October 31st, Luke 17-18
In a classic game of, did Jesus really say that, today's passage ranks pretty high…"Where the corpse is, there the vultures will gather." Not one of the most often quoted portions of red letters in the gospels. Jesus throws in another Samaritan as a hero in another story of lepers. I'm pretty sure none of us understand the level of impact that Jesus is going for in doing that. It's offensive for the people we hate and look down on to always be your heroes Jesus. I bet he knows that. What's up with Sabbath healings, Samaritan heroes and vultures/corpses?
We find the Pharisee praying…I'm thankful that I am more special than any other person. No one is more worthy than I. Certainly not the unjust or people who extort money or adulterers and certainly not like that there Tax Collector(or Samaritan).
We find the Tax Collector…standing at a distance, not even feeling worthy to put his head up, begging for the mercy of God on me a sinner.
One we've looked up to and wanted to be like, one we wrote off as one that should be cast away.
Jesus likes to stir the pot, I know I certainly do, and maybe you do as well. Maybe reading about Jesus interactions with people is a source of great irritation to you, can't He just say what I feel comfortable with Him saying? Well… no…but there is more intent than simple irritation.
The difference between Jesus' expressions that make people feel uncomfortable and our expressions sometimes, is that Jesus is always stirring the pot with the truth(that's different than a simple goal of being a horses rear end!!) The level of irritation people have with what Jesus is saying reflects the level of disconnect we have with doing things God's way.
I encourage you to rethink the sweet, extra credit, stories of a gentle Jesus and invite you into the radical, life-changing, invitation of the Kingdom of God.
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Luke 14-16 Hide and Seek
October 30th, Luke 14-16
Chapter 15 has a theme of lost items. A lost sheep, a lost coin, and a lost son. I think of the lost and found. Years of coaching reminds me of the stuff students throw away at the end of a season, thrown into the lost and found. Not really lost, but certainly found. I think of hide and go seek. Intentionally playing hard to get, seeking to avoid, finding new places to hide. Lost to the one seeking, while knowing where you are(glad my keys can't evade me with intentionality, although sometimes I wonder).
There is a realization inside of me that sometimes I like to be "not found." Wondering around on my own, doing my own thing. It means I don't have to pay attention to someone who gives instruction. That battle is always complicated when you see how much better it is to be found than to be lost. Unlike the coin that fell or was misplaced or the sheep that mindlessly wonders too far, I can be the prodigal, breaking hearts while I do it my way. It's all about me.
I see in the hearts of people an enjoyment for the game of hide and seek. Liking the game more than enjoying being found. Like being found is being caught and being less free. Or messing with the mind of the seeker. We played hide and seek where you had to get back to a predetermined location without getting caught. One upping the seeker. I see that mentality with people playing this game with God.
Thank God that he is a seeker. He could have washed his hands of this whole mess after the fall. God is not obligated to save us, find us, heal us, forgive us. We must learn how to play this game of hide and seek less and learn the truth that is more grand. God wants you to be found. Remember he is omniscient and being "found" offers a wholeness that "lost" never will.
Chapter 15 has a theme of lost items. A lost sheep, a lost coin, and a lost son. I think of the lost and found. Years of coaching reminds me of the stuff students throw away at the end of a season, thrown into the lost and found. Not really lost, but certainly found. I think of hide and go seek. Intentionally playing hard to get, seeking to avoid, finding new places to hide. Lost to the one seeking, while knowing where you are(glad my keys can't evade me with intentionality, although sometimes I wonder).
There is a realization inside of me that sometimes I like to be "not found." Wondering around on my own, doing my own thing. It means I don't have to pay attention to someone who gives instruction. That battle is always complicated when you see how much better it is to be found than to be lost. Unlike the coin that fell or was misplaced or the sheep that mindlessly wonders too far, I can be the prodigal, breaking hearts while I do it my way. It's all about me.
I see in the hearts of people an enjoyment for the game of hide and seek. Liking the game more than enjoying being found. Like being found is being caught and being less free. Or messing with the mind of the seeker. We played hide and seek where you had to get back to a predetermined location without getting caught. One upping the seeker. I see that mentality with people playing this game with God.
Thank God that he is a seeker. He could have washed his hands of this whole mess after the fall. God is not obligated to save us, find us, heal us, forgive us. We must learn how to play this game of hide and seek less and learn the truth that is more grand. God wants you to be found. Remember he is omniscient and being "found" offers a wholeness that "lost" never will.
Tuesday, October 29, 2013
Luke 12-13 Truth, Grace and Time
October 28th, Luke 12-13
This is the theme for my Bonsai page. it reflects the passage in Luke 13:6-9. In it the owner of a vineyard notices a fig tree that doesn't produce anything, he demands the keeper of the vineyard should have it be chopped down. Land in a vineyard is meant to be productive(TRUTH). Why should this tree waste the soil here? Valid question!
GRACE: The keeper knows there are some things he could do to try and make something different happen. Let me dig around it and backfill it with some fertilizer. There is a problem with the roots if there are no fruits, so let me tend to that. Grace is in order, it will take less time to get this tree healthy than to get another one mature and ready to bear fruit. A little investment in the root of the matter, a little grace will go along way.
Time: It's not going to be fixed tomorrow. Fertilizer needs time to cause something new. This year I moved my blueberry bushes to my front yard where they get sun all day, you wouldn't believe the difference. I can't wait to see what two years of sun will bring. Fig trees usually bear two crops a year. The invitation to a year was to go through two fruiting cycles.
Time…growth takes time. Growth takes truth, what we find in God's word, what we discover should be true about us in this journey of faith. We need exposure to the truth. Growth takes grace. Grace to get us from point A to point B. Growth has a time period between what we know ought to be true about us and what is true about us(hint: others need that too). Growth takes time. Every year a tree can only put on so much growth. Sapling to mature tree is a process.
Truth, Grace, Time it's true for you , it's true for me, it's true for my bonsai. When I teach my bonsai class the typical comment is…"I notice you use the word "Years" a lot." Yes, yes I do. Good health this year means something different next year. Take a longer view of things and see what happens, TRUTH, GRACE, TIME
Monday, October 28, 2013
Luke 10-11 Greater Gifts, Better Requests
October 28th, Luke 10-11
What do you ask for? What do you get the person who has everything? The thought reminds me of an Amy Grant Christmas song about a grown-up Christmas list. From memory, I might mess this up…
What do you ask for? What do you get the person who has everything? The thought reminds me of an Amy Grant Christmas song about a grown-up Christmas list. From memory, I might mess this up…
- no more lives torn apart
- wars would never start
- time would heal all hearts
- everyone have a friend
- right would always win
- love would never end
My grown-up Christmas list, vastly different from the circled entries in the JC Penney's toy catalog of my childhood. Expectations have moved for the benefit of another.
My requests are also rooted in the giver. My expectations are kept at an appropriate level. For some a card is the most they can do, for others the gift is a little more. God reminds us in the passage this morning that if we who are sinful "know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?" If the giver of every good thing was my source, what would be different?
If you knew the greatest gift giver of all, the one who could offer the greatest gifts imaginable…what would you ask for? Wool socks or lives changed by Christ! My hope this morning is that our prayer lives would reflect the greatest gift giver of all time. Our requests would be inline with the heart of our Father. That we would ask for impossible things, so that credit could go singularly to our Father in heaven. That we would witness and give testimony to the giver of all good gifts and rejoice with Him.
How has your grown-up Christmas list changed? How has your image of a good gift changed?
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Luke 8-9 Want something of value? It'll cost you.
October 27th, Luke 8-9
Cost, how much will it cost? Get three estimates, we don't want to overpay. There is nothing unreasonable about financial responsibility. Costs can be off by the calculations of another or through our own failure. Sometimes our failure lies in the problem of considering our system and what reals costs are. Here's a misunderstanding calculation...
