December 26th, I Corinthians 9-11
See devotion I just wrote on Romans 14-16, then flip here and notice the title for chapter 9 in my Bible…wait for it…"Paul Surrenders His Rights."
Paul decides to preach the gospel free of charge here in Corinth. Gifts up what he claims as a right for the weak immature members of the congregation. The irony…9:19 "for though I am free from all, I have made myself a servant to all, that I might win more of them." to the Jews a Jew, to the weak as though weak, all things to all people because the gospel and winning people to Christ is more valuable than my rights.
It is a struggle for us here in America. We are taught at an early age about our right. The right to free speech, the right to arm bears, the right to a fair trial, on and on. Don't mess with my rights. Seldom do we ever hear about the idea that I could lay down my rights for the benefit of another… I wonder why?
For Paul, it's about the gospel. Figuring out how to know people well enough to shape this message so they can interact with it and by God's grace and will say yes. It's not a cookie cutter presentation, it has a heart for people, such that I would live another way so they could hear it. I would understand my teenager so they could get it, I would understand my neighbor, so I can speak to their heart and not my canned sermon I learned at Evangelism class.
I surrender for the glory of God and the gain of others
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