Thursday, December 26, 2013

Romans 14-16 Growing old, giving up, letting go... holding on to Jesus

December 26th,  Romans 14-16

        Sometimes we get things backwards.

Here's the command of God… those who are strong are supposed to surrender things in order to be a blessing to those who are weak.

Here's the observation from church life… those who are strong demand that the weak do it their way, with no regard whatsoever for the stumbling blocks being placed all over.

       If the weak are going to stumble it is the responsibility of the strong to give up something for the weakness of another member. If you are not willing to see things this way you are not walking in love. If it means I give up meat, wine, feelings about circumcision,order of service, carpet color, entrance design, etc… I will do so for the benefit of others. Gladly for the benefit of others. I have determined the valuable things like loving Jesus and come to grips with the non-essentials(almost everything else).

Growing old, giving up, letting go, holding on…to Jesus

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