Someone offers up their life or their freedom or do anything they can to kill the rat in their jail cell for a meal, because they decided to go "all in" and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We concern ourselves with the condescending look of a neighbor, name calling, or cry of intolerant.
We are in that moment when people will consider their abuse of Christian values to be the voice of reason. You and I are blessed when people curse us for the truth. There is a new cost to this thing of Christianity.
It'll cost you to say abortion is wrong! It'll cost you to say that in Gods view, there is no such thing as gay marriage. It'll cost you to challenge the notion that all roads lead to heaven! You'll be hated or treated as an awful hateful person to proclaim truth. The cost in our new world is high, it's still pretty lame compared to our martyr brothers and sisters, but it is real. Are you willing to be hated when you speak the truth. Costing something to be a Christian is becoming a very real part of our society. It's becoming hazardous to speak, but more hazardous to not speak.
Cost, how much will it cost? Get three estimates, we don't want to overpay. There is nothing unreasonable about financial responsibility. Costs can be off by the calculations of another or through our own failure. Sometimes our failure lies in the problem of considering our system and what reals costs are. Here's a misunderstanding calculation...
Someone offers up their life or their freedom or do anything they can to kill the rat in their jail cell for a meal, because they decided to go "all in" and share the gospel of Jesus Christ. We concern ourselves with the condescending look of a neighbor, name calling, or cry of intolerant.
We are in that moment when people will consider their abuse of Christian values to be the voice of reason. You and I are blessed when people curse us for the truth. There is a new cost to this thing of Christianity.
It'll cost you to say abortion is wrong! It'll cost you to say that in Gods view, there is no such thing as gay marriage. It'll cost you to challenge the notion that all roads lead to heaven! You'll be hated or treated as an awful hateful person to proclaim truth. The cost in our new world is high, it's still pretty lame compared to our martyr brothers and sisters, but it is real. Are you willing to be hated when you speak the truth. Costing something to be a Christian is becoming a very real part of our society. It's becoming hazardous to speak, but more hazardous to not speak.
Saturday, October 26, 2013
Luke 6-7 Old Dog, New Tricks…Good Day
October 26th, Luke 6-7
Let me introduce you…Rubber, meet road,,,Road, meet rubber. Luke 6:27ff
Let me introduce you…Rubber, meet road,,,Road, meet rubber. Luke 6:27ff
- Love your enemies
- Do good to those who hate you
- Bless those who curse you
- Pray for those who abuse you
- To the one who hits you on the cheek, offer the other as well
- If one takes your coat, give him your tunic
- Give to everyone who begs from you
- If someone takes your goods don't demand them back
- Do to others as you want them to do to you
Luke 6:35ff
- Love your enemies
- Do good to them
- "Lend, expect nothing in return, and your reward will be great, and you will be sons of the Most High, for he is kind to the ungrateful and the evil. Be merciful, even as your Father is merciful."
Growth point for the year is found in the bold words. I have been tolerant and irritated by the ungrateful and thus not acting like my Father in Heaven. Forgive me Lord for the countless ways I find myself living counter to you. Thanks for your grace that covers over sins I am unaware of and lead me on paths of righteousness for the sake of your name
Friday, October 25, 2013
Luke 4-5 You Missed!
Guest Blogger - Cheri Hudspith - sister to Terry
Luke 4 contains one of my favorite passages in scripture. I love the description of Jesus. I love that it is spoken by Isaiah first. I love that Jesus picks up the Isaiah scroll and reads it aloud to the people gathered in the synagogue.What happens after Jesus reads from Isaiah is something I forget. It's disappointing. Unfortunately, it's not surprising.
The long awaited Messiah whose agenda is to bring Good News, free captives, give sight to the blind, and free people from oppression is passionately rejected. Jesus didn't meet their expectations so they rejected Him. They didn't know how to believe in Him so they rejected Him.
It makes me sit back in my chair and say, "Wow!". It's so sad. They were in the presence of Christ and they couldn't receive what He was offering them.
I feel the sadness because we do the same thing today. Has Jesus offered Himself to you in a way that you haven't been able to trust? Do you live in denial about something because you haven't been willing to ask God to give you sight on a matter? Do you struggle to believe what Jesus has said about Himself?
Remember that when we are tempted to live in denial, we are not condemned for that. Jesus is not surprised it's hard for us to trust Him. In the midst of our fears, He keeps inviting each of us to open our eyes and humbly seek the truth. I am thanking God we have the opportunity for a much different response than the people of Nazareth had on that day.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Luke 2-3 Chaos, Lost Child, Last Event
October 24th, Luke 2-3
A thousand thoughts running through my head makes it difficult to focus on the matters at hand...a devotional thought. In the middle of the chaos that surrounds, how to you come to grips with what you ought to notice.
Jesus' parents have a focus problem traveling to and from the Temple. You'd think that when they left they would have thought about if they had their kid or not.It's hard to fathom traveling in such a large family group that you would just assume that one of Jesus' uncles would have know where he was! I would be more harsh, but I do believe one of our kids was left behind at church one Sunday morning with the repeated phrase between Leah and I..."I thought you had them!"
In this story we do find a focused character. He's one of my favorite, little known, characters from the Christmas story, Simeon. Simeon was told that he would not die before he saw Christ. His interaction with Jesus and the words spoken to Mary are a worthy read. Check it out in Luke 2:22-38.
I need a little focus this morning. I need a little Simeon-like awareness of important matters. Like Simeon...in my own unique way, I need to lift up Christ in the chaos of the Temple and rejoice in the "Glory to your people" that is Jesus.
"In the chaos, in confusion, I know, your sovereign still."
None But Jesus Song by Hillsong United
A thousand thoughts running through my head makes it difficult to focus on the matters at hand...a devotional thought. In the middle of the chaos that surrounds, how to you come to grips with what you ought to notice.
Jesus' parents have a focus problem traveling to and from the Temple. You'd think that when they left they would have thought about if they had their kid or not.It's hard to fathom traveling in such a large family group that you would just assume that one of Jesus' uncles would have know where he was! I would be more harsh, but I do believe one of our kids was left behind at church one Sunday morning with the repeated phrase between Leah and I..."I thought you had them!"
In this story we do find a focused character. He's one of my favorite, little known, characters from the Christmas story, Simeon. Simeon was told that he would not die before he saw Christ. His interaction with Jesus and the words spoken to Mary are a worthy read. Check it out in Luke 2:22-38.
I need a little focus this morning. I need a little Simeon-like awareness of important matters. Like Simeon...in my own unique way, I need to lift up Christ in the chaos of the Temple and rejoice in the "Glory to your people" that is Jesus.
"In the chaos, in confusion, I know, your sovereign still."
None But Jesus Song by Hillsong United
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
Luke 1 Surprise...the strange world of God
October 23rd, Luke 1
SURPRISE!!!! Your life gets to be altered forever! For Zechariah it left him speechless...for a few months. Either a punishment or a gift depending on how you look at it. All after an interaction with an angel Gabriel and an announcement about the coming birth of John the Baptist. Meanwhile in Nazareth...
Gabriel is a busy angel. Mary finds herself in a conversation with Gabriel the angel as well. It went something like this...
Angel: Yo Favored one, God is with you
Mary:?? UHHHH, this is odd??
Angel: Don't be freaked, your pregnant with a son you'll name Jesus. He'll be the most important
person ever.
Mary: I learned about this in biology, there is no way I'm pregnant?!?!
Angel: God's bigger than your class at school, trust me your pregnant. Elizabeth is pregnant too. Lots of
"impossible" things are happening, but nothing is impossible with God.
