Saturday, November 30, 2013

I Cor 5-8 Lawful, but not helpful

November 30th, I Corinthians 5-8

       Today's passage has the opportunity to strike up a lot of discussion. One the one hand it's all about issues we don't talk about anymore. One the other hand we have issues in our own day to think through. Two guiding principles in these matters are...
       1. Is life guided by faith? Do I make the choices I make rooted in faith or rooted in things like fear.
       2. Does the mature person of faith live in consideration of the weaker members?

" All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be dominated by anything." Romans 6:12

       By God's grace we can move beyond sinful/holy choices(the full move comes in heaven) and move into good/better/best choices. The Bible asks us to live by faith. Why not be wronged rather than sue my brother? Why not "do unto others" so my brother won't be wronged? There are a lot of lawful things we do to each other that are not helpful. Finders keepers is a lot different than an honest attempt to find the owner.
       Inviting my alcoholic friend to a bar that serves great burgers. Lawful, not helpful! Looking at porn...legally lawful...morally, not lawful and certainly not helpful. Eating the typical 7,000 calories at Thanksgiving...lawful, not helpful. This is the kind of discussion that makes rules about cards, movies, bowling and dancing. I told my kids they couldn't have sex before they were married because you know what sex leads to right...uh-huh...dancing!
        Which gets to the last line, I will not be dominated(mastered) by anything. What a great line. In our society dominated by addictions( to legal and illegal things) what does it mean, that I will not be dominated by anything. It's why I went for a long walk in the woods yesterday and not the mall and Black Friday sales...lawful, not helpful...for me!

Friday, November 29, 2013

I Cor 1-4 God doesn't do "barely enough."

November 29th, I Corinthinans 1-4

       I feel compelled to look out for the great promises and truths about who we are as the children of God. The circumstances of life tend to rattle us and make us go off on tangents that aren't true. It's not intentional, but our sense of ourselves and the redeemed people that we are, tends to revert back to who we were when a crisis begins to shape us, rather than the truth from God. So here's some truth for those of who have yielded your life to Christ... I Cor 1:4-9
        I always thank my God for you because of his grace given you in Christ Jesus. For in him you have been enriched in every way—with all kinds of speech and with all knowledge God thus confirming our testimony about Christ among you. Therefore you do not lack any spiritual gift as you eagerly wait for our Lord Jesus Christ to be revealed. 8 He will also keep you firm to the end, so that you will be blameless on the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. God is faithful, who has called you into fellowship with his Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

       Which words stick out to you? What do you need to be reminded of until it is woven securely into the fabric of your life?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Romans 11-13 My Life to His Glory Forever Amen!!

November 27th, Romans 11-13

       It's simple...

  "For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen."

       Because of that…

"I urge you therefore brothers, in view of God's mercies to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and acceptable to God which is your spiritual worship."

       What will happen as a result of the above…

  • genuine love
  • hate evil
  • cling to good
  • love one another with brotherly affection
  • outdo one another showing honor
  • zealous, fervent in spirit
  • serve the Lord
  • rejoice in hope
  • patient in tribulation
  • constant in prayer
  • give to the needs of the saints
  • show hospitality
That's about half the list, check out Romans 12:9-21 for the complete version. All of this good starts with the above. From Him, through Him, and to Him are all things. My life to His glory forever Amen!!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Romans 8-10 Click here to get rich quick!!

November 26th, Romans 8-10

       It's a great day when you discover something of infinite value has become yours. Let me help you with your day!!
       "There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death."
       "For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. for you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, ABBA! Father!"
       " In this hope we are saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. for who hopes for what he sees?But we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.
       "We do not know what to pray for as we ought, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words... the Spirit intercedes for the saints according to the will of God."

       How cool is it that the Spirit prays for us? How great is it for us to live in hope? How blessed are we to be free from condemnation and slavery to sin? How different is my life because I got adopted into the greatest family of all?
       Simple promises made and kept. Riches that involve no monetary gain and the chance to make many rich.  Acts 3:6 "Silver and gold have I none, but what I have I give to you." Wanna get rich quick? I got an idea...

Monday, November 25, 2013

Romans 4-7 It gets Better and BEtter and BETter and BETTer and BETTEr and BETTER!!

November 25th, Romans 4-7

       Thinking clearly has it's advantages. Romans is certainly a great book to hang out in, if your looking for clarity about theology. The portion that struck me this morning comes from 4:18-25...

