Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Num 21-22 Symbols: Offer Meaning or Confusion

February 20th, Numbers 21-22

       I enjoy the fact that some symbols stand the test of time. A snake wrapped around a stick as a symbol of healing is still used 4000 years later. If you get bit by a snake can you look at the symbol on an ambulance and get healed? It's worth a shot. I live in a place too cold for venomous snakes. I'll let others give it a shot.
       Symbols intrigue me. It seems that they lose their meaning over time and yet we seem to feel their importance. This bronze snake on a stick was orignally sought after as it would save your life, now it's just a picture on a vehicle and yet for some reason it stays around.
       Our churches are filled with symbols. Someone asked me this Christmas what the "INRI" stood for that was on the cross on the stained-glass window in church. I kinda knew, but I had to confess I couldn't give a 100% sure answer. I began to look at other stained glass windows in our church. I decided there are other symbols I am unaware of as well. Things that are meant to tell a story, and yet I and many others are deaf to the meaning.
        I begin to think about the rituals of Christian behavior. Why do we do the things we do? Do we even know why? Is it a cultural command or a biblical command? Much of what we do is a cultural command. One hour services, required dress codes(dressing down is a dress code, if that's what everyone has to do to feel welcome), music choices, service formats. I see shirts and ties on African tribal members in the bush in the heart of Africa. What symbols have we brought, how do we separate our culture from the instruction of God.
        The cross is probably the most common symbol for the church. What does it mean? How is that meaning different from the people of Jesus day?  It's pretty cool that the snake gets attached to a stick, lifted up and people get to live, and Jesus gets attached to a larger stick, lifted up and people get to live. Some meanings are easier to remember, Praise God for life and healing and the hope he brings. Remembering the symbol is limited compared to the story behind the symbol.
        Tomorrow we'll talk about all of the Balaam story and not leave you hanging like chapters did today!!

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