Mary: What it is, so it will be. I am the Lord's servant!
I think we let the strange nature of these stories pass over us. Like reading some fairy tale or fable with fake characters and a moral ending. But for these people this is the real life circumstance they find themselves. Mute with no way to speak about what's going on to your fellow priests OR fully capable of speaking and explaining to your father that you and Joseph are pure, but God got me pregnant! Yeah! Right!
In the midst of God's unfolding story, there is much that doesn't make sense or is fuel for the rumor mill of life. God might bring a big surprise to you one day as well, that's how God rolls! God works in the world of miracles and the impossible, don't get stuck in a world opposite of that!!
SURPRISE!!!! Your life gets to be altered forever! For Zechariah it left him speechless...for a few months. Either a punishment or a gift depending on how you look at it. All after an interaction with an angel Gabriel and an announcement about the coming birth of John the Baptist. Meanwhile in Nazareth...
Gabriel is a busy angel. Mary finds herself in a conversation with Gabriel the angel as well. It went something like this...
Angel: Yo Favored one, God is with you
Mary:?? UHHHH, this is odd??
Angel: Don't be freaked, your pregnant with a son you'll name Jesus. He'll be the most important
person ever.
Mary: I learned about this in biology, there is no way I'm pregnant?!?!
Angel: God's bigger than your class at school, trust me your pregnant. Elizabeth is pregnant too. Lots of
"impossible" things are happening, but nothing is impossible with God.
Mary: What it is, so it will be. I am the Lord's servant!
I think we let the strange nature of these stories pass over us. Like reading some fairy tale or fable with fake characters and a moral ending. But for these people this is the real life circumstance they find themselves. Mute with no way to speak about what's going on to your fellow priests OR fully capable of speaking and explaining to your father that you and Joseph are pure, but God got me pregnant! Yeah! Right!
In the midst of God's unfolding story, there is much that doesn't make sense or is fuel for the rumor mill of life. God might bring a big surprise to you one day as well, that's how God rolls! God works in the world of miracles and the impossible, don't get stuck in a world opposite of that!!
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Mark 15-16 Abandoned? Your in Good Company
October 22nd, Mark 15-16
forsaken [fəˈseɪkən]
adj completely deserted or helpless; abandoned
for·sake (fôr-s
, f
forsaken [fəˈseɪkən]
adj completely deserted or helpless; abandoned
for·sake (fôr-s
tr.v. for·sook (-s
), for·sak·en (-s
n), for·sak·ing, for·sakes
1. To give up (something formerly held dear); renounce:
2. To leave altogether; abandon
A word that leaves a many-layered look at heartache and pain. This world of heartache and pain is the antithesis of the Kingdom we're invited to and yet the teachable moment in a dark moment is God's desire for His original intention.
In case you wondered if God ever "knew what you were going through, consider... Mark 15:34 "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me." We tell stories, make movies about perfect love relationships. They are inspiring, they move us, create in us a longing for such an experience. Whatever love story you've seen...imagine the love that exists between Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The close connection the "always there for you" kind of love that exists in perfection. I can't wait to experience that some day.
But in the order of things in this moment there is something going on that Christ knows intimately. "God made Him who had no sin, to become sin for us..." God and sin don't hang out together, for a moment on the cross, the relationship inside the Holy Trinity exhibits this horrible reality...forsaken, abandoned, renounced, given up, left altogether...
As much as I'd like to write a great positive paragraph to finish this off, I think maybe it has more value to linger in the weight of it all. When the Bible says that Jesus is familiar with our sorrows, it actually means that and offers a connection to us at the point of our heartache. Let us learn to press in to knowing Christ in moments when we think he doesn't know our hurt.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Mark 14 A Small Gift
October 21st, Matthew 14
For the past year or more we have been singing this song called "Alabaster Jar." Here's the lyrics...
This alabaster jar is all I have of worth
I break it at Your feet, Lord, it's less than You deserve
You're far more beautiful, more precious than the oil
The sum of my desires and the fullness of my joy
Like You spilled Your blood, I spill my heart
As an offering to my King
Here I am, take me as an offering
Here I am, giving every heartbeat for Your glory
Take me
This time that I have left is all I have of worth
I lay it at Your feet, Lord, it's less than You deserve
And though I've little strength, and though my days are few
You gave Your life for me so I will live my life for You
Like You spilled Your blood, I spill my heart
As an offering to my King
Worthy, worthy, You are worthy, worthy is the Lord
Worthy, worthy, You are worthy, worthy is the Lord
The lines I enjoy surround the idea of "Here's my gift, it's less than you deserve." Wouldn't it be nice to give someone a gift as big as they deserve? How impossible is that? So here I am, my life for Your glory God. Sorry it's not better, but thanks for inviting me in and loving when there isn't a sufficient return on your investment. Here's a link, give it a listen!!
For the past year or more we have been singing this song called "Alabaster Jar." Here's the lyrics...
This alabaster jar is all I have of worth
I break it at Your feet, Lord, it's less than You deserve
You're far more beautiful, more precious than the oil
The sum of my desires and the fullness of my joy
Like You spilled Your blood, I spill my heart
As an offering to my King
Here I am, take me as an offering
Here I am, giving every heartbeat for Your glory
Take me
This time that I have left is all I have of worth
I lay it at Your feet, Lord, it's less than You deserve
And though I've little strength, and though my days are few
You gave Your life for me so I will live my life for You
Like You spilled Your blood, I spill my heart
As an offering to my King
Worthy, worthy, You are worthy, worthy is the Lord
Worthy, worthy, You are worthy, worthy is the Lord
The lines I enjoy surround the idea of "Here's my gift, it's less than you deserve." Wouldn't it be nice to give someone a gift as big as they deserve? How impossible is that? So here I am, my life for Your glory God. Sorry it's not better, but thanks for inviting me in and loving when there isn't a sufficient return on your investment. Here's a link, give it a listen!!
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Mark 10-11 The Lord has need of your...
October 18th, Mark 10-11
"Go into the village opposite you, and immediately as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, on which no one has ever sat; untie it and bring it here. If anyone says to you, why are you doing this? you say, "The Lord has need of it."
When sending missionaries abroad we don't have enough money...The Lord has need of your...
Not enough time to be Mission minded... The Lord has need of your...
Can't give up stuff for the Kingdom...The Lord has need of your...
Those people are different from me...The Lord has need of your...
How would you respond if someone came to borrow what you perceived as an important possession and when you asked what was going on the response was, "The Lord has need of it." Your time, money, stuff, strength, influence, connections; "The Lord has need of it." How much of our stuff is ours and how much of it is on loan from God for the advancement of His Kingdom?
There is a recognition that everything I have is borrowed, even the next breath. If the Lord has need of it, so be it. This colt owner certainly stands apart from the Rich Young Ruler in the previous chapter. May our resources be dictated by the hand of God not the strength of our hand. "The Lord has need of your..."
"Go into the village opposite you, and immediately as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, on which no one has ever sat; untie it and bring it here. If anyone says to you, why are you doing this? you say, "The Lord has need of it."
When sending missionaries abroad we don't have enough money...The Lord has need of your...
Not enough time to be Mission minded... The Lord has need of your...
Can't give up stuff for the Kingdom...The Lord has need of your...
Those people are different from me...The Lord has need of your...
How would you respond if someone came to borrow what you perceived as an important possession and when you asked what was going on the response was, "The Lord has need of it." Your time, money, stuff, strength, influence, connections; "The Lord has need of it." How much of our stuff is ours and how much of it is on loan from God for the advancement of His Kingdom?
