What do you ask for? What do you get the person who has everything? The thought reminds me of an Amy Grant Christmas song about a grown-up Christmas list. From memory, I might mess this up…
- no more lives torn apart
- wars would never start
- time would heal all hearts
- everyone have a friend
- right would always win
- love would never end
My grown-up Christmas list, vastly different from the circled entries in the JC Penney's toy catalog of my childhood. Expectations have moved for the benefit of another.
My requests are also rooted in the giver. My expectations are kept at an appropriate level. For some a card is the most they can do, for others the gift is a little more. God reminds us in the passage this morning that if we who are sinful "know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more will the heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him?" If the giver of every good thing was my source, what would be different?
If you knew the greatest gift giver of all, the one who could offer the greatest gifts imaginable…what would you ask for? Wool socks or lives changed by Christ! My hope this morning is that our prayer lives would reflect the greatest gift giver of all time. Our requests would be inline with the heart of our Father. That we would ask for impossible things, so that credit could go singularly to our Father in heaven. That we would witness and give testimony to the giver of all good gifts and rejoice with Him.
How has your grown-up Christmas list changed? How has your image of a good gift changed?
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