        18 Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as it had been said to him, “So shall your offspring be.” 19 Without weakening in his faith, he faced the fact that his body was as good as dead—since he was about a hundred years old—and that Sarah’s womb was also dead. 20 Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21 being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised. 22 This is why “it was credited to him as righteousness.” 23 The words “it was credited to him” were written not for him alone, 24 but also for us, to whom God will credit righteousness—for us who believe in him who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. 25 He was delivered over to death for our sins and was raised to life for our justification.

       1. Not wavering regarding God's promises
       2. Strengthened in trusting God. James tells us that doubting God is like being blown and tossed in the                   waves.
       3. Gave glory to God.
       4. FULLY convinced that God can and will do what he said he will do. Knowing God's promises is an                  important step. Which ones do you know?
       5. This faith was counted as righteousness. There is a full version of righteousness that comes as a result                of the cross. For his time Abraham entered into the requirements of righteousness..."trusting God."               "Without faith it is impossible to please God."
       Each portion of Romans builds on itself. Chapter 5 "Therefore, since we have been..."  Because of all the great examples in chapter 4 here's what is also true in chapter 5. Go check it out. See how it just seems to get better and better!!

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Acts 27-28 Do You see what I see

November 23rd, Acts 27-28

       We all have a worldview. It shapes how we see events and interpret them into "facts." Todays's text is a classic illustration.
       In America in 2013... we see someone get bit by a poisonous snake, we come up with reasons why someone didn't die. We imagine it was a snake that bit other things today and has run out of venom, something is broke so the delivery of venom failed. Maybe Paul has been bit several times over his life and built up an immunity to snake bite, or maybe it's an old tired snake, no longer able to kill.
       Our worldview says, if we see something we can't explain we come up with a rational explanation for it. It couldn't be a miracle, we need to explain God out of this.
       Backpedal short of 2,000 years ago and there is another explanation. Another worldview that makes this story simple to understand. Paul gathered firewood and got struck by a snake and didn't die. The natives on the island of Malta had an easy understanding of how this happened. Plain and simple, Paul was obviously a god. Now that's the last conclusion any of us here in America would land on. Their preconceived notion led them to their version of a "fact" that to them was unarguable.
       So a simple caution is thrown out our way. How much of our worldview keeps us from seeing the way God sees? How much do we need to be in the Word of God to interpret our world through the lense of God? How far off can we get in what we claim to know. Was Paul a god, lucky or miraculously protected  by the hand of God?

Friday, November 22, 2013

Acts 24-26 What do we do?

What do we do, when we don't see important things the same way?

Paul was a Jew that came to believe in Jesus as the Messiah in the midst of a Jewish culture that didn't see Jesus that way.

Have you ever been a Christian who saw something differently than another Christian? If that  situation happens, what can we learn from Paul?

He explained the circumstances that led him to change his mind about Jesus.
He tied his understanding back to the Word of God.
He desired justice. He believed his opportunity for justice was greater with Caesar and asked for it.
He invited the people who were questioning him to believe what he believes.
He strove to keep his conscious clear in the midst of the conflict.
I also looked for what he didn't do.

He didn't disparage those who didn't share his beliefs about Jesus.
He didn't seek retribution for what their accusations were costing him.

These seem like wise and good choices. In my life to live like this would require dependency on the Spirit of God so I assume that Paul's wisdom and strength came from the Lord. May we remember Paul's example in the event we are ever in need of it.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Acts 21-23 Need a real life mission and adventure!

November 21st, Acts 21-23

       Reading through the book of Acts reminds me of the power of mission. Being fully convinced of your task and coming to some lack of awareness of the constant danger and problems that surround every turn. Even in the story today We witness Paul having his wits about him in the heaviest of situations. I like how Paul waits for the whole flogging event to be set up and as he is about to get this beating it's like..." it okay for you to beat a Roman Citizen who isn't condemned?"
       Record scratching noise...freeze frame...pan to shock on faces of floggers who were about to do something illegal.
       You wish you could hear the tone of statements made and you wonder if Paul has a bit of a smile on his face or a grin or sarcastically raised eyebrow?! These are the parts of the story we miss. Oh how I wish we could fill in the blanks!!
       Here's what I witness in Paul... A witness of Christ's life changing power. Mission trumps comfort/safety. God's defense of His servants. Boldness and confidence can be ours with Christ alive in us. Finally all the crazy event that toss Paul back and forth are just opportunities to tell different people about who he loves most. A gift!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Acts 18-20 A good demon question!

