December 30th, Revelation 17-19
Reading through this text, all I could think about is power. For years I attempted to grasp at some of it. Because of some realities God has blessed me with I got over a lot of it. People are going to do what they are going to do and most situations are out of my control. Then there are glimpses into real power. Evil has a power. John witnessed her and said he marveled greatly.
Historically I think of people who had great power, in charge of much, making history, advancing kingdoms. These are the stories we hear about, the people we read about. The reality is that most people will live and die and if 100 people remember your name a decade after you die, that's probably pretty good.
We live in a culture of fame and world-wide audiences. We think on a more grand scale than out great-great grandparents ever thought. "Our daily bread"was a grand story of God's provision. It still is, but no one posts about it to Facebook.
These great things, obsession with power and importance will pass away. I find myself wondering a little bit. Being created in God's image means leadership, power and authority are part of the make-up of the world. What does heaven look like? All these things that happen here on earth...will they be no more? Jesus speaks about not having marriage in heaven. I can't imagine not living with Leah in heaven(I mean it's heaven now right!!) Maybe in a perfect world and the connection we'll feel with one another, even a great marriage will not be able to compare!?!?!?!
Chapter 19 is the beginning of this transition to our time in heaven. It rightfully starts with a magnification of God almighty and the invitation to supper and to worship Jesus
A white horse is about to break forth and the rider is called Faithful and True. I love the personification of these two ideas. The common phrase of our day is "Don't Judge Me." It's said with so much confidence. The rider of this horse, "Faithful and True," is said to judge in righteousness and make war. I imagine this judgement will come regardless of our request. Being judged now and understanding righteousness is better by far I'm sure.May it be so, may you find life in Jesus Christ, Faithful and True
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