Friday, May 31, 2013

Esther 6-10

Evil plans, excessive contraptions that destroy the maker, and the good guy coming out on top.  This is a classic plot of my favorite cartoons, the one's with Bugs Bunny, Marvin the Martian, and Yosemite Sam.  It also happens to be exactly what happens in today's reading.

If you read yesterday, you have the back story, if you didn't, its good enough to go back and read it.  Today we see the finale to Haman's plot, Esther's plan, and Mordecai.  Haman has built a giant gallows (you might say he put out enough rope to hang himself) and sent letters so he can exterminate all the Jews because Mordecai didn't bow to him.  Marvin the Martian has built a device that will blow up the earth, because it blocks his view of the moon.

If you've seen the cartoons, you know that Bugs Bunny saves his home planet of earth and Marvin blows up his own planet instead.  If you read today, you see that Queen Esther saves her people, the Jews, by telling the king of Haman's plans.  The king has Haman hanged on the gallows he built for the purpose of killing Mordecai.

Mordecai becomes great, second only to the king, and does many amazing things.  So many in fact that the king gives him a tribute, that all should know.  This is one of those stories we feel good about, we see good triumph over evil, we see evil undone by their own evil plan.  Bugs Bunny saves the earth, Esther saves the Jews.  Marvin's planet-blower-upper backfires and Haman hangs from his own gallows.

In the end of it all, the story that never mentions God directly, we can still see the hand of God working things out to exalt the righteous and bring ruin to those who would do evil, even when we don't see Him working in an obvious way.

Pray on everyone

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Esther 1-5 Providence

May 30th, Esther 1-5

       You really have to read the story. If you are trying to catch a glimpse through me on this one, your shortchanging yourself. It's a great story of the providence of God. Right place, right time. Fear, intimidation, honor, beauty, ugly, standing ground, irony, boldness, more boldness, challenging the rules, winning, losing; themes within themes; a story that never mentions God and yet the whole story is about God.
       Chapter 4:12-14  The high water moment in this flood of a story. What do you do with your fear? What do you believe about God? One line in particular stares down the barrel of belief about God. Deliverance will come through someone.
       The sidebar story will find it's conclusion tomorrow. Doing the right thing for one character has brought honor and disgust. Both acts were honoring to the Lord, but it's result amongst men has a different result, true for our day as well. Be careful to not make your own gallows!
       All things work together for the good of those who love him!! YOU HAVE TO READ THIS STORY!!!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Neh 12-13 Joy, Laughter, God's Wall

May 29th, Nehemiah 12-13

      Today's event is the celebration of dedication. The wall is up, no one has attacked, Jerusalem is another step closer to what it used to be. The verse I love is 12:43... "And they offered great sacrifices that day and rejoiced, for God had made them rejoice with great joy; the women and children also rejoiced. And the joy of Jerusalem was heard far and away."
       I love the sound of people in a collective joy. This last Sunday I was walking from my office to the room of fellowship after our service. Voices carrying one, laughter...the sound of joy heard far and away. Like the birds back to sing; it's the sounds of life and life begets life.
       Joy is one of the fruits of the Spirit. Something that wells up in the life of those forgiven and set free from the weight of life. The wall has been built, the fear that was lived in a few chapters ago has now turned into a relief. Like many mistakes in life the relief comes from a wall instead of the God who is a wall, strong tower, refuge, fortress.
       You and I have a wall that was built for us on the cross. A wall forged in the power of adoption. To be brought into God's protection as the beloved sons and daughters of the most high God. For whatever moments of our life we feel more like the fearful residents building the wall with tool in one hand and sword in the other, the reminder this morning is to learn of trusting Christ, living in joy, finding relief, not in the walls we built, but in the wall God is for us. Spending our time in Christ's presence and taking a great big break from wall building for the rest of our days.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Neh 10-11 An Oath... I Promise to...

May 28th, Nehemiah 10-11

       Here's what I promise... A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. As a scout we said it every week at the meetings. Promises that we make as we represent a group for which we are a participant. Marriage comes along, we promise to love, to honor, to cherish...forsaking all others. A promise for which we rightfully expect no violation from the other person making the same vow.
       The vows we take shape us. They guide which decision we make and which one we don't make. It makes the scoutmaster have the right to tell us to shower on the fifth day of summer camp...after all we promised to be "clean."
       In Nehemiah's day it's time to redefine what a life of faith means. Their vow is a glimpse into what our own vows should look like. It starts off with the idea that they have knowledge and understanding about what they are entering into. I recited the Boy Scout Code because it was what you did. There was probably a failure in pondering it and really trying to live it out. Here's what we're getting ourselves into...
       We're entering into a curse and an oath to walk in God's law. Interesting that they use the word curse. The context makes a little more sense. They are coming out of captivity rooted in their ancestors failure to maintain the same promise they are now taking. An oath and obligation requires something of us, a giving up of this__________  because we promise that_____________. It is a point of decision, a clarifying moment that has to be made over and over again until it becomes the way we naturally do things.
       The obligation to give was a repeated idea. People were to give of the fruits of their labor. What impresses me is the amount of forethought required to make things happen. Planting crops, fruit trees/bushes all takes time with some eye to the future. An oath has a lot of little pieces that precede a harvest. The other impression is the nature of subsistence farming. God is asking for a part of the very thing that sustains their life, thus the nature of sacrifice, to give up the food that will feed us and provide the seed for next year.
       Making an oath is a lot easier than keeping an oath. By the grace of God may we become more aware of the oath we've taken, and grow in strength as we fulfill it.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Neh 8-9 Humanity Verses Divinity

May 27th,  Nehemiah 8-9

       In chapter 9 we get the Reader's Digest version of the OT. Let me give you the Reader's Digest of the Reader's Digest!!