November 20th, Acts 18-20

       The story of Eutychus is always a good word of encouragement as a Pastor. He's the one who fell asleep and fell out of a window and died while Paul went on and on in a sermon. I've put a few people to sleep but they've never fallen out a window!!
        My favorite verse today is 19:15 "One day the evil spirit answered them, "Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?" Demons were being cast out by real authority and then faced people who were just playing games... who are you? Why should the powers of darkness care about what you have to say?
       Short devotion, great question asked by a demon! Who are you?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Acts 16-17 Logos: Divine Presence Animating the World?

November 19th, Acts 16-17

       A collection of great topics to ponder this morning…

  • We have our ideas of what we want to do, God has his. Paul sought to do God's will. Acts 16:6-10
  • Lydia was a worshipper of God. The Lord opened her heart, Paul spoke the words. There are people around us for whom God is already at work. Some words of testimony from us can yield fruit. Acts 16:11-15
  • Paul and Silas caste out a demon out of a slave that made money for the owners. "In this world you will have trouble." Just like Jesus promised!! Acts 16:16-19
  • People will tell lies about you, people will exaggerate the truth to get you in trouble. People will think that when they are beating you, they are doing some public service. You could get thrown in jail for your missionary work.Acts 16:20-24
  • Singing and praising while being imprisoned is the right thing to do. Guards and whole households get saved in the midst of the trials faced for living out faith. Blessings come in alternative ways. Christ alive in people has a higher value than my personal comfort in any moment. Acts 16:25-40
  • Ministry brings life change which is followed by accusation. Pray for Lincoln Park where we minister. The dark side of Lincoln Park wants nothing to do with change. Drug dealers need their addicted clients. Acts 17:1-9
  • Bereans praised for checking the apostles teaching to see if it measured up to scripture. Nice thoughts can be different from truth. Acts 17:10-15
  • Athens: Hearing this story in Athens, is to hear how understanding the culture you are seeking to bring to Christ, using their language, their stories, their understanding of god, their poetry to proclaim the truth is a priority in helping people understand. Christians here think you're watering down the truth when you do that.  
          Do a little word search on Logos. The word used by John to write his gospel. Philosophers in the day of the gospels being written used this term to explain a "divine presence animating the universe."John is using a view of the world around him to explain that this divine animating presence became flesh and dwelt among us. Making a link between what they understand and a new thought that they should understand.

       Lots of story, God present in it all!!!

Monday, November 18, 2013

Acts 14-15 To move man, through God, by prayer alone.

November 18th, Acts 14-15

       What are we calling people to? How fast do they have to do and believe what we do and believe? It was a question for the early church, it's always been a question for missionaries and more than ever it is a question for the church here in America.
       Several years ago we were on a mission trip to a small village in Belize. After a couple of trips, a lot of conversations with people, some of our church people came to the conclusion that "these people need to stop drinking, doing drugs, having children out of wedlock, maintain jobs, and treat each other with decency."
       In today's passage it speaks about this issue of circumcision. Jews make up the early church in mass. They want to carry over some of their beliefs into this new thing. "They gotta do …
      In our day we put qualifiers on new believers. They gotta be against abortion, believe in a young earth, vote Republican etc, etc, etc. After many good conversations with people, if we have to convert people's thinking on all these issues before they become Christians…they will just not become Christians. A guy in the village in Belize…"The pastor told me I had to leave church because I didn't wear shoes. Go home and come back with shoes on…I went home…I never went back to church."
       Jesus Christ changes people. It's not our job to change people. Be careful that the qualifiers we use for "Christianness" are even valid. Some are some are not.  It's our job to get people to respond to the love of God with love that comes from God. Invite people to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our lives. To invite them to read and interact with God's word. As our hearts change, our lives will change.
       Finally, when the Spirit is convicting, there is power to walk in newness. Remember an old quote by Hudson Taylor… "To move man, through God, by prayer alone." God's better than me at making any of this happen. To God be the glory great things he has done.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Acts 7-8 How to get yourself killed!

