Monday, January 21, 2013

Ex 10-12 Hard Questions, Answers Anyone

January 21st, Exodus 10-12

       This passage represents some questions regarding God's will, hard hearts, and holding people accountable. These growing plagues upon the land of Egypt are a result of God hardening Pharaoh's heart. Plagues aside, here's the question...If my heart is hard because God made it hard, does he then judge me for having a hard heart? If God causes something, am I to be eternally condemned because of it?
       The other idea is that God is hardening Pharaoh's heart to create a situation that is a demonstration of His might. The world is about the glory of God and He can use various means for that to be expressed. The greater good of God's glory is a goal in this story, as is said "a remembrance for your children and grandchildren."  The death of all the firstborn, with God passing over his people because of their obedience to His instruction is something to be remembered for generations. Probably more humbling and awe inspiring than salvation from frogs, flies, or fleas(OK gnats, but fleas had the "f").
       Back on track... in talking about salvation with people we move towards discussion about responsibility. We're responsible for our sin so we need a savior. I agree with that, but it's stories like this with Pharaoh that make me wonder a little. Who are we to resist God's will? And if God hardens my heart, am I responsible?
       In the end I think I have a good answer, but just for fun and the sake of your musing, I'll hold that on this side of this post. Got any responses, I'd love to hear them.


  1. That is a tough question. It would seem that god is demonstrating his awesome power to change peoples hearts to his people in Egypt. But do we know how Pharaoh felt about his heart being changed? Maybe in the end he realized that God had changed him, maybe he sees the glory of it all and because of this he repents? maybe?

  2. God hardened Pharoah's heart because He said He did. but look at how hard it was before he hardened it. It was believed that a Pharoah was a god so there is some significant competition there. Hardening Pharoah's heart wasn't a difficult job. Applying this, how do I compete with God in my own life. Will God harden my heart when I do that.


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