There is a recognition that everything I have is borrowed, even the next breath. If the Lord has need of it, so be it. This colt owner certainly stands apart from the Rich Young Ruler in the previous chapter. May our resources be dictated by the hand of God not the strength of our hand. "The Lord has need of your..."
Friday, October 18, 2013
Matthew 8-9 Confession and Direction
October 18th, Matthew 8-9
Confessions. My time spent as a coach, parent and police officer have been filled with moments of seeking confession. From the kid with chocolate smeared on his face, informing me that they haven't been in the cookie jar, to the player who says he did this, when I saw him do that. The argument on the sideline will soon be replaced with the film on monday...and let me tell you..."film don't lie." Confession is an alignment with truth, aligned with truth we can actually get somewhere.
One of the most fun parts of being a Police Officer was getting to the truth. People lie all the time to save their hide. One person has their side of the story and the other...another. Each side is always told to protect the interest of self. No one gives an accurate account. A good warning if your the type of person who falls for people's stories. There is always another side and the truth is somewhere in the middle(unless some evidence proves otherwise).
Confession is good for the soul. it offers a beginning point from which we can move on. Jesus was asking Peter for a confession. "Who do people say that I am?" "Who do you say that I am? Peter's statement here matters a great deal. It is the beginning point for everything that comes after. You're a nice guy, you're a smart guy, you're weird, you're abrasive, you're miraculous, you're fun, you're entertaining... all different confessions.
Peter came to the confession that was true and it lead him somewhere. Who do you say that Christ is? Where will that take you?
Confessions. My time spent as a coach, parent and police officer have been filled with moments of seeking confession. From the kid with chocolate smeared on his face, informing me that they haven't been in the cookie jar, to the player who says he did this, when I saw him do that. The argument on the sideline will soon be replaced with the film on monday...and let me tell you..."film don't lie." Confession is an alignment with truth, aligned with truth we can actually get somewhere.
One of the most fun parts of being a Police Officer was getting to the truth. People lie all the time to save their hide. One person has their side of the story and the other...another. Each side is always told to protect the interest of self. No one gives an accurate account. A good warning if your the type of person who falls for people's stories. There is always another side and the truth is somewhere in the middle(unless some evidence proves otherwise).
Confession is good for the soul. it offers a beginning point from which we can move on. Jesus was asking Peter for a confession. "Who do people say that I am?" "Who do you say that I am? Peter's statement here matters a great deal. It is the beginning point for everything that comes after. You're a nice guy, you're a smart guy, you're weird, you're abrasive, you're miraculous, you're fun, you're entertaining... all different confessions.
Peter came to the confession that was true and it lead him somewhere. Who do you say that Christ is? Where will that take you?
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Mark 6-7 When Traditions lose their way
October 17th, Mark 6-7
Traditions help set values and when done well, cause us to remember great things we might otherwise forget. Traditions get misapplied values that lift something worthless to a place of high regard and forget what was supposed to be.
Jesus is accused of violating hand washing rules. Jesus is troubled about how the script has been flipped and says..."Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men." Then Jesus goes on to explain the problem...
The Command of God:"Honor your Father and your Mother, so your days may be long upon the earth."
The Traditions of Men: Corban Taking care of your Father and Mother until their death(no Social Security/Medicare) requires a certain amount of finances. Corban is a financial gift given to the Temple that would be equivalent to the cost of taking care of your parents. After the gift of Corban, you are now under no obligation to care for your parents. You neglect the commandment of God and hold to the traditions of men.
It starts something like this, a family has parents die young. They feel compelled to give a gift to the Temple since the anticipated costs are no longer needed. A family is rich, and to be honest, can cover both costs of a large sum to the Temple and taking care of their parents. The problem is...it morphs into the Temple enjoying large treasuries. It morphs into people wanting to brag about their large gift, and then in the end not take care of the command of God to honor parents. This problem becomes so normal, it's totally out of whack. (kinda like saying a higher debt ceiling is better for us financially, it's hard to believe it even comes off your lips when you say it).
So we have to be careful of norms we have that violate God's command. Jesus calls it... "Invalidating the word of God by your tradition." The question is, how have our traditions allowed a secondary thing to become primary...
Safety before faith, money before mission, knowing without doing, church excluding world...
Traditions help set values and when done well, cause us to remember great things we might otherwise forget. Traditions get misapplied values that lift something worthless to a place of high regard and forget what was supposed to be.
Jesus is accused of violating hand washing rules. Jesus is troubled about how the script has been flipped and says..."Neglecting the commandment of God, you hold to the tradition of men." Then Jesus goes on to explain the problem...
The Command of God:"Honor your Father and your Mother, so your days may be long upon the earth."
The Traditions of Men: Corban Taking care of your Father and Mother until their death(no Social Security/Medicare) requires a certain amount of finances. Corban is a financial gift given to the Temple that would be equivalent to the cost of taking care of your parents. After the gift of Corban, you are now under no obligation to care for your parents. You neglect the commandment of God and hold to the traditions of men.
It starts something like this, a family has parents die young. They feel compelled to give a gift to the Temple since the anticipated costs are no longer needed. A family is rich, and to be honest, can cover both costs of a large sum to the Temple and taking care of their parents. The problem is...it morphs into the Temple enjoying large treasuries. It morphs into people wanting to brag about their large gift, and then in the end not take care of the command of God to honor parents. This problem becomes so normal, it's totally out of whack. (kinda like saying a higher debt ceiling is better for us financially, it's hard to believe it even comes off your lips when you say it).
So we have to be careful of norms we have that violate God's command. Jesus calls it... "Invalidating the word of God by your tradition." The question is, how have our traditions allowed a secondary thing to become primary...
Safety before faith, money before mission, knowing without doing, church excluding world...
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
Mark 4-5 I will lift my eyes to the Calmer
October 16th, Mark 4-5
Waves, chaos and fear. I admit, I am a bit of a land lover. I currently live in the land of 10,000 lakes but I grew up and have outdoor experience in a land of few lakes. I grew up with a compass and rugged terrain. I'd rather read a map and cut a trail through the mountains than find myself in a boat on the water. It's just what I'm used to. Being on a boat during a storm multiplies that by hundreds, I feel out of control and death by drowning sounds horrible.
The story of Jesus and the disciples crossing the sea, makes a lot of sense to me. Rembrandt's rendition of this story is a favorite of mine. If that was me in that painting, like the disciples, I would be losing it. Standard rule of panicked people, is a desire for others to be panicked with us, thus the question asked of Jesus..."Teacher do you not care that we are perishing?" When the chaos of life fills the room with toxicity we think the caring thing for others to do is to be toxic with us...yeah...helpful!(sarcastic eye-roll)
Jesus response..."Why are you afraid?" Well...uh... see picture to the right! "Do you still have no faith?" You see the knee-jerk reactions of our lives tell a story. What Jesus wants is for them to know that Christ is in the boat with them, we can ride out this and any other storm. On a solid day that might actually happen.
Our knee jerk reaction should be to run to Jesus. But not with an accusation about his lack of concern, but just an honest confession. This is all freaking me out, Jesus can you do something about this storm or just remind me of your presence and that with you it's gonna work out.
A few lyrics from our day...
I will praise you in the storm...
I will worship while I'm waiting...(not accuse you while I'm waiting)
I will lift my eyes to the calmer of the oceans raging wild...
Waves, chaos and fear. I admit, I am a bit of a land lover. I currently live in the land of 10,000 lakes but I grew up and have outdoor experience in a land of few lakes. I grew up with a compass and rugged terrain. I'd rather read a map and cut a trail through the mountains than find myself in a boat on the water. It's just what I'm used to. Being on a boat during a storm multiplies that by hundreds, I feel out of control and death by drowning sounds horrible.