Stand up and bless the Glorious name of God

       God made the heavens, called Abram, kept promises.
              Saw the affliction in Egypt, delivered Your people
       The sea parted, cloud/fire stayed, Mt. Sinai provided a gift.
              Provided bread/water, we went all Sinatra on You and did it my way
       Stiffnecked leader wanted to return to Israel, Because of Your love we weren't forsaken
              We made a golden calf in our folly, Your great mercy was a blessing
       You led us with a cloud/fire, Gave your Spirit to instruct, did not withhold water/bread
              Sustained us for 40 years in the desert, lacked nothing, clothes/sandals didn't wear out
       You gave us kingdoms, houses we didn't build, vineyards we didn't plant, wells we didn't dig
              In exchange we disobeyed, rebelled, cast your law behind us, killed your prophets
       You warned us, we didn't listen, our enemies overtook us.
              We cried out to you because we finally learned, You brought us saviors in your great mercy
       The cycle repeated itself, You heard from heaven and delivered according to your mercies
              repeat line above, nevertheless You did not forsake them
        "Now, therefore, our God, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who keeps    covenant and steadfast love...You have been righteous in all that has come upon us, for you have dealt faithfully and we have acted wickedly."
       The last line is certainly the theme. God's faithfulness as contrast to our ultra-consistent failure. The point of this passage is not what we can discover about humanity, but what we can discover about God.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Neh 4-6 Wisdom from God to make a difference

May 25th, Nehemiah 4-6

       To be honest, I had forgotten how much opposition Ezra and Nehemiah faced in the midst of their rebuilding project. It makes sense for the nations as they see Jerusalem as the city of God. To see it come back together is a threat and threats meet resistance.
       The tactic to slow it down...cause confusion. In this case like many others, confusion comes through fear. We don't think clearly when we are afraid. Nehemiah uses that to his advantage a little by putting clans in charge of building and defending their section of the wall. ( no one wants to have the shortest/weakest section of the wall). Fear can cause confusion, but it can also cause clarity for those who can avoid panic.
       The cool thing about God in this story is his, behind the scenes, work that could be easy to miss. In 4:5 it says that God frustrated the plan of their enemy to confuse people. Some of the lack of confusion is witnessed in the clear thinking of Nehemiah. This is not to give greater credit to Nehemiah than to God, it is to say that wisdom comes from God. One of the gifts that God gives his people is wisdom. Wisdom brings a clarity to situations that actually solves problems.
       How many times have you been in a brainstorming session where the ideas being brought forth really don't solve the real issue. This is a point of prayer for me. That Christian's out in the marketplace of life would seek wisdom from the Lord to solve the issues in our homes, neighborhoods, schools, churches, cities. There is wisdom to be found in the Lord. When we ask for it, enact it, give God the credit for it, there could be a testimony about the blessings of the Lord that comes from trouble around us being made new by the power of God.
       In our day, people don't see much reason to know or seek God. They need some visible examples of why it matters. God grant me wisdom for the issues of my day. To step into situations with wisdom from you that would make a difference and bring you glory.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Nehemiah 1-3 One thing leads to another

Guest blogger: Cheri Hudspith - sister to her beloved brother Terry White

May 24th, Nehemiah 1-3

These chapters combine very typical and simple human responses combined with a God ordained outcome. That combination always amazes me.

Nehemiah did what people normally do. When a friend arrives back from a trip, we normally inquire about it. Was the weather nice? Did you have a good time with your friends? He didn't receive good news this time. In fact, he receives news that causes him great sadness. "Things are not going well for those who returned to the province of Judah. They are in great trouble and disgrace." In response, Nehemiah cries out to the Lord in his grief and asks the Lord for His help.

Some of us are good at what Nehemiah did next. Some of us need to grow in this area. Nehemiah did not hide his sadness. And since he kept company with the King, that led to an opportunity. The King asked why he was sad and Nehemiah gave him an honest answer. The King offered help and Nehemiah accepted it.

I love this next part. After the inspection, Nehemiah gathers the people together and shares his good news. We have resources from a pagan King to rebuild. Will you join me? Yes!

The next scene is a beautiful picture of people coming alongside one another, each group taking a piece and rebuilding together! When the timing is right, God inspires and hearts are responsive; amazing things happen. May our hearts be open!

