go back  and report to John what you hear and see: The blind receive sight, the lame walk, those who have leprosy are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the good news is proclaimed to the poor. Blessed is anyone who doesn't stumble on account of me."
        We try to talk people into believing in Jesus. Here's what I know, because of my attention to Christ I am not who I was. I've learned to love, serve, give, rejoice, hope. I have a rock that grounds me when things swirl around, I know who I am, I found strength, I gave up much and I received more.

Go tell John what you hear and see.

Matthew 1-4 Geneology, Car Models: Moving Forward, going back

December 19th, Matthew 1-4

       Geneology is an interesting subject. The names of vehicles in our country demonstrate car companies perceptions of our values... Expedition, Yukon, Pathfinder, Forester, Trailblazer, Escape, Explorer, Tahoe, Traverse...strange when you see all of those names lined up in a row. We're a nation going somewhere, even Toyota's slogan..."Moving Forward."
       Geneology is moving backward. Thanks to a certain group's desire to baptize for the dead, there is a growing amount of information we can get about our past. That's used for multiple purposes. Chief among them is to have someone famous in your past so you feel better about yourself...
        Matthew one has a story to tell. It's from a different time, place, and culture. A culture where your past matters, where you come from matters, who your ancestors are matters. There are parts of the world that find Matthew one exceptionally interesting, we barely make it through the list before we are thinking about a list of to do items for the day.
        Maybe where we come from matters. Maybe history should hold more value to us? Maybe bringing honor to those who walked before us is a load(not a crushing one) we should choose to find out about. Maybe it would bring us to a better place when it comes to another history I pray you are a part of. The History of Christ offering you and I life. We are not entities unto our own. We are part of an ongoing, unfolding story. We'll have a place in the story and by the grace of God we'll add inspiring chapters to it!

Malachi: GEFG

December 19th, Malachi

       GEFG: Offering blind animals as a sacrifice for God.

       GEFG: Showing partiality concerning matters of justice, favors for our favorites.

       GEFG: Being okay with unfaithfulness to your wife.

       GEFG: Trusting sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, those who rob widows/fatherless, deprive foreigners of justice.
       GEFG: Robbing God

       Malachi gives a few comps from God's perspective..."If I am a father where is the honor due me? If I am a master where is the respect due me."..."Try offering your version of sacrifice to your governor and see if he would accept it."

       GEFG: What does that stand for? Glad you asked...

Hebrews 7-10 Models, Shadows and Reality

December 19th, Hebrews 7-10

       As a kid I always enjoyed models. Most kids do, miniature versions of full sized models. Baby dolls, trucks, race cars are what toys are all about. To be honest, I'm sure it has something to do with my interest in Bonsai. Today's text in Hebrews  is a lesson in models.
       All of the details of the Tabernacle in the Old Testament are there because it's not just a random idea of God for construction. The priests served at a Sanctuary that is a copy of the one in heaven. Moses was warned to make everything according to the pattern. Hebrews talks about this as a shadow. A black outline that has the appearance of something, but unable to demonstrate a full view of details.
       The law was also a shadow of the good things to come later. The same sacrifices repeated year after year were never good enough, otherwise they would have not needed to be offered again and again. They were just a shadow. The sacrifices in the OT were offered correctly as God asked. The second covenant was no longer a shadow, but the real deal. Now we are made Holy through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, once for all!
       Christ came through a greater more worthy Tabernacle, that was not made of human hands. He didn't enter the shadow by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood for a better result, real redemption. Jesus moves the discussion beyond shadows and models and into reality. Christ is the mediator in the new covenant, far superior to the old.
       A shadow becomes a 3-D, full color, live celebrations that's real and not just an idea. Living in what's real!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Nahum: God cares for those who trust him.

