June 4th, Job 11-13
As wrong as Job's friends are, as easy as it is to see, the truth is we have a theology about health and wealth that is frighteningly similar. Wealth is thought of as a sign of God's blessing over me. Wealth becomes part of the mission of our version of the Kingdom. If you love Jesus your crops won't fail and your goats won't die, your business will thrive, your kids will make the honor roll. If life is going well you must be "living right." If life's not going well, what are you doing wrong.
As with anything, there is some measure of truth to that. I think that God wants to bless his people. But it's not God's number one goal in our life. His number one goal is for us to worship Him and become like Him. To follow Him in His way of seeing and living life.
In Today's story Zophar speaks. His condemnation is worse than yesterday's friend. My paraphrased version of his accusation goes something like this...
"When people say a lot those words should be judged. All your words aren't going to silence me when you should be ashamed for the worthless stuff you say. You say your living right, but God's not fooled by you. God knows worthless people, sees their sin and does something about it. I'm not sure it's worth talking to you because a stupid man gets understanding when a donkey's baby is born a man."
Part of Job's response..."Oh that you would keep silent, and it would be your wisdom!" Better to keep silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. Also "Will you speak falsely for God and speak deceitfully for Him? ...Will it be well for you when he searches you out, or can you deceive Him, as one deceives a man?"
Good counsel is that you and I seek good counsel in the hard times of life. But part of that is sorting out what is and is not good counsel. Job certainly has his work cut out for him, grieving and sorting through all this bad advice. Let us learn how to avoid compounding each other's trouble!!
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