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Ezra 8-10 Reviving and the steadfast love of God

May 23rd, Ezra 8-10

       First off I want to let people know that I am rounding up some people to be guest bloggers on Fridays. Tomorrow my sister is going to take her turn. I hope you enjoy the fresh perspective of some other voices as we move through the Bible together this year.
       As for today, I always enjoy statements of honesty. Especially when the statement didn't need to be made. A caravan of Levites is coming to town and there is prayer and fasting for a safe journey. In that day and age a journey could be a treacherous thing.
       The honesty comes when when the writer proclaims his shame in asking the King for a band of soldiers for protection because he's already made the following claim..."The hand of our God is for good on all who seek him and the power of his wrath is against all who forsake him."
       If God is so powerful then you don't need an army for protection right? This is where our beliefs step into practice. We say we trust God, but an army of soldiers, would that be a better guarantee? In our head we say no, as we head out from the safety of the fortified wall we say, "GOD HELP US!!!"
       It's a great place to be. Thanks to the writer for expressing what we all feel, so we know we are normal.
       I also enjoyed chapter 9:8-9. It feels a little like the movie Shawshank Redemption. A group of guys get to do manual labor with their buddies on the rooftop and feel a little like free men instead of the prisoners that they are. "But now for a brief moment favor has been shown by the Lord our God, to leave us a remnant and give us a secure hold within his holy place, that God may brighten our eyes and grant us a little reviving in our slavery. We are slaves. Yet our God has not forsaken us in our slavery, but has extended to us his steadfast love before the kings of Persia, to grant us some reviving to set up the house of our God, to repair it's ruins, and to give us protection in Judea and Jerusalem."

       I pray that in the middle of your work for the Lord that you too can sense some reviving and the steadfast love of God.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Ezra 4-7 How to ruin another's life

May 22nd, Ezra 4-7

       Today's text is filled with some slippery characters. If you want to learn how people will undermine you, it's all in here...

1. Lie and tell you they are on your side. We're with you, let us join your cause!!
2. Discouragement: finding underhanded ways to plant doubt and disbelief.
3. Accuse. The devil is master at this, he is the "accuser of the bretheren." Don't doubt it will happen.
4. Lie again, but go over your head. Ignore the chain of command, and bring lies to your superiors.
5. Gather evidence to build a case against you. In the case today, the facts were actually true. But   assembling the series of facts is evidence of their lack of desire to help, not the desire they first stated.
6. Lie and make up new facts. The were just rebuilding the Temple but accused of rebuilding the walls as well.
7. Big winner... claim these people won't pay their taxes. That always gets a king nervous.
8. Claim to the authority over you that their actions will create big loss of territory as well.

       In life there is all manner of undermining what the Lord wills. People live in a constant attempt to sabotage change and leadership. I say all of this not to be negative, but to call attention to the reality of life. To be able to identify when these issues are coming up in the midst of your own leadership. Ezra was doing nothing wrong. These people didn't want the temple rebuilt and would do or say anything to put a stop to it.
       I like the people's response to the King's edict to stop building. They kept on doing what they had permission to do from Cyrus. When questioned by governors concerning the authority by which they were still working, they simply said, "Cyrus told us we could," check out your records!!
       There is a great boldness of faith there. To lead in adversity from within and without. To persevere through a vast array of expectations. To know God's call in our life and not be distracted from it... very good stuff. May it be so for us!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Ezra 1-3 List of the Highly Improbable

May 21st, Ezra 1-3

       Time to rebuild. Not the dream of the Israelites, but the Spirit stirred up the heart of Cyrus, King of Persia. Not only to rebuild the Temple, but to return the articles that Nebuchadnezzar had raided when he took the temple in the first place. 5,400 items of gold and silver, no small amount. Most Kings would do anything to make their captives feel like they have no control. Cyrus did the exact opposite, gave something back that was extremely valuable to them.
       Sometimes in the church I think we have this arrogance that God speaks to us and God doesn't speak to those "heathens out there that don't love God the way we do!" We don't listen very well to people outside of the church because we don't think they have anything to offer. Now it's true that there is a lot of contempt out there that we have to weed through. But we believe in a God who reaches out to his creation to draw them to himself. We need to leave room for the Cyrus' and Cornelius' story that is taking place around us. Places where God is at work in the lives of others and interact with great joy to witness God making something new.
       I encourage you to be on the lookout for what God is up to. God spoke to Cyrus and asked a King to give up control. God can do anything. Who knows what God is shaking loose in the lives of your family members, neighbors, or co-workers. I dare say this...there is one person in your life, unknown to you, that God is preparing a heart for what seems impossible.
      Rebuilding the Temple...not gonna happen. Kings give up control...not gonna happen. Kings give up part of their fortune...seriously. 'Ol so and so softening to hearing God's voice...Yes and Amen!!