Jesus response..."Why are you afraid?" Well...uh... see picture to the right! "Do you still have no faith?" You see the knee-jerk reactions of our lives tell a story. What Jesus wants is for them to know that Christ is in the boat with them, we can ride out this and any other storm. On a solid day that might actually happen.
Our knee jerk reaction should be to run to Jesus. But not with an accusation about his lack of concern, but just an honest confession. This is all freaking me out, Jesus can you do something about this storm or just remind me of your presence and that with you it's gonna work out.
A few lyrics from our day...
I will praise you in the storm...
I will worship while I'm waiting...(not accuse you while I'm waiting)
I will lift my eyes to the calmer of the oceans raging wild...
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Matthew 27-28 Torn Curtain and the Dead Live
October 15th, Matthew 27-28
The narrative today centers on the crucifixion. Like yesterday it is a very active story line with a lot of characters. Judas returning his money and the refusal to put it back in the treasury. Soldiers mocking, spitting, beating, Pilate, his wife... Makes you wonder what they all felt like the next day.
The small side story that always catches my attention is the veil of the Temple being torn in two. According to the writings of Josephus the veil was four inches thick(the word veil leaves a misunderstanding for us). It was said to be so thick that horses wold be unable to tear it apart. Interesting how God takes care of the small things. Access to God...Granted!!
The next verse is one of those I've read, but it caught me by surprise this morning as new..."Tombs were opened, and many bodies of saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many." I hope I don't ever have to re-die!
It goes back to the passage from the other day however about knowing the power of God. It seems like I witness a powerless version of faith all too often. You and I have been granted access to God, a backstage pass to your favorite artist... X infinity! The person to whom you have access is the almighty of the universe. One who makes dead people come alive. One who makes spiritually dead people come to life..."Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations."
The narrative today centers on the crucifixion. Like yesterday it is a very active story line with a lot of characters. Judas returning his money and the refusal to put it back in the treasury. Soldiers mocking, spitting, beating, Pilate, his wife... Makes you wonder what they all felt like the next day.
The small side story that always catches my attention is the veil of the Temple being torn in two. According to the writings of Josephus the veil was four inches thick(the word veil leaves a misunderstanding for us). It was said to be so thick that horses wold be unable to tear it apart. Interesting how God takes care of the small things. Access to God...Granted!!
The next verse is one of those I've read, but it caught me by surprise this morning as new..."Tombs were opened, and many bodies of saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the tombs after his resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many." I hope I don't ever have to re-die!
It goes back to the passage from the other day however about knowing the power of God. It seems like I witness a powerless version of faith all too often. You and I have been granted access to God, a backstage pass to your favorite artist... X infinity! The person to whom you have access is the almighty of the universe. One who makes dead people come alive. One who makes spiritually dead people come to life..."Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations."
Mark 1-3 Jesus Irritates People!!
October 15th, Mark 1-3
I think about how often Jesus seems to irritate the rulers of the day concerning Sabbath rules. Here in the end of chapter two we see Jesus picking grain on a Sabbath. In chapter three Jesus comes across a man in need of healing on the Sabbath. Tension is in the air, Jesus asks..."Is it lawful to do good or do harm on the Sabbath, to save a life or kill?"(your rules would allow you to watch a man die rather than work on the Sabbath, does that make sense to you?)
Silence... imagine the scene. A group of people, so convinced that they are right about something. This intruder, this outsider, this rebel, this annoyance asks us these questions. US... doesn't he know who we are, yet also intimidated enough by the question to keep their mouth shut (Thought Bubble: I'm tired of him making us look like fools)
"Is it lawful for us to do good on the Sabbath?" Chapter two the statement..."The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath?" One is lesser than the other. One is made for the other. Sabbath was created to be a blessing to man. Man wasn't made to be a blessing to the Sabbath, you've got it messed up here boys...
In this moment on Sabbath afternoon, what's more important, a man with a withered hand or a day of the week. Verse 5 , this moment of silence, the unanswerable question, Jesus response..."After looking at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, he said to the man, "stretch out your hand." As he stretched it out his hand was restored." The immediate knee-jerk reaction to a life-changing miracle is..........
A violated rule; rules. mean. more. than. people...Destroy Jesus. Adventures in Missing the Point.
The intent of the law and the heart behind it. Pharisees were son intent on keeping the law, added so many provisions to the law, that eventually they failed to understand why God asks it of us, what his desire is for us in the midst of living it out. Don't miss the point, it takes you to crazy places and in this case keeps you from honoring the most valuable thing(that sounds bad).
I think about how often Jesus seems to irritate the rulers of the day concerning Sabbath rules. Here in the end of chapter two we see Jesus picking grain on a Sabbath. In chapter three Jesus comes across a man in need of healing on the Sabbath. Tension is in the air, Jesus asks..."Is it lawful to do good or do harm on the Sabbath, to save a life or kill?"(your rules would allow you to watch a man die rather than work on the Sabbath, does that make sense to you?)
Silence... imagine the scene. A group of people, so convinced that they are right about something. This intruder, this outsider, this rebel, this annoyance asks us these questions. US... doesn't he know who we are, yet also intimidated enough by the question to keep their mouth shut (Thought Bubble: I'm tired of him making us look like fools)
"Is it lawful for us to do good on the Sabbath?" Chapter two the statement..."The Sabbath was made for man and not man for the Sabbath. So the Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath?" One is lesser than the other. One is made for the other. Sabbath was created to be a blessing to man. Man wasn't made to be a blessing to the Sabbath, you've got it messed up here boys...
In this moment on Sabbath afternoon, what's more important, a man with a withered hand or a day of the week. Verse 5 , this moment of silence, the unanswerable question, Jesus response..."After looking at them with anger, grieved at their hardness of heart, he said to the man, "stretch out your hand." As he stretched it out his hand was restored." The immediate knee-jerk reaction to a life-changing miracle is..........
A violated rule; rules. mean. more. than. people...Destroy Jesus. Adventures in Missing the Point.
The intent of the law and the heart behind it. Pharisees were son intent on keeping the law, added so many provisions to the law, that eventually they failed to understand why God asks it of us, what his desire is for us in the midst of living it out. Don't miss the point, it takes you to crazy places and in this case keeps you from honoring the most valuable thing(that sounds bad).
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Matthew 26 A lot of life in a short space
October 13th, Matthew 26
A long chapter with a lot of story line and a lot of people, a lot of motives.
Chief priests, elders, High Priest: Plotting against Jesus
Woman with alabaster Jar of Perfume: A strange service of annointing
Indignant disciples: This is a waste, Jesus, "no it's not."
Judas: 30 pieces of silver is the value of a life
Homeowner of the Last Supper:
Betrayer: dips after Jesus, yet still tries to save face
Peter's bold prediction of never falling away
Jesus prediction, you will...soon
Garden: Men couldn't stay awake and pray
Jesus soul is grieved to the point of death...see above
Betrayed with a kiss
Ear cut off, Jesus mindful to fix it even though he knows what is about to happen. I wonder what happened to that guys life?
Caiphas and an illegal trial to prove a lawbreaker
False witnesses against God...interesting
Robe tearing, spitting, beating, slapping...who hit you Jesus, who hit you, your so smart, go ahead and tell us.
Peter's confrontation...Peter's failure not once...x3
Rooster crows...scene ends
A long chapter with a lot of story line and a lot of people, a lot of motives.
Chief priests, elders, High Priest: Plotting against Jesus
Woman with alabaster Jar of Perfume: A strange service of annointing
Indignant disciples: This is a waste, Jesus, "no it's not."