December 18th, Nahum

       In the Old Testament a great question was raised... Why does God use an evil nation to bring judgement on His people. Well the easy answer is simply this...Israel was worse than they gave themselves credit for(not a new problem in the years of humanity). But Nahum is a demonstration that as much as God used them to prove a point to his people...there  is still a price to pay for wickedness.
       Many prophets are speaking words of judgement over the nation of Israel. Nahum happens to pbe speaking words of judgement over Ninevah. A glimpse into the heart of God in these matters of mankind comes from Nahum 1:7 "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in Him, but with an overwhelming flood he will make an end of Ninevah."
       It's a great reminder that God is watching. That when God invites us to not retaliate, that he will bring His vengence to the issues of injustice that surround us, we can trust that He will take care of His people one way or another. What that doesn't mean is that it will always work out for us here on earth. Martyrs die, and leaders are tortured before things change sometimes. But his world is not our home, to die is gain. If God steps into fix and injustice today, next year, next decade, next century, know that He cares for those who trust Him.

Hebrews 1-6 Something Old, Something New

December 18th, Hebrews 1-6

Something Old: Love these verses.

       3:3-4 The builder of the house has more honor than the house itself. "For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God." 

       3:13 " But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called "today", so that none of you may be hardened by sine's deceitfulness." Seems like it's called "today" a lot! 

       4:12"For the word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. It's more effective than an exfoliate scrubbing off an outer layer of skin, it cleans up everything

       4:15 "For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are-yet He did not sin." "No one understands" would be a lie we tell ourselves.

       4:16 "Let us then approach the throne of Grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." It's intimidating to be in the presence of powerful people. God invites us in and we are welcomed!

       Chapter 6 brings out a lot of controversy!! Yeah, thinking people, how cool is that? Once saved always saved, crucifying the Son of God all over again? It's worthy of some thought

Something New:
       2:14b-15 "He too shared their humanity so that by his death he might break the power of him who holds power over death-that is the devil- and free those, who all their lives were held in slavery, by their fear of death." You and I are held into slavery by what we fear, thus the invitation to fear God. The only thing worthy of the status: bondservant.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Amos 1-5 I Love irony!

December 17th, Amos 1-5

       If there was a place that found themselves concerned with justice issues, injustice at the center of their display would be just that. Right!
       Here's a link to the Wikipedia explanation of the Civil a Rights Memorial. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Memorial
       Look at the quote in the first picture and note who it is attributed to. You'd think this organization would know something about justly noting a source. While Martin Luther King certainly said this line, he did it quoting Amos 5:24. I like how God's word gets front and center in a place doesn't do such. Irony.
       The land and people feel the weight of injustice. May the dream of Amos, Martin Luther King and God Almighty stay alive!!

       Let justice roll down like a mighty water, righteousness unlike a wadi, instead a never failing stream.

Titus-Philemon Great stories of call and redemption

December 16th, Titus-Philemon

       Like Timothy, Titus carries with it the same ideas of helping out a young leader, It starts of in chapter one with qualifications for Elders. There need to be leaders in any setting that are worthy of being looked up to. In your family, church, business. No matter what the setting quality leaders make a world of difference.
       Chapter two calls on some more characteristics of old and young, men and women as well as another great summary passage. 2:11-13 "For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, waiting for our blessed hope, and the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ."
       I always hate it when theology profs complain about a run-on sentence in a paper. I always think to myself, don't they read the Bible!! Paul is the master of run-on sentences!
       Philemon- a short book about forgiveness, slaves/slaveowners and a new day. Onesimus was a slave of Philemon, stole items and ran away. In the course of time Onesimus ran across Paul and got saved. Paul wants to send Onesimus back to Philemon, but with a very different outlook regarding the whole issue of slavery/forgiveness/redemption. Philemon is the letter Paul wrote to the slave owner of Onesimus regarding this whole situation. Don't miss it. A great story.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Ezekiel 28-30 Trippin', The Enigma, The Code

December 16th, Ezekiel 28-30

       Flipping the script, expect the unexpected, the unchosen. God owes me salvation, God owes me favor, God owes me health, wealth fortune and fame…..o wait…I'm not at the Christian bookstore, I'm reading out of the Bible. It's a little different here… trouble!!