Monday, May 20, 2013

2 Chron 35-36 I learn my lessons hard

May 20th, 2 Chronicles 35-36

       Today's chapter are a high-low moment. Josiah does things right. It is encouraging to see how much leadership can have it's effect on the events of the day. It's why we should pray for our leaders and why Christians should take up the call of leadership. First in our homes, then in our jobs, and in the world around us. The world needs some preservative more than ever so let us be the salt of the earth.
       I also appreciate how young Josiah was when he became King. Churches need to identify young leaders and equip them. Young people have an idealism and energy to pursue just that. Young people have a hope that things can be different when older folks have grown tired and cynical regarding the same issue. (There was a day when I thought there genuinely might be peace in the middle east, now it seems 4000 years of history is hard to reconcile, I've given up). Churches need to find space for young people to be engaged in leadership. I Timothy 4:12 is a guide for both sides of the coin...lead/set the example.
       The end of Chronicles is the end of an era. Jerusalem is captured and burned. 36:15 says..."The Lord, the God of their fathers, sent persistently to them by his messengers , because he had compassion on his people and on his dwelling place. But they kept mocking the messengers of God, despising his words and scoffing at his prophets, until the wrath of the Lord rose against his people, until there was no remedy." In a Facebook debate the other day someone said, God doesn't judge, why should you?" Answer... read the Bible and see if you actually know what your talking about?
       God is slow to anger and abounding in love, but eventually the child has to sit in time out to learn a lesson. Listening to the messenger is better. Some nations and people learn the hard way. If your one of those people who chooses to learn from your own experiences ONLY...well...don't be surprised if...

Saturday, May 18, 2013

2 Chron 28-31 Love the Contrast

May 18th, 2 Chronicles 28-31

       Two Kings this morning are a study in contrast. Ahaz was played the part of the evil one. The summation of his life is chapter 28:24. He gathered up the vessels in the Temple and cut them to pieces, shut up the doors so no one could enter and made altars for himself in every corner of Jerusalem. That gives you a good picture.
       Hezekiah blows in like a fresh wind. He is the polar opposite of Ahaz, you should read the story. He gets three chapters because there is so much good stuff to say. Some favorite moments for me...
       The best moment is found in 30:12...God gave them one heart to do what the King commanded by the word of God. The miracle of being one is a gift from God. The King is listening to God. People are willing to listen. A stark contrast to a guy building altars for himself all around town.
       In verse 18-19 of the same chapter people have failed to come to Passover according to the regulations. My editorial comment is that it has been so long since people really did the Passover, most don't even know what the regulations are, much less follow them. Hezekiah makes a great statement... "May the good Lord pardon everyone who sets his heart to seek God, the Lord, the God of his fathers..." That people are here to worship God is what matters.
      Finally, Hezekiah encourages the Levites a few verses later for showing "good skill in the service of the Lord." It's one thing to do the job, another to do the job well. It too is a contrast to a beat down world where a King goes off and everyone is just trying to duck and hide and avoid conflict.
       The two extremes are obvious. I encourage us to be building the later in our homes, workplace, and in the church. To be leaders that inspire, servants easy to encourage, all followers of the Lord!!

Friday, May 17, 2013

2 Chron 25-27 Right by God

May 17th, 2 Chronicles 25-27

       There are several Kings with different statements made about them. It's interesting to think what a one chapter summation of my life would include. Here's their story...

       Amaziah: Did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, but not with a whole heart. As soon as he was firmly in power he abused his power.
       Uzziah: Did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. When he was strong, he grew proud to his destruction. He became a leper because of his disobedience
       Jotham: He did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, but he never entered the Temple. People followed corrupt practices. Even though he didn't, he did nothing to stop it either. In contrast to the first two it says he became mighty because he ordered his ways before the Lord his God. The section says the least about his life of the three. I appreciate the small amount of text is like a good ref at a basketball game. The better he is, the less you know he's there. He fought, he won, he did right.

      We're all individuals and the story of our life will reflect that. It started off well for all three. Stories of strengths and failures for each one. In a society that is big on fame, making a name for yourself and all those other big picture traps there is something more simple that would make things more profound. ____________ did what was right in the eyes of the Lord. May that be the first and last sentence in our summary!!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

2 Chron 21-24 Repair, Polish, Strength

May 16th, 2 Chronicles 21-24

       As I read along a certain phrase sticks out or strikes me as being funny/sad/profound... The line today comes from the end of Jehoram's reign as King. It says, "He departed with no one's regret." That's a pretty profound editorial line added to the end of a guys story. It says a lot, certainly different than well done good and faithful servant.
       The other issue that struck me is the replay of the story about asking the priests to fix up the Temple. The verse that stuck out was 24:13 "So those who were engaged in the work labored, and the repairing went forward in their hands, and they restored the house of God to it's proper condition and strengthened it."
       What really stuck out to me is that we have a temple in our day to work on as well. The Holy Spirit dwells in our lives and there is some repair, restoration, and strengthening to be done.
       What part of our lives are broken and in need of some sort of repair? Things break, sometimes we break things, it's a normal part of life. But we need to step into some repair.
       The brass railing loses it's luster. With some polish and elbow grease(not sure what that is) the tarnish can become the shiny beautiful thing it once was. Restoration brings our life back to an eye catching beauty. One visitor to our church said he appreciated the enthusiasm of some people's singing at church. People see the shine, they also see the dullness. Polish it up!!
       Strength is something I see as a real lack in our day. Strength comes through repeated obedience which leads to being near to the Lord. Bettering our self-esteem, saying positive things might be short lived props, but obedience to God is THE source of connection to the omnipotent God of the universe that will change our lives, provide the strength we need.
       A little repair, polish and strength is our goal for this Temple and may that create a glorious testimony for the world.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

