September 4th, Ezekiel 18-20
Strongly held beliefs are just that...held with strength. A strong belief gets expressed here with an attempt at correction. It's a belief that doesn't seem to get corrected as many hundred years later, Jesus gets asked a question that reflects the same belief. The question asked of Jesus..."Who sinned, this man or his parents that he was born blind."
The assumption is the same assumption found in todays reading. Sons suffer because of the sin of their fathers or fathers suffer because the sons. Jesus was response was the same as his Father's response here in Ezekiel, no, not the case.
Maybe that truth is not really on our radar so you wonder why I care. The answer is we all have things stuck in our head. Things that we think are right and that we would fight for. If anyone came with a different idea, we'd pick a fight. Things we hold so dear that we can't give it up, or maybe can't even identify it as it is so much part of our cultural upbringing.
I invite you to invite God into your life today and reveal something to you about how God sees something different than you. Then instead of fighting it, ask God to walk with you to change it. See things the way God sees things.
I have no doubt we'll all find something!
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