November 30th, I Corinthians 5-8
Today's passage has the opportunity to strike up a lot of discussion. One the one hand it's all about issues we don't talk about anymore. One the other hand we have issues in our own day to think through. Two guiding principles in these matters are...
1. Is life guided by faith? Do I make the choices I make rooted in faith or rooted in things like fear.
2. Does the mature person of faith live in consideration of the weaker members?
" All things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful. All things are lawful for me, but I will not be dominated by anything." Romans 6:12
By God's grace we can move beyond sinful/holy choices(the full move comes in heaven) and move into good/better/best choices. The Bible asks us to live by faith. Why not be wronged rather than sue my brother? Why not "do unto others" so my brother won't be wronged? There are a lot of lawful things we do to each other that are not helpful. Finders keepers is a lot different than an honest attempt to find the owner.
Inviting my alcoholic friend to a bar that serves great burgers. Lawful, not helpful! Looking at porn...legally lawful...morally, not lawful and certainly not helpful. Eating the typical 7,000 calories at Thanksgiving...lawful, not helpful. This is the kind of discussion that makes rules about cards, movies, bowling and dancing. I told my kids they couldn't have sex before they were married because you know what sex leads to right...uh-huh...dancing!
Which gets to the last line, I will not be dominated(mastered) by anything. What a great line. In our society dominated by addictions( to legal and illegal things) what does it mean, that I will not be dominated by anything. It's why I went for a long walk in the woods yesterday and not the mall and Black Friday sales...lawful, not helpful...for me!
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