November 15th, Acts 7-8

       Speech Writing 101: When seeking to die a martyr; tell powerful, fearful, protective, historically vested rulers all of the ways their forefathers missed the point, failed and continued that into their own generation with Jesus.
       From the standpoint of a persuasive speech, Stephen gets an F. If this was a call to action speech: A+!! The truth has a way of irritating people, especially when you say it outloud. What I appreciate most about Stephen's speech is the clear minded nature of it in the midst of the obviously tense moment. Communicating in tense moments mean you know your stuff . You've thought about it, internalized it and live in conviction of it. Even willing to die if the expression sends you to glory.
       Please stop praying for safety. Please pray for boldness. Please pray for God's way , truth and life to fill and flow from our hearts in a dynamic, life-changing powerful way. If that makes a new martyr, so be it. I'm glad Stephen's heart wasn't concerned primarily with safety.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Acts 4-6 Let it be known...

November 14th, Acts 4-6

       LET IT BE KNOWN: In the ESV the first line of 4:10 is just that...Let it be known. Phrases catch my attention in the midst of reading or singing or listening to people speak. Let it be known. If your wondering how this crippled guy has been healed...let it be known to you and all the people of Israel that it is by the power of Jesus Christ (whom you crucified, in case you forgot), whom God raised from the dead- it is by Him that this man is standing before you well.
       Make it known, don't assume people know. People don't know, people don't want to know...YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!(always wanted to say that...typing it was less fulfilling!). This leads to a great verse to memorize...
       "Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." Let it be known. The salvation, the healing all comes from God reaching out to us. Don't assume people know...
 Other observations...

  • We pray for safety...they prayed for boldness 4:29 "Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness."
  • It's not Communism when you willingly give it as an offering...4:32-35
  • Don't lie about your offering. Acts 5:1-11
  • 5:29 "We must obey God rather than human beings." God dictates my life.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Acts 1-3 Community and Household of Faith

November 13th, Acts 1-3

       It's great to see a bit of a shift in our "American Rugged Individualism." We are finally starting to come to grips with a bigger picture of the body of Christ. Some are catching on, others still think they can have God out by themselves all weekend. It's not that God's not there, it's just that God has organized this social thing of humanity into families. The family of God is a priority(at least it should be). If it isn't for you, you are missing out on one of the great assets of your life.
       Acts 2:42-47 is a portrait of the family of God in the early church. Characterized by....

  • Learning together
  • Communion
  • Prayer
  • Miracles
  • Common life
  • Excess of one, met the needs of others
  • Received food with glad and generous hearts
  • Praised God
  • Grew numerically
  • People saved
       A vibrant community...I pray your a part of one, I pray you invest in one, I pray your not using one, I pray the riches of God alive in each life, is a blessing to all the others. I pray most, that God is lifted high in each one, I thank God for the ultimate one we get to enjoy some day through faith in Jesus.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

John 19-21 Authority

November 12th, John 19-21

       Authority, it's a word that can take a discussion in numerous directions. Authority might be about who has the final say, a reference to to a police or court officer. It's a word for which there can be great respect or an automatic assumption of abuse. We bring in guest speakers from great distances because they are the authority on a topic. We see power go the head of an individual and our thoughts of authority become a train wreck of anarchy.
       In the military there is an understanding of "chain of command." one authority higher than another authority until you find yourself at the top. Complaints go up the chain of command and not down it. Orders come from on high and not from down low. In today's passage we see a chain of command.
       Pilate was put in the position of becoming an authority in an issue that wasn't his to decide really. The Jews made it his business, because of Pilate's previous leadership blunders with the Jews. Now Pilate has to get this right or face a Roman Emperor tired of his failings. When Pilate finds out this guys claim is that he is the Son of what!!
       Pilate presses Jesus, Jesus gives no response. Pilate threatens with his authority..."Don't you know I have authority to release you and the authority to crucify you." Isn't clarity wonderful in the midst of chaos, Jesus response..."You would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given you from above. Therefore he who delivered me over to you has the greater sin."
       Whatever authority we have has been granted to us from above, stay in line with the authority over you. Whatever Pilate-like authority that is over us was granted by God, trust in the giver of all things. In the authority flow of life, orders should come from the top, complaints go up the chain of command, and hte authority of God is for the greater good. Even in this instance as guilty authority, executed an injustice for the sake of "Justice for all."