       God speaking…"Nebuchadnezzar should be rewarded for his efforts because of what he did for me." I see reward to doing God's will. I also see correction for those who don't care about the way of God.

       I wish it were that easy always. Because I also see Martyrs, good getting punished and I see evil exploiting the poor and living in opulence. Wouldn't it be nice if all of this made sense all of the time. An enigma with no moving parts, find the code, know the answers…always.

       If we knew the code, we wouldn't need God. He would simply become the man behind the curtain. Why do you always have to know everything? Why can't something be a mystery? Is God bigger than your ability to reason? Like the prostitutes spoken of in the entry prior, if we could understand him, we'd have no more use for Him. we'd dis him and throw him away.

       When we can't understand, then there is no use either. This is the call to faith, the call to trust. Do you trust someone you do not know very well. Enter the phase of proving him o'er and o'er, Jesus Jesus precious Jesus, oh for grace to trust him more.

       If God is eager to bless Nebuchadnezzar, then...

Ezekiel 23-24 Peace, Love and Prostitutes

December 16th, Ezekiel 23-24

       Something special, stripped and reduced to pleasure. God introduces Ezekiel to a a couple of sisters. These two sisters gave birth to a couple of familiar places…Samaria and Jerusalem. Oholoah was the name of one and Oholibah was the name of the other. The first had a thing for Assyrians, the second had a thing for any man with a pulse. The both perfected the art of prostitution.
       The truth is that when someone uses you, they don't respect you. After they are done with you, you aren't worth much more than the dirt on the floor. Everything gained in secret moments and promises whispered in dark places, will be stripped of you and consumed by various fires, the least of which is real fire. At some point he piper is paid and the pickled peppers will be the least costly.
       As much chaos as a prostitute would bring to any household, imagine a whole nation of unfaithfulness, not sin-city…sin-nation. Ad slogans are great but the truth is what happens in Vegas is known by God fully. The delusions we have can never conquer omniscience.
       And so a prophets work is never done or well-recieved, what hard words do you and I need to hear? Why have we allowed a prostitute in our home, church, manger scene?

Ezekiel 9-12 A Sanctuary in my self-made storm. Thanks God!

December 16th, Ezekiel 9-12

       As frustrated as God is with his people, who go out of their way to offend him, you can see the heart of God even in the midst of His correction. 11:16 "Therefore say: This is what the sovereign Lord says; Although I sent them far away among the nations and scattered them among the countries, yet for a little while i have been a sanctuary for them in the countries where they have gone." A really valuable understanding is that God owes us nothing. In the midst of a much needed punishment, God is still providing a sanctuary for His people.
       Think about a time when someone has been so annoying that sending them away or watching them leave was a great delight and a weight off of your soul…or is that just me! Imagine caring and providing for them during their time away.
       One thing that I really enjoy about God is the lack of pettiness in the midst of His dealings with us. I am more than willing to slip in a comment, make my disgust known in ways that aren't always a source of help. In the midst of discipline God still remains an asset to His people while I am generally more interested in taking off the "et"
       However people choose to read through the prophets and God's interactions with people, make sure you remember a great patience and willingness of provision even when people stood opposed to God. All I know is that I need to say thanks a whole lot more.