2 Chron 18-20 What would be the wise choice

May 15th, 2 Chronicles 18-20

       Four hundred people say go for it, but in the pit of your stomach you have some hesitation. Is this the right course of action? Jehoshaphat finds himself in this position. Somehow he knows to ask the question...Is there another prophet of the Lord for which we can inquire?
       The king of Israel knows one, but he doesn't come with a high recommendation.  The king doesn't like him because he "never prophecies anything good about him." (just tell me what I want to hear, don't actually inquire of God like you're supposed to. Ecclesiastes was right, nothing new under the sun.) The prophet inquires says the opposite of the 400 other prophets. Read chapter 18 for all of the interesting details.
       In the end...oh wait I'd spoil it for you. Were the 400 hundred right, was the King of Israel given a bad report? Who lied and who told the truth? Who died because of it?
       It's easy to sit on the other side of history and read a story. Much more difficult to listen to a bunch of advice from numerous parties and make a decision. Even more difficult is the idea that several of them were supposed to be the mouthpiece for God.
       Like the famous movie line..."life's not easy, whoever tells you it is, is probably trying to sell you something." Sorting out the good from the bad in life is a task required of us. Which would be the wise choice in any decision making point in our life? A great, great question. What wold be the wise choice?

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

2 Chron 13-17 Great Promises While Proclaiming the Truth

May 14th, 2 Chronicles 13-17

        There are some great verses that sum up life this morning...

        2 Chron 15:2b-ff   "If you seek him he will be found by you, but if you forsake him, he will forsake you."  The rest seems to explain where we find our nation at this point..."For a long time Israel was without a true God, without a teaching priest and without law, but when in their distress they turned to the Lord, the God of Israel, and sought Him, he was found by them. In those times there was no peace to him who went out or to him who came in, for great disturbances afflicted all the inhabitants of the lands."
       There is no shortage of divisive issues in our world today. In the end our need is for a moral code stamped into our hearts. In the mean time salt burns the wound of sin and light is unwelcomed, the longer eyes have been closed. These are interesting times. Verse 7 has some encouragement for us...  "But you, take courage! Do not let your hands be weak, for your work shall be rewarded."  

       Another verse of encouragement...16:9..."For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to give support to those whose heart is blameless."
       Finally, words spoken of Jehoshaphat in 17:6... "His heart was courageous in the ways of the Lord."  May that be said of us in this day as we seek to honor the Lord.

Monday, May 13, 2013

2 Chron 9-12 Leadership and identifying real problems

May 13th, 2 Chronicles 9-12

       The Queen of Sheba comes to check out the rumors about King Solomon. the thing that really blows my mind about Solomon is the constant bringing of large extravagant gifts to him. I suppose it is for the sake of currying favor, but if you ever wanted an example of the rich getting richer, Solomon is your guy.
       As far as the spiritual implications, it also makes me wonder how much we would offer God if we really knew him. Everyone is so overwhelmed by the greatness of Solomon they throw gold at him. God is still infinitely greater and worthy of everything we could offer Him. I see a worship-like response to the person of Solomon and long to give that kind of steady response to this great God I am coming to know.
       For the change of pace, chapter 12:1, the next king in line Rehoboam. "When the rule of Rehoboam was established and he was strong, he abandoned the law of the Lord, and all Israel with him."
        The story that caught my attention was the one about the shields. Solomon had three hundred shields made out of gold. At some point the Egyptians plundered Israel and took those shields. In a case  of misunderstanding the root of the problem, Rehoboam had the shields replaced with bronze shields.
        Rehoboam wanted to fix the problem of the missing shields. However the heart of the problem was the verse above. The missing gold shields are the least of his problems, but saving face has it's need as well. The problems is bronze is not a real replacement for gold and everyone standing around with their new replacement shield has formed an opinion on the matter.
       Part of good leadership is the ability to identify the real problem, a great need in our day. May God raise us up to be great leaders who live with the Spirit inside of us. May our leadership be a testimony of Christ alive in us.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

2 Chron 2-5 Beauty in the Church

May 11th, 2 Chronicles 2-5

                                                    For the beauty of the earth,
                                                    For the beauty of the skies,
                                                For the love which from our birth
                                                     Over and around us lies,
                                                   Lord of all, to thee we raise
                                               This our grateful hymn of praise.

