Saturday, May 4, 2013

I Chron 9-11 God's Gifts and Good Lists

May 4th, I Chronicles 9-11

       My first thought today was about my kids seeking out advice. What if there were neighbors down the street that my kids always ran to for advice about major life issues. They never came to me for counsel only asked them. We've communicated with them our love to help them walk through life, we've demonstrated wisdom about the best way to go about things. It's evident that wisdom dwells inside us, but our kids always go to the neighbors.
       Now add to that the idea that the neighbors are the very antithesis of wisdom. Everything about their choices, language, use of resources...every outcome of their life reflects that they are making bad choices. (As I paint such a negative picture I see the illustration breaking down. Maybe my kids go to get opposite advice!! Whatever the neighbor says to do, do the opposite.) This scenario reminded me of the brief explanation regarding Saul...
       Chapter 10:13-14a "So Saul died for his breach of faith with the Lord in that he did not keep the command of the Lord, and also consulted a medium, seeking guidance. He did not seek guidance from the Lord."
       Instead of going to God for guidance, he went to his foolish neighbor. It's troubling to watch the people you love, at the worst, walking in the advice of fools and, bad also, walking without interest in the counsel of God.
       So when the offer of God is to seek Him and His wisdom, let's step into the offer. Learn the source of good advice. Leave the neighbors, mediums, horoscopes advice for those who want a bad end. Honor our God by listening to Him above all others.
       Other random thought...the last few days have all been about the list of names. The first few chapters were a list that you were born into. Your inclusion is simply about your birth. The list of David's Mighty Men is a cool list. Being included on that list was the result of brave, courageous choice. Every person has a memorable story as to why they are on it. Like names on a War Memorial, there is a story behind it. Our names can end up on a lot of different lists, I pray my name ends up on lists that "People who bother the devil"!!

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