Saturday, June 29, 2013

Psalms 80-85 "American Restoration" ; A good start at seeing how God restores

June 29th, Psalms 80-85

       Many years ago I took on a summer project of restoring an old walnut table that came from my grandmother. It was the beginning of what I now understand in full measure...I am not too good with details. Sanding off varnish around the intricate lathe work on the legs was enough to drive me mad.
       Now when I think of restoration I think of the TV show American Restoration. Here's a good before and after sample...

       If you've ever watched the show you know that everything is restored. The externals are just the tip of the iceberg. Everything works as good as the day it came off the showroom floor, sometimes even better. Sandblasted to bare metal. Rusted, rotted pieces replaced, bearings found, motors taken care of, no stone is left unturned and he makes people pay for his excellent work. Restoration is costly business.
       Three times in Psalm 80 the same verse appears. "Restore us, O God; Let your face shine, that we may be saved." 
       My work at restoration is half-hearted at best. It's inspiring to witness the fruit of a guy whose deep love of his life is to bring something old, used, worn back to a brand new state. It's even more amazing to consider that we are God's workmanship. God doesn't cut corners. The sandblasting isn't pleasant, but it's part of the restoration.
       May the psalmist's request be ours today..."Restore us, O God; Let your face shine, that we might be saved."
       As I read through the Bible this time, I have noticed the repitition of things more than ever. In this case it's not that God need to hear it more than once, rather that we would be reminded of our need. "Restore us, O God; Let your face shine that we might be saved."

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