       There was a time in church history when the arts had a prominent place. Art that was meant to capture imagination. It made sense many years ago. People couldn't read and a picture is said to proclaim a thousand words. People would enter into God's house and Bible stories were on the wall, symbols reminded people of important things.
       The age of reason stepped in. Many would argue a date, few would argue it's new presence. Knowledge, debate, argumentation, class upon class to learn more. Reason has pressed arts to the corner and maybe even out of the church altogether. I think there is a systemic reason why the arts as a whole seem to be very much outside of the church these days. Music, Hollywood, Broadway, Art seem to have a bent that is more antagonistic to God than inviting for them. One has to ask why?
       Aesthetics and Reason don't always work together well in the human context. Wanting to know why something is beautiful is annoying to it's creator..."Just enjoy it's beauty."  Feeling like everything has to be dressed up in a nice package is annoying to those who just want to know raw data. The aesthetics seem like window dressing to the important stuff.
       Solomon built a beautiful Temple. It could have just been large, but it was beautiful. Genesis says the trees were made to be beautiful. The beauty of the earth is not a practical need, yet our creator saw to it to create such a wonderful place for us to dwell.
       Each have their own vice. "The eye never has enough of seeing," beauty is not the end, just an enrichment to life. A rational explanation to everything leaves God out of the equation and my "reason" the most valued thing.
       But they work together well. Things in this world are complex and make sense because God made it that way. Things in the world are beautiful because God made it that way.

                               Lord of all to thee we raise, this our hymn of grateful praise.

Friday, May 10, 2013

1 Chron 28- 2 Chron 1 Prayers of Inspiration!!

May 10, 1 Chronicles 28- 2 Chronicles 1

       I love the prayers found in the Bible. I find it interesting to hear the words that others would say as they address the same God I do. In these chapters the prayer of David comes as part of the dedication of the Temple. Here's David's prayer...

“Praise be to you, Lordthe God of our father Israel, 
       from everlasting to everlasting. Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power
      and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, 
      for everything in heaven and earth is yours.
Yours, Lord, is the kingdom;     you are exalted as head over all.
    Wealth and honor come from you;   you are the ruler of all things.
   In your hands are strength and power  to exalt and give strength to all.
 Now, our God, we give you thanks, and praise your glorious name.
           But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as


          Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand. 

                   We are foreigners and strangers in your sight, as were all our ancestors. 

               Our days on earth are like a shadow,without hope. 
              Lord our God, all this abundance that we have provided for building you a temple for

                your Holy Name comes from your hand, and all of it belongs to you.

              I know, my God, that you test the heart and are pleased with integrity. 

                All these things I have given willingly and with honest intent.

                And now I have seen with joy how willingly your people who are here
                have given to you.

              Lord, the God of our fathers Abraham, Isaac and Israel,

                keep these desires and thoughts in the hearts of your people forever, 

                and keep their hearts loyal to you.

Which line/s from this prayer is/needs to be your prayer today? 

           "Bless the Lord O My soul, all that is within me, bless His holy name"

Thursday, May 9, 2013

I Chron 25-27 Adventures in Missing the Point: Musical Instruments

May 9th, I Chronicles 25-27

       If you saw the movie Braveheart, there was a scene early on when the leaders of both parties rode to the middle of the battle field to discuss terms of surrender. William Wallace has no desire for surrender and no invitation to the discussion. He begins to ride out to the meeting and his friends ask him where he's going..."To pick a fight" is the reply.
       Every once in a while people get all "Biblical" on you. They defend some longstanding tradition and act like the only way to really be Christian is to do...fill in the blank. The fight today is...wait for it....instruments in the church. For too many American Christians the ONLY instrument through which God's name could be lifted up and praised is an Organ. The first 3000 years of God's people praising was riddled with worthless instrumentation until God was truly worshipped through organ music. (note hyperbolic tone)
       These poor poor musicians in this text were forced (probably by the devil clouding their ability to imagine the organ) to play their music  with harp, lyre, and cymbals. For those who claim some orgainic need to be musically biblical, let's go the whole way and crack out instruments that were actually used in the Bible. 
       To be honest a piano is a lot like a harp, a guitar is most like a lyre and cymbals,well, they're cymbals. 
       Here's another sneak peak into church music history...
       The Doxology that many sing after the offering, was originally suspended from use in it's day. Why, because it was introduced in an age where all song were to be scripture word for word. This song was not a verse in the Bible, how could anyone sing it in church? 
       Music from pop culture is proclaimed to be evil. Funny, John Wesley thought taking popular bar tunes from his day and changing the words was the best way to get people to sing along at church. You know...those song's we sing today that are so separate from the world! That's what we call irony!
       Now the real purpose here isn't to pick a fight. It's too point out the difference between cultural understandings and Biblical ones. We argue over things that don't even make sense sometimes, and forget the heart of the issue. Let's discuss the worship of Jesus Christ and realize instrument choices have almost nothing to do with it. If they do...then harps, lyres and cymbals should be the instrument of choice. I already got my cymbals!!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