Judas: 30 pieces of silver is the value of a life
Homeowner of the Last Supper:
Betrayer: dips after Jesus, yet still tries to save face
Peter's bold prediction of never falling away
Jesus prediction, you will...soon
Garden: Men couldn't stay awake and pray
Jesus soul is grieved to the point of death...see above
Betrayed with a kiss
Ear cut off, Jesus mindful to fix it even though he knows what is about to happen. I wonder what happened to that guys life?
Caiphas and an illegal trial to prove a lawbreaker
False witnesses against God...interesting
Robe tearing, spitting, beating, slapping...who hit you Jesus, who hit you, your so smart, go ahead and tell us.
Peter's confrontation...Peter's failure not once...x3
Rooster crows...scene ends
Saturday, October 12, 2013
Matthew 24-25 Boy Scouts Learn Well
October 12th, Matthew 24-25
Today's text reminds me of my time in Boy Scouts. The motto is the antithesis of a little booklet put out years ago that reminds us of our struggle.
"Be Prepared" is the motto.
"The Tyranny of the Urgent" is the book.
In a marginless society, our problem is that we live in reaction to everything around us instead of intention. Intention means I know where I'm headed, reaction means I head where the circumstances take me and I often find myself like ladies in the parable without any oil.
I notice the wise girls were asked for some of their oil. Their response, go find a store and buy it for yourselves. There is some personal responsibility in these matters. The whole point of the stories in this section is calling for individuals to account for themselves... "Be Prepared."
Be Intentional: The good servants made money on their master's investment. The bad servant went and buried his masters money in the ground. Good things don't happen while living in reaction. Good things happen when we takes intentional steps to walk into life God's way. In our Covenant denomination we talk about "Healthy Missional."
Healthy: Pursuing God
Missional: Pursuing God's priorities in the world
The urgent cries can't override God's call, being prepared has advantage over scrambling over what we believe to be limited resources, when the limitations come as a result of us. Being intentional about a preparedness concerning God's Kingdom should be our number one priority.
Today's text reminds me of my time in Boy Scouts. The motto is the antithesis of a little booklet put out years ago that reminds us of our struggle.
"Be Prepared" is the motto.
"The Tyranny of the Urgent" is the book.
In a marginless society, our problem is that we live in reaction to everything around us instead of intention. Intention means I know where I'm headed, reaction means I head where the circumstances take me and I often find myself like ladies in the parable without any oil.
I notice the wise girls were asked for some of their oil. Their response, go find a store and buy it for yourselves. There is some personal responsibility in these matters. The whole point of the stories in this section is calling for individuals to account for themselves... "Be Prepared."
Be Intentional: The good servants made money on their master's investment. The bad servant went and buried his masters money in the ground. Good things don't happen while living in reaction. Good things happen when we takes intentional steps to walk into life God's way. In our Covenant denomination we talk about "Healthy Missional."
Healthy: Pursuing God
Missional: Pursuing God's priorities in the world
The urgent cries can't override God's call, being prepared has advantage over scrambling over what we believe to be limited resources, when the limitations come as a result of us. Being intentional about a preparedness concerning God's Kingdom should be our number one priority.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Matthew 22-23 Knowing God with Great Faith
October 11th, Matthew 22-23
So Jesus finds himself with people trying to trick him with questions. As usual it's a bit of child's play and Jesus comes to a conclusion that is a bit unrelated to the answer, but proves a point for all of us. Those coming with the question have presupposed what the answer should be and kicks those suppositions to the curb because there are two things these Sadducees are wrong about.
Often times we enter into situations thinking we know something. Our quest to win a proposal, change some thing, give advice is rooted in presuppositions that are wrong. Sometimes we give a great big oooooh, because we see our error, sometimes we never see it and live in frustration.
The Sadducees are wrong because they "know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God."
If your background of information is wrong, you will ask bad questions. In bonsai, people ask me if I just cut off branches and put them in a pot. All I can think is, you really don't know much about plant life do you(I think it, I don't say it)? There is such a thing as a bad question. Often those bad questions are the result of a bad framework. If you want to fix the framework and ask good questions, get to know God who has revealed himself in the Bible.
Not knowing the power of God limits the possibilities. Can a valley of dry bones live? Prophets answer... "You alone know." I love that answer. I kinda want to say no, but God's asking me this question. So since God is asking me this question, there is no way I'm gonna give a complete no for an answer because the power of God makes impossible things possible.
Here's what we need...truth and clarity about life that comes from knowing God through His word, and trusting in the power of God to make things be as he sees fit, never minimizing what could be done. Knowing Him with Great Faith.
Thursday, October 10, 2013
Matthew 20-21 Be bold, ask questions, say yes to Jesus
October 10th, Matthew 20-21
It's hard to believe helicopter moms existed in Jesus day, but so it is. Zebedee's mom, "I want my sons to sit at your right and left hand in your kingdom." Anyone hungry for power...anyone...anyone!
But that's not the tripping part of the story, the part that makes me want to know more is the Q and A with Jesus. Jesus asks "Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?" The automatic assumption is no. You already know he's not fulfilling the request so when he asks a question like that you'd assume it's a no.
These sons say to Jesus, "We are able." The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess. So I'm thinking Jesus is going to scold them a little for their answer, but he doesn't. Jesus actually says, well you guys are right you will drink my cup, but the seating chart isn't up to me anyway.
I guess what seems funny to me is that these guys seemed to stumble upon the right answer, even living in complete unawareness about the Kingdom and that maybe Jesus would be placed next to His Father... There's something to me about their boldness in answering the question. It makes me wonder if Jesus was expecting a different answer(that's a whole different topic).
How many questions do I ask Jesus that are way off base. Thanks mom for not asking embarrassing questions for me!! In all I don't get about this story, there is one thing I do get, it's the boldness to say yes to Jesus, even when you don't know what your saying yes to. These boys and this mom are about to learn that being great in the kingdom is not about positions granted, it's about who would serve and give their life. Maybe these boys ended up on a cross too, I'm not sure. Ask Jesus questions, be bold, say yes. A little humility would be good too!!
It's hard to believe helicopter moms existed in Jesus day, but so it is. Zebedee's mom, "I want my sons to sit at your right and left hand in your kingdom." Anyone hungry for power...anyone...anyone!
But that's not the tripping part of the story, the part that makes me want to know more is the Q and A with Jesus. Jesus asks "Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?" The automatic assumption is no. You already know he's not fulfilling the request so when he asks a question like that you'd assume it's a no.
These sons say to Jesus, "We are able." The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess. So I'm thinking Jesus is going to scold them a little for their answer, but he doesn't. Jesus actually says, well you guys are right you will drink my cup, but the seating chart isn't up to me anyway.
I guess what seems funny to me is that these guys seemed to stumble upon the right answer, even living in complete unawareness about the Kingdom and that maybe Jesus would be placed next to His Father... There's something to me about their boldness in answering the question. It makes me wonder if Jesus was expecting a different answer(that's a whole different topic).
How many questions do I ask Jesus that are way off base. Thanks mom for not asking embarrassing questions for me!! In all I don't get about this story, there is one thing I do get, it's the boldness to say yes to Jesus, even when you don't know what your saying yes to. These boys and this mom are about to learn that being great in the kingdom is not about positions granted, it's about who would serve and give their life. Maybe these boys ended up on a cross too, I'm not sure. Ask Jesus questions, be bold, say yes. A little humility would be good too!!
Wednesday, October 9, 2013
Matthew 18-19 Lost Sheep or Prodigal Son
October 9th, Matthew 18-19
The Lost Sheep or the Prodigal Son, how do you tell the difference. You know the story of the lost sheep, the shepherd sees that one is missing and goes out to find it. As a youth pastor for many years , sometimes I felt the pressure from parents to go out and find their lost sheep. Like this story was about my ability to be a better shepherd. If Terry was a better shepherd he'd go get my teenager and make them go to church.