Monday, November 11, 2013

John 16-18 Peace, Trouble, and Overcoming

November 11th, John 16-18

       There are a couple of favorites for me in today's word. The first comes from 16:33... "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace." The word of God is purposeful. Unlike some who speak just to hear themselves talk, when God speaks he has something to say, something worth listening to. If we would listen and hear His words we would find peace.\
       The rest of the verse goes on to say..."In the world you will have trouble. But take heart; I have overcome the world." We are tempted to convert this verse a little. Instead of trouble that can be overcome through Christ, we take out the two extremes and try to replace it with "easy." There is never a promise of easy or safe or comfortable. The promise is peace, trouble and overcoming! And my guess is, a healthy dose of each.
       The second verse I love today is 17:11b..."Holy Father, keep them in your name, which you have given them, that they may be one, even as we are one."  That request gets extended to you and I in 17:20-21..."I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word, that they may all be one, just as you Father are in me, and I in you, that they may also be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me."
       In a fractured world, there is a glorious day when all will be one. For the moments and places I find that true on this side of heaven, I will rejoice with great enthusiasm!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

John 11-12 Losing face helps to save it!!

November 9th, John 11-12

       If your looking for a key to unlock part of life here it is. Why do people accuse, misunderstand, fight, get bloodied against the truth? Part of the answer lies in the text this morning. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead. The Pharisees hear from the people and respond as people do when their authority is threatened.
       "So the chief priests and the Pharisees gathered the council and said, What are we to do? For this man performs many signs, If we let him go on like this, everyone will believe in him, and the Romans will come and take away our place and our nation."
       Again I love irony and how some people can't see the obvious. Your assumptions about Jesus are that if people believed in Him it would be a bad thing! You are all work up about something that is wrong…I'm sure that gets repeated in my life as well. Second funny statement…HELLO, the Romans already took your place and nation, your under their authority because you've already lost it!! If this is your perception of the problem, this all happened long before Jesus arrived.
       It all ties in to my thought for the day which is this…when you or I or any other of us fellow human beings feel like we are losing power, position, or control of something, we do all the silly/terrible things we see the Pharisees doing. Even so far as killing the Lord(ship) of Christ in our lives, because "I'm not losing my place."
       Advice: Lose your status and gain a better one!!

Friday, November 8, 2013

John 9-10 I was_____ but now I ____

November 8th, John 9-10

       Isn't it obvious! If someone is blind, it's because his parents sinned or he sinned, which is it Jesus? Automatic assumptions like these demonstrate a world view. This question makes so much sense to the people of this day, they can't imagine something else. Birth defects, sickness is all the fault of the individual, therefore why should we bother with them. If you want to escape from caregiving and rise to power cause your healthy, it's the society for you.
       In the long run this story of the healed blind man reveals the power of testimony. Arguments about healing on the Sabbath, how can a man who is a sinner do such signs? The bringing in of parents who refuse to testify for the sake of their own son for fear of the Pharisees. People acting like they know something but witnessing this man who defies all my logic…frustrated and confused they bring the blind man back.
       "Give glory to God. We know that this man is a sinner." Tell us something different because yuor first testimony forces me to rethink what I think. The blind man's answer  demonstrates this power of testimony… You guys think you know something about his status as a sinner. I'm telling you, I don't really know much about that. Here's what I do know…"I was blind, now I see."
       The rest of the narrative is a worthy read. In the end the testimony speaks for itself. God has changed my life, do with that what you will? What's your testimony. Your story might not be so miraculous, neither is mine…and yet... all of our stories are miraculous and filled with change rooted in the power of God who makes things new. What's your story? When you tell it; some will listen, some will not. But faithful proclamation of I was…. but now I…. will find a listening ear and by God's grace and work create another...

Thursday, November 7, 2013

John 7-8 A buffet of great things

November 7th, John 7-8

       Several great points this morning…

  • 7:1-9  Brothers: It says even his brothers did not believe in Him so they were pushing him to go to the feast and prove Himself. Sounds like brothers!!
  • 7:17   "If anyone's will is to do God's will, he will know whether the teaching is from God or whether I am speaking on my own authority."Living out a life of following God creates clarity about other teaching you hear. Not following creates confusion. Following what you already have heard creates further learning. The implications for christian education are astounding actually.
  • 7:23-24 Ahhh some clarity about this Sabbath issue. Jesus presses into the Sabbath in a very intentional way in His time on earth. These two verses express some of what he's pressing into regarding keeping the law and the approval they've given to break it themselves.
  • 7:25-31  Our perceptions of the what/when/how/where of Messiah, keep us from seeing him when he's right in front of us. Don't fail to see what is in plain sight.
  • 7:38   "Whoever believes in me, as the scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." May streams of grace and mercy flow incessant from God almighty!!
  • 7:45-50  Nicodemus reappears in the story, prompting some thought. The gets shut down by what Pharisees "Knew"!!
  • 8:12-30 Two great witnesses for your side… God, Jesus. Love to have them on the stand in my defense!!
  • 8:36   "If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed."
Lots of great stuff this morning…check it out !! Be Blessed