I Chron 22-24 Blessed by another and passing it on

May 8th, I Chronicles 22-24

       David was so excited to build the Temple that even after God told him it was not going to be his project he decided to stockpile vast resources. Iron for nails, bronze in quantities not worth trying to measure. Cedar brought in by other nations. No plans in place yet, just a simple "Papa Johns" philosophy...Better Ingredients, Better Pizza(product).
       For Solomon it is an interesting place to be. This is your project, but dad has more than a vested interest in it. It was his dream. Sometimes heritage carries a weight of expectation. A weight that some crumble under. But I hope we all learn to recognize the joy of it as well.
       A heritage provides for us a set of norms that we use as a foundation for our life. Like David's acquisition of materials, Solomon's construction project starts in a different place than if he didn't. We should look back and give thanks to the gathering of materials that our forefathers have done for us. 
       We should also look forward and do a great job of laying the groundwork for our kids and our kids kids. I know for some, this gift from generations that came before us is given more like a weight. I know it's hard to separate out sometimes, but try to appreciate the blessing and drop the weight.
       To my parents I say thanks for chopping down much of the forest and laying down a bed of gravel so I could have a good start on this journey of life. Thanks for loving Jesus so that concept wouldn't be strange to me.Thanks for taking risks, because in God there is no risk except not to follow. Thanks for sorting out the best of your role models and giving me permission to do the same. Pray for our kids that they would continue on in paths of righteousness and be a blessing for a thousand generations.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

I Chron 18-21 Messing up, getting it right!!!

May 7th, I Chronicles 18-21

       David decides to take a count of his army. Not because the Lord asked him too, but because Satan got him too. David's commander Joab tries to talk him out of it but kings win...and then kings lose. God steps in and lets David know there will be a price to pay for his actions and God gives David three choices...
       1. 3 years of famine
       2. 3 months of devastation by your enemies
       3. 3 days of the sword of the Lord
       Because my heart is to get people into the Bible more, I'll leave you hanging and let you go discover how David chooses and the results. I Chronicles 21!!
       The second part of the story is an offering David is called to offer. He is told to go to the house of Ornan and offer a sacrifice on his threshing floor. Ornan is willing and well off. He offers the animals for the sacrifice for free. Here's the part I love, Davis says to Ornan "No, I will buy them for for the full price, I will not take for the Lord what is yours, nor offer burnt offerings that cost me nothing."
       The nature of a sacrifice is that it costs you something. In the case of David, it really is a sign of a penitent heart. The offer has been made, David didn't bring any animals, but in the end David realizes he needs to pay, I won't offer a sacrifice that costs me nothing. In the midst of failure, in the end David got it right. May that be true for us as well. Failure is part of our life, but repentance and restoration is where God steps in and makes the result a lot different. Hallelujah!

Monday, May 6, 2013

I Chron 15-17 Dancing with the Stars

April 6th, I Chronicles 15-17

       We're back to David's dancing story again. This version of the story is a little less tense than the first telling of it, but it reminds me of issues we need to consider.
       The accusation flies that David was undignified in his dancing as the Ark of the Covenant was being brought back. David's wife had some definition of dignified that was obviously violated by David. All of this reminds me so much of watching groups of people worship.
       What's the norm, does this group clap, does this group sing with vigor, do they do something crazy like raise their hands or allow their bodies to escape some invisible rigid cast meant to make them stand straight as an arrow.
       If your in a hand raising church you'll feel weird with your arms at your side. If your at an invisible cast church you'll feel uncomfortable doing anything. But where does all of this discomfort come from? Why are we looking around to see what we "ought" to be doing, what the norm is? It all sets our focus on each other and not God. David got caught up in the in the moment. He just wanted to physically express himself with no entanglement of what others think.
       My worth is not rooted in other's perceptions of me. When a genuine response to God creates an offense in another, maybe the other needs to find where their source of value comes from. In Michal's case her sense of value came from David acting the part of a dignified King(as perceived by her). Anything less than that was worthy of her scorn.

       In the end, my concern for us is that we step outside of pleasing each other and guarding the norms. That we would press into responding to God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. That pleasing the Lord and living in response to his greatness would be our source of validation in life.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

I Chron 12-14 I played my best for Him

May 5th, I Chronicles 12-14

       Our Best Gifts for the Lord

       After reading about some of David's mighty me, you can't help but be impressed. It is an assembly of top quality people. Capable, famous, experienced experts. The kind of thing you want around when the challenge ahead is tough. These gifts to God's mission are top notch and a welcome sight for David.
       It reminds me of a line from the Christmas Carol, Little Drummer Boy,  "I played my best for Him." It wasn't a practice session, I didn't pick some easy, lame, number. No, I played my best, I brought my best.
       The verse before presents some of the same problems we might feel...
                Little Baby
                I am a poor boy too
                I have no gift to bring
                That's fit to give the King

       It's a mindset that we can have about's just not true. The reason we feel that way is because we see another gift and wish we could do that, be like that. David needed warriors for this moment in history. Some kid used his slingshot all childhood and now he has an opportunity to serve David. It's just for this moment though. I know the drummer boy is a fictional song, but the same is true...for one moment their is a chance to use your skill, to play your best.
       Each one of us is gifted by God. It might be used for many of your days, or your life might be one big practice session for one moment in your life. So let us prepare, and let us be ready. Let us not compare to the gifts we see others giving, but be on the steady course of preparing ourselves for a moment to play our best for Him. When the occasion arises, we'll be ready to bring honor to our King!!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

