Friday, December 27, 2013

Revelation 4-8 Heads Up!

December 27th, Revelation 4-8 
Guest Blogger – Cheri  Hudspith – sister to Terry

These five chapters are chapters I have taken classes on. I’ve learned what various theologians believe about what these verses might mean. And I am grateful I have studied those things and may find myself doing so again. 

But today, I notice three things: worship, only Jesus will do and an invitation to trust.
I love all the worship that is expressed in these five chapters. I have found that on some days the very best choice has been to sit down and imagine this scene and participate in worship through speaking or singing the words, “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord God Almighty, who was and is and is to come.” My heart and mind have been changed by these words on many occasions. Worship is essential for having a kingdom perspective.

The next thing I notice is that it is obviously a momentous occasion that John is being given access to. What was it like for John to witness these things?  I caught for the first time that John weeps when he believes there is no one that can open the scroll. The events can’t move forward without one who is worthy to open the scroll. How many times have I been in a situation where I was convinced no one could solve the problem? No worries John, Jesus is worthy and available to open the scroll. The time has come. 

These words in Revelation provide an opportunity to trust God. What do they mean? What will this look like on earth? I have come to trust that these words given to us will all make sense when they need to make sense. I pray that if I am here on earth when Jesus opens the scrolls and the events foretold begin to unfold that I/we will be able to recognize them as the fulfillment of this vision. I want to be grateful for God’s big “heads up” on this rather than fearful about it.

What did you notice?  If you have the time, I’d love to hear your answer to that question in the comment section.

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