December 19th, Hebrews 7-10
As a kid I always enjoyed models. Most kids do, miniature versions of full sized models. Baby dolls, trucks, race cars are what toys are all about. To be honest, I'm sure it has something to do with my interest in Bonsai. Today's text in Hebrews is a lesson in models.
All of the details of the Tabernacle in the Old Testament are there because it's not just a random idea of God for construction. The priests served at a Sanctuary that is a copy of the one in heaven. Moses was warned to make everything according to the pattern. Hebrews talks about this as a shadow. A black outline that has the appearance of something, but unable to demonstrate a full view of details.
The law was also a shadow of the good things to come later. The same sacrifices repeated year after year were never good enough, otherwise they would have not needed to be offered again and again. They were just a shadow. The sacrifices in the OT were offered correctly as God asked. The second covenant was no longer a shadow, but the real deal. Now we are made Holy through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, once for all!
Christ came through a greater more worthy Tabernacle, that was not made of human hands. He didn't enter the shadow by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood for a better result, real redemption. Jesus moves the discussion beyond shadows and models and into reality. Christ is the mediator in the new covenant, far superior to the old.
A shadow becomes a 3-D, full color, live celebrations that's real and not just an idea. Living in what's real!
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