October 5th, Matthew 9-10
Your daily boat rocking, offered by Jesus...
1. Claiming to be able to forgive sin
2. Healing a paralyzed man
3. Hanging out with the wrong crowd
4. Wine/wineskins which is more important
5. "Don't worry, she's not dead, she's sleeping."
6. Jesus does a good thing for someone only to be accused of being demonic.
7. When Jesus sees the crowds, he has compassion. Too many Christians I know see the crowds and have contempt.
8. Jesus Mission trips. Once I thought about doing a mission trip like the one here in chapter 10:5-15. Raising $5/day/person, head out and minister to anyone who had ears. I couldn't talk people into doing anything that crazy.
9. The promise of persecution: I thought the promise was all blessings, all the time.
10. Be afraid...that's right...be very afraid. Be afraid of the one who can destroy both body and soul in hell. Otherwise...
11. Don't be afraid.
12. Jesus didn't come for peace.
13. A person's enemies will be members of their own household. Whoever loves a son/daughter/parent more than Jesus is not worthy of Jesus.
14. Whoever doesn't take his cross is not worthy. Be aware that when Jesus makes statements like this there are not 2000 years of theology to lessen the blow. The cross for these people is nothing more than an instrument of death and Jesus hasn't died on one yet for any of this to make sense.
15. Losers of life will find life and those who live every moment to get life will end up with gravel.
Jesus says unexpected things, almost constantly. It's like he's a revolutionary. I'm guessing he still is, if you want to get to know him...expect the unexpected.
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