Saturday, September 28, 2013

Haggai All the voices in your life are not equal

September 28th, Haggai

       Haggai tells the story of what happens when in the present you rebuild what was known to people in the past. It always reminds me of Statler and Waldorf, you know, the two muppets. Statler and Waldorf are the two old guys who never have anything good to say. There to, socialize and criticize, but never offer much positive.
       Haggai has a big task..."You should have seen the old temple." Remember the one where David was told this wasn't to be his project so he stockpiled resources for his son. Then Solomon was so wise people just gave him gold, silver and bronze. You should have seen the old temple. It's a line that is alive and well today. If you are moving in to any project where the new is a replacement for something old...this will always be part of your burden(Hint: even if the old isn't as good as everyone says it was)
       The good instructional piece for us all is to learn how to take comfort in God's voice and not Statler and not Waldorf. God reminds Haggai that the glory of the old or new temple was never the structure, value, or the gold. The glory of anything is the presence of God. And sometimes we have to live in the promises of God which comes to Haggai in 2:7-9 " I will fill this house with glory, says the Lord of hosts. The silver is mine, the gold is mine, declares the Lord. The latter glory of this house shall be greater than the former, says the Lord of hosts and in this place, I will give peace, declares the Lord of hosts."
       Good leadership invites the questions...Who are you going to listen to? Statler and Waldorf are a cliche around every corner of good leadership. The voice of God's direction has to be listened to inspite of it all. Listen to the voice that brings life!!

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