John 15 ranks up there as one of my favorites. Some of it is because of the horticultural analogies, the idea of productivity and the realization of very important principles that get expressed.
"Apart from me you can do nothing." Vines produce fruit, vines have roots, if you want something of valuable to be produced in your life…look no further. It's a principle that goes to the core of wisdom.
Jesus Christ and our connection to HIm, is our source for strength, hope and fecundity.
fe·cun·di·ty (f
1. The quality or power of producing abundantly;
Word for the day…fecundity!! Word for life. A word that represents the whole of God's creation. A word that represents heartache when it's not being evidenced "Cut down that fruitless tree, why should it take up space in my vineyard."
Chapter 15 talks about pruning. Removing parts of a vine make it more fecundant. My grape vines try to produce a lot of leaves and more vine. I need them to produce more fruit. Fruit is small and weak when the vine is allowed to run it's course. I get more grape jelly, when the principles of God's world are adhered too. I get more out of life when the principles of God's word are adhered to.
Here's to life, here's to the author of it, here's to fecundity in Jesus name!!
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