I Chron 9-11 God's Gifts and Good Lists

May 4th, I Chronicles 9-11

       My first thought today was about my kids seeking out advice. What if there were neighbors down the street that my kids always ran to for advice about major life issues. They never came to me for counsel only asked them. We've communicated with them our love to help them walk through life, we've demonstrated wisdom about the best way to go about things. It's evident that wisdom dwells inside us, but our kids always go to the neighbors.
       Now add to that the idea that the neighbors are the very antithesis of wisdom. Everything about their choices, language, use of resources...every outcome of their life reflects that they are making bad choices. (As I paint such a negative picture I see the illustration breaking down. Maybe my kids go to get opposite advice!! Whatever the neighbor says to do, do the opposite.) This scenario reminded me of the brief explanation regarding Saul...
       Chapter 10:13-14a "So Saul died for his breach of faith with the Lord in that he did not keep the command of the Lord, and also consulted a medium, seeking guidance. He did not seek guidance from the Lord."
       Instead of going to God for guidance, he went to his foolish neighbor. It's troubling to watch the people you love, at the worst, walking in the advice of fools and, bad also, walking without interest in the counsel of God.
       So when the offer of God is to seek Him and His wisdom, let's step into the offer. Learn the source of good advice. Leave the neighbors, mediums, horoscopes advice for those who want a bad end. Honor our God by listening to Him above all others.
       Other random thought...the last few days have all been about the list of names. The first few chapters were a list that you were born into. Your inclusion is simply about your birth. The list of David's Mighty Men is a cool list. Being included on that list was the result of brave, courageous choice. Every person has a memorable story as to why they are on it. Like names on a War Memorial, there is a story behind it. Our names can end up on a lot of different lists, I pray my name ends up on lists that "People who bother the devil"!!

Friday, May 3, 2013

I Chron 7-8 Making the List

May 3rd, I Chronicles 7-8

       Another day, another list of names that are members of the family. Being on the list is a blessing and a curse. Being on the list means your included, your part of the family. It is a blessing to be included. However as I sat here and thought about it, it came to me. If your name is on this list it means your part of the problem and why your family is headed off into exile. Time to own up or curse God, which will you choose.
       On a more positive note there is another list. One you or I can find ourselves. David mentions it in Psalm 69 "Add iniquity to their iniquity, and let them not come into thy righteousness, let them be blotted out of the book of life and not be written with the righteous." Revelation 13 and 27 make reference to the list.
       Revelation 20:11-15 is the major passage referring to the Lamb's Book of life. Whose name is written in it and whose name is not. Of all the lists in this world this is the most important one for us to find ourselves in. To call others to be on the list as well. The first list of the day was one you had to be born into, the one that matters most is filled with all of us adoptees. Brothers and sisters, sons and daughters of the Most High God. Join us on the list. Call others to our Father as well!!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

I Chron 6 A Devotional Song

May 2nd, I Chronicles 6

       It's hard to be creative with another list of names. I decided to give you a link to a song that I have  found meaningful as of late. With all of the name changes throughout history, God's name stays the same and His love never fails.  Enjoy

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

1 Chron 3-5 Ambition, Legacy, Making the List

May 1st, 1 Chronicles 3-5

       Another day of names, another day to ponder life's reality. We live in a star struck world. A world where people can be famous worldwide, my name can be known. Our computer age makes things possible that were never even a remote possibility before. Even in the midst of that we lean toward something that can create some form of frustration if we aren't careful.
       A large portion of us will live a simple live in our little cube of the planet and our name will never enter a historical textbook, or even a footnote. Probably no movie about us, certain people live in great moments and do remarkable things, but that is few of us.
       The list of names in today's passage that stand alongside more well known names is a good healthy reminder for us. Few of us will be David, Solomon, Dietrich Bonehoeffer, or Billy Graham.
       People get consumed with leaving a Legacy. Somehow people want their name remembered. I remember and interview with Rich Mullins. The interviewer was asking question about his legacy and what kind of things he would want to be part of that. Rich's humble observation was that if he had an "ambition to leave a legacy, all he'd leave as a legacy is ambition" and that he wasn't interested in that kind of legacy.
       People leave a legacy when they blindly care greatly about something and pour their lives into that. Not with a hope that people would remember, but because they genuinely cared deeply. Mother Theresa didn't find a way to leave a legacy, she cared deeply for the poor in India. She would have done that regardless of the notoriety that would or would not come.
       Dietrich Bonehoeffer did what was right as a pastor in Nazi Germany when the cowardice of other pastors pushed him to the outside. It wasn't a dream of being remembered as much as a conviction in the most difficult times to do the right thing. Conviction leads to great testimony. My grandparents had a great testimony, few outside of our family will remember over time.
       Our lives may never even amount to a footnote in a journal, and a desire to leave a legacy might bring us to a wrong place. Be faithful to God, walk in conviction, serve the Lord with gladness. The light of Christ in us, might never find a large stage, but it will be a beacon for some. Let your light so shine before men, that they might see your good works and glorify your father in heaven!!