October 10th, Matthew 20-21
It's hard to believe helicopter moms existed in Jesus day, but so it is. Zebedee's mom, "I want my sons to sit at your right and left hand in your kingdom." Anyone hungry for power...anyone...anyone!
But that's not the tripping part of the story, the part that makes me want to know more is the Q and A with Jesus. Jesus asks "Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?" The automatic assumption is no. You already know he's not fulfilling the request so when he asks a question like that you'd assume it's a no.
These sons say to Jesus, "We are able." The apple doesn't fall far from the tree I guess. So I'm thinking Jesus is going to scold them a little for their answer, but he doesn't. Jesus actually says, well you guys are right you will drink my cup, but the seating chart isn't up to me anyway.
I guess what seems funny to me is that these guys seemed to stumble upon the right answer, even living in complete unawareness about the Kingdom and that maybe Jesus would be placed next to His Father... There's something to me about their boldness in answering the question. It makes me wonder if Jesus was expecting a different answer(that's a whole different topic).
How many questions do I ask Jesus that are way off base. Thanks mom for not asking embarrassing questions for me!! In all I don't get about this story, there is one thing I do get, it's the boldness to say yes to Jesus, even when you don't know what your saying yes to. These boys and this mom are about to learn that being great in the kingdom is not about positions granted, it's about who would serve and give their life. Maybe these boys ended up on a cross too, I'm not sure. Ask Jesus questions, be bold, say yes. A little humility would be good too!!
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