An abbreviated timeline seems in order with the best saved for last. Of all the things read in Revelation there are certainly some things that come across pretty clear...
- The serpent, the devil, Satan is bound for a thousand years.
- Those martyred or those who did not worship the beast reigned with Christ during this time
- Satan released from prison, to come out and deceive the nations(this one always gets to me). How can you have God reign for 1,000 years and Satan be released and find a following?
- The Great white throne judgement. Any name not found in the book of life was thrown into the fire.
- New Heaven and New Earth
- New Jerusalem. For the great city witnessed by John check out 21:18-27
In the final chapter, a river bright as crystal and a fruit ree(not bonsai, I presume) that bears a different kind of fruit each month. "No longer will there be anything accursed, but the throne of God and of the lamb will be in it, and His servants will worship Him. They will see His face and His name will be on their foreheads. Night will be no more. They will need no light or lamp or sun, for the Lord will be their light and they will reign forever and ever."
The close of this whole journey is a great invitation... Come! Let that sink in for a bit...Come! You're invited. The Spirit and the bride say to you and I... Come, let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who desires take the water of life without price...
This whole story for an entire year has led us to this moment, a moment to gain that which God has been offering all along.
There are a lot of readers from a lot of places. Not knowing your background or your understanding of God, this has been the invitation all along. To Come, and find life, peace, and reconciliation with the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords and to dwell with Christ forever. Because of Christ's death on the cross our sins are forgiven. Our hearts being made new through repentance and the power of God.
If you want to know more about that e-mail me at For many these last three chapters are a great cause for celebration. "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!"