David decides to take a count of his army. Not because the Lord asked him too, but because Satan got him too. David's commander Joab tries to talk him out of it but kings win...and then kings lose. God steps in and lets David know there will be a price to pay for his actions and God gives David three choices...
1. 3 years of famine
2. 3 months of devastation by your enemies
3. 3 days of the sword of the Lord
Because my heart is to get people into the Bible more, I'll leave you hanging and let you go discover how David chooses and the results. I Chronicles 21!!
The second part of the story is an offering David is called to offer. He is told to go to the house of Ornan and offer a sacrifice on his threshing floor. Ornan is willing and well off. He offers the animals for the sacrifice for free. Here's the part I love, Davis says to Ornan "No, I will buy them for for the full price, I will not take for the Lord what is yours, nor offer burnt offerings that cost me nothing."
The nature of a sacrifice is that it costs you something. In the case of David, it really is a sign of a penitent heart. The offer has been made, David didn't bring any animals, but in the end David realizes he needs to pay, I won't offer a sacrifice that costs me nothing. In the midst of failure, in the end David got it right. May that be true for us as well. Failure is part of our life, but repentance and restoration is where God steps in and makes the result a lot different. Hallelujah!
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