Ezekiel 5-8 Eyes Wide Shut

December 16th, Ezekiel 5-8

       So dark, I can't open my eyes. I don't know if you've ever been in a place like this, I know I have. Years of being a youth pastor means years of hiding in various church buildings from California to West Virginia, from Minnesota to Texas. One building in particular had a room in the basement with no windows, then there were closets in the room…utter darkness.  Not one bit of light. Even when your eyes tried to adjust there was no way to see your hand in front of your face.
       In the middle of a game of sardines, I found it hard to wait there and keep my eyes open. When your eyes are open you are supposed to see stuff. It's very odd to have your eyes wide shut. It was almost like I was forced to close my eyes, I couldn't stand the darkness unless my eyes were closed. There I sat waiting.
       In this Christmas season we are hearing verses about those walking in darkness have seen a great light. As I read the text here in Ezra, I'm having this dark, dark closet moment. This text goes on and on and on about the failures of God's people and its leaders and I really feel like I can't write a devotional about it. It's too dark and at this point I'm more interested in the light.
       Maybe that's why there were 400 silent years. Maybe the darkest hour is just before dawn. Maybe light has to become more valuable to us than darkness. Praise God for the sunrise.

2 Timothy WORD

December 16th, 2 Timothy

       2 Timothy is like a trip down memory lane for memorized verses. Again 1&2 Timothy are a treasure when it comes to advice to growing up in the faith.

       1:7 "God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind." Fear is not from God and when fear overwhelms us, the first things to go are power, love, sound mind. You can have one list or the other, but never both at the same time.

       2:15 "Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth." We've all been there. The moment you realize, many others put more effort into making a better product. The moment you realize, next time I'll try harder to do my best. There is some need in the Kingdom of God for that as well. Not because we are trying to earn God's favor or impress humanity, but like the little drummer boy. "Our finest gifts we bring, to lay before the King."

       3:1-9 Here we find a list of humanity gone wrong, then speaking about a weak form of faith…"having a form of godliness, but denying it's power. Have nothing to do with such people." Gullible, loaded with sin, swayed by desires, always learning, never able to come to the truth. 
aka… don't be one of those people

       3:16-17 "All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may be equipped for every good work."This is the air I breath, like the helium in a ballon, how deep can I breath it in and have it change my voice!! If you want to grow, be equipped, live in power, become an approved workman, have a form of Godliness that will make a difference, Paul is laying it out there!

       4:2 "Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season; correct, rebuke, encourage with great patience and careful instruction." Paul seems to think the word of God is really important

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Isaiah 42-44 There is no God like me (says God)

December 15th,  Isaiah 42-44

       Need some inspiration about who God is and what he's like.  42 calls us to sing out to the Lord our God. I suggest you catch a ride.
        Chapter 43: "Can I get a witneeeeesss" "Fear not, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name you are mine."
        It just gets better.  44:6-8 "I am the first and I am the last; besides me there is no god. Who is like me? Let him proclaim it. Let him declare and set it before me, since I appointed an ancient people. Let them declare what is to come, and what will happen. Fear not, nor be afraid; have I not told you from of old and declared it? And you are my witnesses! Is there a God besides me? There is no Rock; I know not any."
         To the one who puts their confidence in The Lord, there will not be disappointed. By God's grace may we draw near and live in full confidence of the God we know and love. May idolatry drop from my will and be fully realized in God.

Isaiah 36-41 Prepare the way

December 15th, Isaiah 36-41

        A great passage to be revisited. Isaiah 40..."A voice cries: in the wilderness prepare the way of The Lord. Make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be lifted up and every mountain and hill made low... And the glory of The Lord shall be revealed and all flesh shall se it together, for the mouth of The Lord has spoken."
       Something great has a season of preparation. It would be nice if great things just happened. I find it interesting as I think about the story of Joh. The Baptist and Jesus.  Why does Jesus need some one to prepare the way?
        A lot of speculation could take you down many paths. God doesn't owe me an explanation and grasping at straws forces strange ideas to be held on to for no real reason. Here's what I know. The way is to be prepared. It's the way God works. Some plant seeds, some water, but The Lord alone causes seeds to grow.
       It's also represented in leadership. I have been blessed by a preparation that has not been mine. Parents, grandparents, ancestors, pastors, friends,family, brothers and sisters in Christ. Their preparation for live has blessed me in ways I could never count.
       It's my hope and prayer to prepare the way for others. Thanks Lord, for this invitation, creating a way for us to create away through you alive in us.