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

John 5-6 The great seldom used word for the day: ABIDE

November 6th, John 5-6

       "The Father who has sent me has himself borne witness about me." (here's the difficulty) "His voice you have never heard, His form you have never seen, and you do not have His word abiding in you, for you do not believe the one whom He has sent." There isn't much we can do about not hearing and not seeing, so abiding in His word is obviously a high priority. The next verse explains how that can go wrong...
       "You search the scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; and it is they that bear witness about me, yet you refuse to come to me that you may have life." Irony; you can abide in scripture and miss the point. The desire is for His word to abide in you. Both people would think they are abiding, only one gets the intended result.
a·bide  əˈbīd/   verb 1accept or act in accordance with
       Trying to be alive in God's word is never the same as God's word being alive in me. What does it mean for God's word to be abiding in you?

Monday, November 4, 2013

John 1-2 You're cordially invited to...

November 4th, John 1-2

       Like a suitcase ready for a long journey, the intro to John 1 packs the theology in tight. Skipping ahead to the belonging of verse 12…"But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God"The verse prior speaks of how this world he created did not know or receive him. There is a tragedy in not knowing your maker. In a world that talks too much about it's rights, here's one worthy of great discussion.
       "who were born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God."Born of God. I think about the intentionality of God's creation. Born of God and given the right to be God's children. In a broken world of parent/child relationships we are beginning to miss the glory of these metaphors. What a blessing to be brought into a family, live in the blessing, shelter, the fortress of one more powerful than myself. To gain an inheritance, one that will never fade, perish or spoil. An invitation by the will of God.
       "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.  (John testified concerning him. He cried out, saying, “This is the one I spoke about when I said, ‘He who comes after me has surpassed me because he was before me.’”) 16 Out of his fullness we have all received grace in place of grace already given. "
       "Out of His fullness," there's a line to bask in. The dad of our family expresses a fullness for which none can even compare. Do you see the blessings of this family as a close observer or live in the richness of it. You're cordially invited to step on in to the family name that is above all family names and be born of God.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Luke 21-22 The Unpopular Kids

November 2nd, Luke 21-22

      The popular kids get noticed and everyone loves to be with them. The unpopular kids don't get as much air time. Today is their day!!!

Luke 21:12ff
       Before all this they will lay their hands on you and persecute you, delivering you up to the synagogues and prisons and you will be brought before kings, and governor's for my name's sake. This will be your opportunity to bear witness."
       "You will be delivered up by parents and brothers and relatives and friends and some of you they will put to death. You will be hated by all for my name's sake." (Ah, the promises of God)
       "For their will be great distress upon the earth and wrath against this people."
       " People fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world."
       " But stay awake at all times, praying that you may have strength to escape all things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of man."
       "When I sent you out with no moneybag or knapsack or sandals did you lack anything?...Nothing, they said."
      "Father if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours be done."

The unpopular kids, hang out with them as well. Your theology and appreciation for all of God's created order will change you dramatically.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Luke 19-20 Getting Stoned: What will it do to you?

November 1st, Luke 19-20

       A little history lesson via story about a landowner and his tenants. The tenants didn't respect the owners Prophets(several times). Then they didn't have any regard for his Son(they killed him imaging the property would become theirs). The landowner repaid the original tenants their due and gave the vineyard to others. 2000 years later this story makes sense, but I'm sure at the time, people wondered what he was referring to.
       Jesus then moves to Psalm 118:22 to further express his point...
"The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone." 
       Jesus then offers two strange options concerning this stone. You can fall on it and be broken, or it can fall on you and you be crushed. There are a whole host of other scriptures related to this stone. Acts 4:11, I Peter 2:4-10, Isaiah 8:14, Romans 9:32-33.
       What will this stone be for you? A stumblingblock, a destroyer, an offense, or the start of a strong house?