May 15th, 2 Chronicles 18-20
Four hundred people say go for it, but in the pit of your stomach you have some hesitation. Is this the right course of action? Jehoshaphat finds himself in this position. Somehow he knows to ask the question...Is there another prophet of the Lord for which we can inquire?
The king of Israel knows one, but he doesn't come with a high recommendation. The king doesn't like him because he "never prophecies anything good about him." (just tell me what I want to hear, don't actually inquire of God like you're supposed to. Ecclesiastes was right, nothing new under the sun.) The prophet inquires says the opposite of the 400 other prophets. Read chapter 18 for all of the interesting details.
In the end...oh wait I'd spoil it for you. Were the 400 hundred right, was the King of Israel given a bad report? Who lied and who told the truth? Who died because of it?
It's easy to sit on the other side of history and read a story. Much more difficult to listen to a bunch of advice from numerous parties and make a decision. Even more difficult is the idea that several of them were supposed to be the mouthpiece for God.
Like the famous movie line..."life's not easy, whoever tells you it is, is probably trying to sell you something." Sorting out the good from the bad in life is a task required of us. Which would be the wise choice in any decision making point in our life? A great, great question. What wold be the wise choice?
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