Proverbs 16-18 Need some good medicinal advice...

December 15th, Proverbs 16-18

       Here's my twist if you will...

  • The Lord makes everything for its purpose, even trouble
  • Better a little and right than much and wrong
  • A just scale is the Lords
  • Kings should do right
  • Wisdom better than gold
  • Rolling dice is led by the Lord
  • Mock the poor and insult the Maker
  • Rebuke is useful for the wise
  • Better to fight off a bear robbed of her cubs than to deal with a fool
  • Love sin, love strife
  • In need of good medicine... Have a joyful heart
  • Silent fool seems wise
  • A fool loves to tell everyone his opinion
  •  The Lord is a strong tower
  • Find a good wife, you found God's favor!

Psalms 51-57 Praying with hope!

December 18th, Psalms 51-57

       The psalmist is living in the midst of a lot of heavy moments in life. This section starts out with psalm 51. A psalm written after being busted for David's sin with Bathsheba. The guilt and weight of our failure can be overwhelming. David's life and reign was never the same after this moment.
       Fast forward to Psalm 55. Another sad moment that I think we have all lived in... 55:12-14 "If an enemy were insulting me, I could endure it; if a foe were rising against me, I could hide. But it is you, a man like myself, my companion, my close friend, with whom I once enjoyed sweet fellowship at the house of God, as we walked among the worshipers."
       Reconciled to God, reconciled to each other. There is something to making amends in life. Part of an organization I volunteer with, encourages reconciliation for deeds of the past. It's not a bad idea.  Live at peace with everyone as far as it depends on you.
       I know it's a risk, maybe there is someone out there for whom God is calling you to reach out to. Hearing stories like the verse expressed above has become all too common. This side of heaven, I guess they will be more common than the joy of being one. Another reason to hope for heaven. In the mean time, maybe there is some reconciliation to be pursued in the here and now. Praying with hope!

Job 24-28 Saying no to crazy and yes to Jesus

December 15th, Job 24-28

       In an attempt to go back and write about some missed chapters throughout the year, it is hard to get into the context and flow of the passage. It's also hard coming off of a Sunday of hope and transformation and good advice to young people to enter back into the story of Job.
       A story of heartache and loss. A story of friends misconceptions and accusations. It's hard enough for us to have clarity in hard times, when your friends live in an automatic assumption of your guilt causing your trouble, how do you talk them out of it.
       Job " I will never admit you are right" ... Because you aren't!! "I will maintain my innocence and never let go of it"  Years of ministry have taught me a few things. One is that many people will have many things they demand of you, much of it won't make any sense! My ONLY obligation is to have a clear conscience before my God. Sometimes good words come from people, so I don't want to ignore it completely, but like Job, we have to sort out truth from the bad advice of Job's friends who have lived in my life and yours.
       You and I have to be in tune with the Lord. Living in the conviction that comes from Him. Always saying no to "crazy" and yes to Jesus.

1 Timothy Look down or not look down.

December 15th,  1Timothy

       I know all scripture is God-breathed and useful for instruction. But when it comes to writing a devotional, it's hard to believe they gave me 2 chapters a day in Leviticus and then whole books in the New Testament.
       In a position of mentoring young people. 1&2 Timothy are great inspirations. Letters written to a young leader. Words to encourage, sharpen, challenge, correct. As you read these two books, imagine yourself getting words of advice from a mentor.
        Hear these familiar words..."Let no one look down on you because you are young, BUT set an example for believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. Until I come devote yourself to the public reading of scripture, to preaching and teaching....be diligent I these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress."
       Its important to grab all of the first verse there. Too often I see young people resenting how people look down on their youngness. There is a big BUT in the middle of that thought. People won't look down on you when you are setting an example in speech, conduct, love, faith and purity. Don't forget the second part of that verse.  The second part earns the first part...important to remember.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Nehemiah 7 Character Matters

