Ezk 1-4 390 Days!
Guest Blogger Cheri Hudspith – sister to Terry
As I was reading the first four chapters of Ezekiel, I was
feeling anxious. I believe these
chapters relate to why so many of us express fear about discovering what God
desires from us!
What if He asks us to do the equivalent of lying down on our
left side and talking about things people don’t want to hear about for 390
days?!? And then, flip to our right side for 40 more days. Think about that for a minute. 430 days!
Ezekiel inspires me. He has a very submissive response. He expresses one simple concern. May my heart be like that when God wants me to do
something that seems impossible from the very beginning. Wow! Even the concern
Ezekiel voices is related to his desire to honor God with his life. What a picture
of devotion and submission.
I find comfort in thinking that if I’d seen the vision that
Ezekiel saw that I’d be feeling pretty submissive too. Maybe... hopefully. I am reminded that God gives us what we need
to avoid running scared. Part of my journey has been learning to assume this is
true about God. At this point, I am persuaded that He prepares both our lives
and the pathway forward. I’m grateful to
be reminded of this again today.