A little history lesson via story about a landowner and his tenants. The tenants didn't respect the owners Prophets(several times). Then they didn't have any regard for his Son(they killed him imaging the property would become theirs). The landowner repaid the original tenants their due and gave the vineyard to others. 2000 years later this story makes sense, but I'm sure at the time, people wondered what he was referring to.
Jesus then moves to Psalm 118:22 to further express his point...
"The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone."
Jesus then offers two strange options concerning this stone. You can fall on it and be broken, or it can fall on you and you be crushed. There are a whole host of other scriptures related to this stone. Acts 4:11, I Peter 2:4-10, Isaiah 8:14, Romans 9:32-33.
What will this stone be for you? A stumblingblock, a destroyer, an offense, or the start of a strong house?
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