I always wrestled with that. Am I being a bad shepherd or is there more to the story. I think about the prodigal son and the dad in that instance. The dad waited in hope, but didn't head out and force him to come back. Coming back was the choice of the prodigal. After all the father didn't leave, the son did.
So the question was always...is there a lost sheep thing going on or a prodigal thing going on. For a lost sheep, I'll do my part...if it's "Breaking Amish"there is really nothing I can do but pray and hope. Parents aren't looking for pray and hope however, they're looking for the fix...NOW.
The context of the story is all about children, little ones. Ones that need our defense, help, that we have to watch out for. Rejoicing over being reunited with a little one after getting lost in the department store is the picture I see with this lost sheep. How much rejoicing after that!! They can't take care of themselves they need me.
At some point they grow up, maybe demand their inheritance and walk away. It's one thing to be little and wonder off, another thing to be of age and walk away. I pray for you parents of older children. That you would trust the One who holds your children in His hands. Trust they'll walk back to the home that offers life. Those moments waiting at the window are tough, but I pray they are rooted in hope.
The Lost Sheep or the Prodigal Son, how do you tell the difference. You know the story of the lost sheep, the shepherd sees that one is missing and goes out to find it. As a youth pastor for many years , sometimes I felt the pressure from parents to go out and find their lost sheep. Like this story was about my ability to be a better shepherd. If Terry was a better shepherd he'd go get my teenager and make them go to church.
I always wrestled with that. Am I being a bad shepherd or is there more to the story. I think about the prodigal son and the dad in that instance. The dad waited in hope, but didn't head out and force him to come back. Coming back was the choice of the prodigal. After all the father didn't leave, the son did.
So the question was always...is there a lost sheep thing going on or a prodigal thing going on. For a lost sheep, I'll do my part...if it's "Breaking Amish"there is really nothing I can do but pray and hope. Parents aren't looking for pray and hope however, they're looking for the fix...NOW.
The context of the story is all about children, little ones. Ones that need our defense, help, that we have to watch out for. Rejoicing over being reunited with a little one after getting lost in the department store is the picture I see with this lost sheep. How much rejoicing after that!! They can't take care of themselves they need me.
At some point they grow up, maybe demand their inheritance and walk away. It's one thing to be little and wonder off, another thing to be of age and walk away. I pray for you parents of older children. That you would trust the One who holds your children in His hands. Trust they'll walk back to the home that offers life. Those moments waiting at the window are tough, but I pray they are rooted in hope.
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Matthew 15-17 A question for which an answer, determines much.
October 8th, Matthew 15-17
What do people say? It's a good question. It implies that you pay attention, listen in, be in tune with the hearts of others. It's a little work to offer something insightful. If your going to lead anyone, you need to learn how to do it. Parenting is one of those places. A leadership 101 class if you will. What's on the hearts and minds of people around you. In a me-first world you would catch people by surprise living in some awareness of what they say.
Jesus asks this question... what do people say about me? The disciples did a brainstorming session and came up with several answers. That's good, means they are listening to the people. But Jesus ask an even better more refining question...
"Who do you say that I am?"It's one thing to know what others think, but... what do you think. Brainstorming the thoughts of others is a lot easier than forming your own thought around a subject. Years ago a class I took never came to any resolution about the great topics of our faith. It was frustrating at first but mid-week I began to see how the lack of resolution...Believe this and this only... was causing me to come up with my own convictions. Our convictions are far more powerful than the brainstormed list of what everyone else believes.
The list in our current day could be an interesting one. Who do people say Jesus is? But the answer to the question that matter most is... Who do you say Jesus is? A question for which an answer determines much.
What do people say? It's a good question. It implies that you pay attention, listen in, be in tune with the hearts of others. It's a little work to offer something insightful. If your going to lead anyone, you need to learn how to do it. Parenting is one of those places. A leadership 101 class if you will. What's on the hearts and minds of people around you. In a me-first world you would catch people by surprise living in some awareness of what they say.
Jesus asks this question... what do people say about me? The disciples did a brainstorming session and came up with several answers. That's good, means they are listening to the people. But Jesus ask an even better more refining question...
"Who do you say that I am?"It's one thing to know what others think, but... what do you think. Brainstorming the thoughts of others is a lot easier than forming your own thought around a subject. Years ago a class I took never came to any resolution about the great topics of our faith. It was frustrating at first but mid-week I began to see how the lack of resolution...Believe this and this only... was causing me to come up with my own convictions. Our convictions are far more powerful than the brainstormed list of what everyone else believes.
The list in our current day could be an interesting one. Who do people say Jesus is? But the answer to the question that matter most is... Who do you say Jesus is? A question for which an answer determines much.
Monday, October 7, 2013
Matthew 13-14 Thinkers over knowers any day!!!
October 7th, Matthew 13-14
Clarity of confusion. Knower or thinker. Better to search for good answers or good questions? Which of any of these has a greater value. From my days of coaching I recognize the differences between the two and have my own preference.
From a coaching perspective...
Knower: Good scouting reports tell you the tendencies of what people do. A micromanager then proceeds to inform people what to do on any given thing that might be done to them on a football field. On the basketball court it becomes a place where plays are always run to get the perfect result. Everyone executes their part.
Thinker: A thinker is taught principles. A linebacker is taught to fill and flow. A corner is taught pass then run. Defensive ends never get beat outside but squeeze the line of scrimmage. Not specifics about every play the offense might run, just general principles that lead to sound group efforts. In basketball we teach general guidelines about setting picks, running high low, running the baseline, stepping out to the short corner.
My preference... I'll take a thinker over a knower any day of the week and twice on Friday Night. Thinkers solve problems and in a contest there will be problems. Knowers lose freedom, the next part of the play is more important than the fact that the lane is open for a layup, but I'm supposed to do this or that! Thinkers have a free flowing spirit that can recognize and adapt. Jesus told parables, for those who didn't care for his nice little stories the kingdom remained hidden. For those who bothered to think about these stories, the Kingdom of God was opened.
Read through the gospels and see what kind of people Jesus was trying to create. It will surprise you how Jesus interacted with people. The Kingdom of God is not a spectator sport, it calls for active engagement.
Clarity of confusion. Knower or thinker. Better to search for good answers or good questions? Which of any of these has a greater value. From my days of coaching I recognize the differences between the two and have my own preference.
From a coaching perspective...
Knower: Good scouting reports tell you the tendencies of what people do. A micromanager then proceeds to inform people what to do on any given thing that might be done to them on a football field. On the basketball court it becomes a place where plays are always run to get the perfect result. Everyone executes their part.
Thinker: A thinker is taught principles. A linebacker is taught to fill and flow. A corner is taught pass then run. Defensive ends never get beat outside but squeeze the line of scrimmage. Not specifics about every play the offense might run, just general principles that lead to sound group efforts. In basketball we teach general guidelines about setting picks, running high low, running the baseline, stepping out to the short corner.
My preference... I'll take a thinker over a knower any day of the week and twice on Friday Night. Thinkers solve problems and in a contest there will be problems. Knowers lose freedom, the next part of the play is more important than the fact that the lane is open for a layup, but I'm supposed to do this or that! Thinkers have a free flowing spirit that can recognize and adapt. Jesus told parables, for those who didn't care for his nice little stories the kingdom remained hidden. For those who bothered to think about these stories, the Kingdom of God was opened.
Read through the gospels and see what kind of people Jesus was trying to create. It will surprise you how Jesus interacted with people. The Kingdom of God is not a spectator sport, it calls for active engagement.
Saturday, October 5, 2013
Matthew 9-10 Jesus doesn't say what you'd think he would say
October 5th, Matthew 9-10
Your daily boat rocking, offered by Jesus...
