October 13th, Matthew 26
A long chapter with a lot of story line and a lot of people, a lot of motives.
Chief priests, elders, High Priest: Plotting against Jesus
Woman with alabaster Jar of Perfume: A strange service of annointing
Indignant disciples: This is a waste, Jesus, "no it's not."
Judas: 30 pieces of silver is the value of a life
Homeowner of the Last Supper:
Betrayer: dips after Jesus, yet still tries to save face
Peter's bold prediction of never falling away
Jesus prediction, you will...soon
Garden: Men couldn't stay awake and pray
Jesus soul is grieved to the point of death...see above
Betrayed with a kiss
Ear cut off, Jesus mindful to fix it even though he knows what is about to happen. I wonder what happened to that guys life?
Caiphas and an illegal trial to prove a lawbreaker
False witnesses against God...interesting
Robe tearing, spitting, beating, slapping...who hit you Jesus, who hit you, your so smart, go ahead and tell us.
Peter's confrontation...Peter's failure not once...x3
Rooster crows...scene ends
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