December 18th, Nehemiah 7

       My personal life doesn't matter. Who I am out of the public eye is nobody's business. There should be separation between church and state. As if, wrong, impossible would be my retort to what has evolved into wisdom, but has always been and will always be impossible.
       I believe and always told the football players I worked with... you can't be a good football player and a bad employee, bad student, lousy boyfriend, and disrespect authority. We can't pick and choose times when we will do something well and do something with half-effort. If we start lacking in one area of our life it begins to show up in other areas of our life. This is the way things go. When I let my private life go, my public life is quick to follow.
       We live in a world that values a skillset over and above character. When I hire someone for a job my criteria in order is this...character, competence, chemistry. I don't really care about skill level if the heart is not right. Character issues are always a problem or will become a big problem. When you have skilled work from a toxic person, the toxin as rarely more valuable than the skill. Besides if someone has character, teaching a skill is easier, simply because people with character are teachable. In the end chemistry is important. If I have to spend 6 hours a day with someone, it's a lot more fun if we genuinely enjoy one another. It's not the first requirement, but a worthwhile question. Why am I talking about all of this...
       Neh 7:2 I gave my brother Hanani and Hananiah in charge of the city of Jerusalem because he was a man of integrity and feared God more than most people do.  People with character don't take bribes, can't be bought, treat others with the respect they are due, call people to account for a lack of integrity. Character has always been at the center of what is right, noble and good.

2 Chronicles 32-34 Faith, strength and an 8 year old!

December 18th, 2 Chronicles 32-34

       An age old question. "What can your God do? I think about contests and the prophets of Baal having no chance against the almighty God of the universe. Too often we sell God short because we are living in what we think we can do which is mostly double of that doo-doo!! But hey, revelation is helpful!
       In chapter 32 the nation is in trouble. God asks them to be strong and courageous. Which I have to add is different than safe, warm, comfortable. Stop praying for that stuff! PLEASE!!Verse 8 With Him(Assyrian King) is an arm of flesh, but with us is the Lord our God, to help us and to fight our battles.
       Screaching sound...ff to verse 20
       People prayed... the Lord sent an angel, who cut off the mighty warriors and commanders and officers in the camp of the king of Assyria. When the king fled and went to the house of his god, his sons killed him with the sword. All things are not equal. So let's learn to live in this world with a God who is all-powerful.

       Oh yeah, Josiah was 8 years old when he became king. When he became 16 he had the nerve to confront all that was wrong, take a stand, trust God. I have a feeling there is much of that to be done in our day as well!

2 Chronicles 6-8 Off-the charts-CRAZY

December 14th, 2 Chronicles 6-8

       We've talked a bit about the prayers of people found in this story as of late. Here in 2 Chronicles we have Solomon dedicating the Temple...

He said:
Lord, the God of Israel, there is no God like you in heaven or on earth—you who keep your covenant of love with your servants who continue wholeheartedly in your way. 15 You have kept your promise to your servant David my father; with your mouth you have promised and with your hand you have fulfilled it—as it is today.
16 “Now, Lord, the God of Israel, keep for your servant David my father the promises you made to him when you said, ‘You shall never fail to have a successor to sit before me on the throne of Israel, if only your descendants are careful in all they do to walk before me according to my law, as you have done.’ 17 And now, Lord, the God of Israel, let your word that you promised your servant David come true.
18 “But will God really dwell on earth with humans? The heavens, even the highest heavens, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built!" 

       A couple of foreshadowing lines. "your servants who continue wholeheartedly* in your way." This is followed by the famous verse in 7:14 "If my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land." Wholeheartedly needs as asterisk by it* (*= for very, very short intervals). Israel was already in a famine two chapters later!

       Then in our Christmas season now..."will God dwell on earth with humans." Never underestimate the difficulty of the Jews in understanding Jesus was God. They had such a high view of God that the idea of Him ever becoming human was off-the-charts-crazy. Maybe we should have both 1. a higher view of God, 2. a greater appreciation for his identification with us!