1. Claiming to be able to forgive sin
2. Healing a paralyzed man
3. Hanging out with the wrong crowd
4. Wine/wineskins which is more important
5. "Don't worry, she's not dead, she's sleeping."
6. Jesus does a good thing for someone only to be accused of being demonic.
7. When Jesus sees the crowds, he has compassion. Too many Christians I know see the crowds and have contempt.
8. Jesus Mission trips. Once I thought about doing a mission trip like the one here in chapter 10:5-15. Raising $5/day/person, head out and minister to anyone who had ears. I couldn't talk people into doing anything that crazy.
9. The promise of persecution: I thought the promise was all blessings, all the time.
10. Be afraid...that's right...be very afraid. Be afraid of the one who can destroy both body and soul in hell. Otherwise...
11. Don't be afraid.
12. Jesus didn't come for peace.
13. A person's enemies will be members of their own household. Whoever loves a son/daughter/parent more than Jesus is not worthy of Jesus.
14. Whoever doesn't take his cross is not worthy. Be aware that when Jesus makes statements like this there are not 2000 years of theology to lessen the blow. The cross for these people is nothing more than an instrument of death and Jesus hasn't died on one yet for any of this to make sense.
15. Losers of life will find life and those who live every moment to get life will end up with gravel.
Jesus says unexpected things, almost constantly. It's like he's a revolutionary. I'm guessing he still is, if you want to get to know him...expect the unexpected.
Your daily boat rocking, offered by Jesus...
1. Claiming to be able to forgive sin
2. Healing a paralyzed man
3. Hanging out with the wrong crowd
4. Wine/wineskins which is more important
5. "Don't worry, she's not dead, she's sleeping."
6. Jesus does a good thing for someone only to be accused of being demonic.
7. When Jesus sees the crowds, he has compassion. Too many Christians I know see the crowds and have contempt.
8. Jesus Mission trips. Once I thought about doing a mission trip like the one here in chapter 10:5-15. Raising $5/day/person, head out and minister to anyone who had ears. I couldn't talk people into doing anything that crazy.
9. The promise of persecution: I thought the promise was all blessings, all the time.
10. Be afraid...that's right...be very afraid. Be afraid of the one who can destroy both body and soul in hell. Otherwise...
11. Don't be afraid.
12. Jesus didn't come for peace.
13. A person's enemies will be members of their own household. Whoever loves a son/daughter/parent more than Jesus is not worthy of Jesus.
14. Whoever doesn't take his cross is not worthy. Be aware that when Jesus makes statements like this there are not 2000 years of theology to lessen the blow. The cross for these people is nothing more than an instrument of death and Jesus hasn't died on one yet for any of this to make sense.
15. Losers of life will find life and those who live every moment to get life will end up with gravel.
Jesus says unexpected things, almost constantly. It's like he's a revolutionary. I'm guessing he still is, if you want to get to know him...expect the unexpected.
Friday, October 4, 2013
Matthew 7-8 See for real or trust a done deal?
October 4th, Matthew 7-8
A man of authority knows a man of authority. Jesus says he has not seen such faith in all of Israel. What's the link between the flow of authority and faith. In a world so suspicious of authority, I'm guessing something has been missed.
The centurion has a need, his servant is paralyzed and suffering. He comes to find Jesus because he knows he needs a miracle. Jesus agrees and wants to come. The centurion is aware of the greatness of the one he is talking to and considers himself unworthy of having such a guest as Christ in his home.
This centurion explains that he understands the chain of command, people are over him, he's over others. I tell this soldier "go" and he goes, "come" and he comes. I do what I'm told and what I ask will be done. How's that for a norm of behavior. How much progress could you make as a person, church, business, organization if your understanding was that direct. As great as you are Jesus, I know that if you say the word it will be done, and I will leave this exchange fully trusting in what you have said.
Jesus reply..."I have not found such faith in all of Israel."
Here's a man that trusts his superior to be a man of his word. Here's a man that when he is the superior, will be taken at his word. There's is much to be learned in this story about trust, about authority, about faith. Doubting Thomas had to see if it was for real, the centurion walked away knowing Christ spoke, it's a done deal.
A man of authority knows a man of authority. Jesus says he has not seen such faith in all of Israel. What's the link between the flow of authority and faith. In a world so suspicious of authority, I'm guessing something has been missed.
The centurion has a need, his servant is paralyzed and suffering. He comes to find Jesus because he knows he needs a miracle. Jesus agrees and wants to come. The centurion is aware of the greatness of the one he is talking to and considers himself unworthy of having such a guest as Christ in his home.
This centurion explains that he understands the chain of command, people are over him, he's over others. I tell this soldier "go" and he goes, "come" and he comes. I do what I'm told and what I ask will be done. How's that for a norm of behavior. How much progress could you make as a person, church, business, organization if your understanding was that direct. As great as you are Jesus, I know that if you say the word it will be done, and I will leave this exchange fully trusting in what you have said.
Jesus reply..."I have not found such faith in all of Israel."
Here's a man that trusts his superior to be a man of his word. Here's a man that when he is the superior, will be taken at his word. There's is much to be learned in this story about trust, about authority, about faith. Doubting Thomas had to see if it was for real, the centurion walked away knowing Christ spoke, it's a done deal.
Thursday, October 3, 2013
Matthew 5-6 The Keys to the Kingdom
October 3rd, Matthew 5-6
The sermon on the Mount is a great place to start a journey of transformation. In it, Jesus presents the norms of the Kingdom of God. Blessed are those who mourn, are meek, are merciful, are persecuted. This is the way it should be.
There is an expansion of the law. For people who felt justified by keeping the law Jesus complicated it to prove a point. Formerly the law said not to murder, but I say don't be angry with your brother, say "Raca" or "you fool." and it's just as bad. It's not an invitation to write down more laws to keep, just proof that the law you think you've kept(and patted yourself on the back for) has never really been kept.
It's an invitation to a new way to look at the promises we make, retaliation, loving your enemies, giving, praying, fasting, and anxiety. Themes for this journey of life. It's meant to step on our toes and invite us into a different way of seeing and doing things. Like for example... if you wonder why it seems to rain on the land of the just and unjust alike, remember this...God loves the unjust. God loves the unjust, just like he loved you when you were unjust..."for God so loved the world..."
Errant thoughts get trapped in our minds. God's word brings us back to the way things ought to be. Not being anxious for anything is one of those norms. Do you trust the hand of God enough to not be anxious.
It's like you could preach a whole sermon series on these two chapters!!!
The sermon on the Mount is a great place to start a journey of transformation. In it, Jesus presents the norms of the Kingdom of God. Blessed are those who mourn, are meek, are merciful, are persecuted. This is the way it should be.
There is an expansion of the law. For people who felt justified by keeping the law Jesus complicated it to prove a point. Formerly the law said not to murder, but I say don't be angry with your brother, say "Raca" or "you fool." and it's just as bad. It's not an invitation to write down more laws to keep, just proof that the law you think you've kept(and patted yourself on the back for) has never really been kept.
It's an invitation to a new way to look at the promises we make, retaliation, loving your enemies, giving, praying, fasting, and anxiety. Themes for this journey of life. It's meant to step on our toes and invite us into a different way of seeing and doing things. Like for example... if you wonder why it seems to rain on the land of the just and unjust alike, remember this...God loves the unjust. God loves the unjust, just like he loved you when you were unjust..."for God so loved the world..."
Errant thoughts get trapped in our minds. God's word brings us back to the way things ought to be. Not being anxious for anything is one of those norms. Do you trust the hand of God enough to not be anxious.
It's like you could preach a whole sermon series on these two chapters!!!
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